Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 117: First Day of training

Title: First Day of training

Tsunade just looked at me with an unsure face but she relented and just said. "Ok… but don't waste too much time on the lake."

I just nodded and Hachi jumped up in happiness while screaming. "YEAHH."


Then after that we separated going towards our different destinations. Tsunade and Shizune went towards Konoha while me and Hachi went towards the lake nearby. 

While walking we talked about different things, mostly about ninjutsu and training. I noticed that Hachi was glad to have someone else to talk to now. He is family to me… I definitely don't know how to feel about that.

It is true that my mother in this world, Misune… I never truly saw her as family or anyone important to me. Since she birthed me in this world I will let her think of me as her son… that is my gift to her, ignorance is truly a bliss. I never understood, being grateful to someone. If someone risked his life for me, that I should risk it for them… that just isn't logical to me. If someone risked his life for me, I would feel grateful but I wouldn't do the same or necessarily, or even help him in any way if it doesn't benefit me. After all they chose to risk their life for me, I didn't ask for it.

Anyway while I think about my son, I can't help but contemplate if I should kill him now or when he becomes a genin, I will just make it look like a mission gone wrong. But… whenever I think about killing Hachi and seeing his dead body I feel displeased.

He might develop into my true weakness later… for the first time in quite a while I am unsure about the next step that I should take. He was truly an accident, I believe even Tsunade didn't kill him in the womb as soon as she noticed that she was pregnant, was because she thought that it might be Dan's baby. I never hold any naive thought that Tsunade would do it just so she can keep our baby because she loves me or anything like that. She can't see past our age difference… and she met me when I was young so she most likely sees me like a little brother… than a lover candidate.

I just look at Hachi with a smile on my face. 'Should I kill him or not, he is definitely someone who has a chance to develop into my true weakness…. I will decide that later, a decision like that needs to be planned and contemplated before I decide if I want to do it.'

-Hachi POV-

Yami really is cool, he knows so much about Water Jutsu but at the end he said. "But before that we will need to build a strong foundation of knowledge and strength, before you can start learning ninjutsu, because that will allow you to learn things of a higher level faster. That is why no one starts learning strong ninjutsu from the beginning. We will stay here for one week and during that time I will teach you to the best of my abilities."

The first thing he taught me was the transformation jutsu. Yami showed me the handsigns slowly and told me how the chakra should flow through them. I was able to learn the transformation pretty easily. Even though I would like to say that I learned it all by myself, that isn't true Yami made it possible. He would tell me when I was moving my chakra wrong, it was as if he could see my chakra. When I asked him about this, he just said that he was a sensor and the close range allowed him to sense chakra in a very detailed manner. 

He really is a great teacher. 

After I learned it, Yami just said for me to continue practicing more with the technique, then he went away somewhere.

When he did that, I practiced the technique for another twenty minutes and I got bored of it. So I just lied down at the side of the lake. I already learned the technique, why would Yami say that I study it again when I already learned it.

When it got dark he came back and saw that I wasn't practicing. He just frowned and said. "I see… that is disappointing."

I just looked at him with a questioning look. "What do you mean by that?"

Yami's face just went back to normal. He made a big white camping tent with the Inuzuka symbol on the front. Then he just invited me inside. When I entered I saw that it had two beds and a wooden dinner table for two people. The floor was hardened earth, probably some jutsu. Then I look up and see some strange lamp structures with a seal inside of them that makes light.

Then Yami pot his palm up and…


A pot of soup appeared in his hand. I see that he even has forks and all that. This definitely isn't how camping is supposed to be.

I didn't complain and just sat down on one of the chairs. Then Yami brought out the plates and he filled them with soup. Then in an uncomfortable silence as we ate. I couldn't wait anymore and asked Yami. "Uhhh Yami… you seem angry did I do something wrong."

Yami just looked at his plate with soup, and said. *sigh* "I don't think you should be a ninja Hachi."

When he said this I got a little angry and narrowed my eyes. "What is that supposed to mean… Yami."

Who is he to decide what I should or shouldn't be. I mean I learned the transformation jutsu in just a day. I think that is pretty good. After all, Shizune always said that I would learn these techniques when I am in the academy.

Yami just looked at me in the eye, and for the first time since I met him, he had a cold look in his eyes. "When I said that I will go away for a little hunting… I was actually watching you. You gave up only after twenty minutes of practicing. You have potential to be a strong ninja… but that is it… you don't have the drive or the will to really put your money where your mouth is."

I just looked at him with even more anger. What does this have to do with money… and what does the last part of what he said even mean, eating money… that is ridiculous. I just tried to keep down my anger and said. "What do you know… you have only known me for one day… plus I already learned the stupid transformation jutsu. What am I even supposed to practice anymore."

Yami's eyes again get that disappointed look in them when looking at me. "Listen Hachi… you were born lucky by being a Senju and having big chakra reserves with a pretty strong body. But if you don't have the will to train endlessly for hours, you will not become anything great and most likely die a meaningless death… just like most of the Senju clan did."


Then I angrily stormed out of the tent. Who does he think he is, insulting my Clan like that in front of my face. He should be thankful to the Senju… everyone should… they created Konoha. They all died for Konoha and it's people, they died an honorable death... forever remembered as heroes.

Out of anger I just ran into the forest. 

The Senju sacrificed their lives for generations for Konoha.... and this is the thanks they get…

A/N: Hachi is still only six years old so don't expect him to make great decisions or think things through a lot. Also what is Yami planning by saying that to Hachi. 

Also Hachi isn't Yami so don't expect him to always act like Yami.

P.S: I know Hachi might not seem likeable to everyone currently reading. But don't forget he is only SIX. Even Yami at that age.... ok Yami was a reborn person so not a great example...???

But in his first life Yami also wasn't anything beyond a little devious and scheming at that age. Though he already had that cold perspective on things even back then. But as I already said Hachi isn't Yami... they are two different people.


(I have a video of a journalist criticising hent*i watching people, but it was discovered that he himself watched Hent*i)????

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