Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 118: The inevitable training montage...

Title: The inevitable training montage...

-Yami POV-

I just see Hachi, my son run out of the tent. As expected, he got offended way too quickly. But I guess it should be expected of a six year old. Though he will still learn his lessons, that is my job as a father after all. 

Then I just stealthily followed him as he was running. Well trauma is the best teacher in my opinion, that is how I learned most of the important lessons.

Then as Hachi was running, when he ran quite far away and was a little out of breath, a big brown snake I had under a genjutsu, the snake was as thick as a tree and as long as a two story house. The big snake was hiding in the mud when Hachi ran past it and didn't notice that it was there. The snake under my genjutsu immediately…


The snake prowled towards Hachi.

"Ahhhh." Screamed Hachi as the snake slithered and wrapped its body around Hachi and started using force on its grip that it had around his body. His bones started cracking a bit as Hachi just 

screamed even louder. "AHHHH HELP."



I appeared behind the snake and…


I just slapped the head of the snake and the head...


Exploded like a watermelon. The snake body without a head loosened his grip and Hachi fell on the ground with a traumatised look on his face. He also seems to be breathing heavily and taking deep breaths. 

I just looked at him coldly with my eyes shining as the full moon behind me. With Hachi looking at me with a terrified look on his face while I continued saying. "The world doesn't consider anyone special. Just because you were born into the Senju there is no stopping you dying from something like, slipping on a banana peel and breaking your neck. You are not special, no one is and everyone can be killed. Take that lesson to heart… Hachi."

Then I start walking away towards the tent leaving Hachi behind. As I was walking I just continued saying with a cold voice. "Everyone can have a little luck and be born in a good clan. But they all die the same when a kunai is stabbed in their skulls. Even a Kage can be killed by a kunai. So if you don't want to die by some wolf or some other animals… follow me back to the tent. Remember you chose to be trained by me so don't start complaining now."


When we return to my tent we go inside and sit down on the table again. We didn't talk at all, he still had a horrified look on his face, kind of disappointed that he hasn't already adapted to it or suppressed his feelings to make himself calm down. I wonder if he will be able to use wood style in the future. I am definitely experimenting on him and deleting his memories. After all when I impregnated Tsunade I had Hashirama Cells in me plus Tsunade being a Senju it would definitely help. 


-One Week Later-

Finally he is how I wanted him to be.

I am just sitting on a tree branch watching Hachi walk on water while fighting one of Water Clones. He is doing pretty good for himself. True a water clone has 5-10% of my power and it is mostly used as a distraction or trap by most ninja due to the liquid properties of the water, when the clone it is stabbed it has a sensation kind of like the same as stabbing a human, use it with some genjutsu to make the water that flows from the clone red like blood and then you have a pretty realistic distraction.

Even though the water clone is pretty weak in a fight, your everyday Chunin would have a hard time fighting against my water clone.

Then I look into the fight and analyse it.

Hachi makes some water clones for himself using the water of the lake he is standing on. He makes 10 water clones and I can sense his chakra levels plummet to around 20% left. He has Genin chakra amount, pretty good for a six year old. But I must say, wasting your chakra making water clones is quite dumb. Though I am a little pleased that he can do the water clone jutsu with just one handsing. But he still should have used all of the handsigns of the jutsu so he can lessen the chakra needed for it. 

And then Hachi and his water clones run towards mine, and I notice one of his clones go underwater. My clone has a calm look on his face and just kicked two of Hachi's clones obliterating them. Then Hachi together with all of his clones jumped towards my clone trying to beat him with numbers. Then suddenly Hachi…


Replaced himself with a water clone that he had underwater and tried to grab my clone by his ankles.  But my clone dodged that by jumping up, but Hachi just smiled at this and threw a kunai towards the clone. The clone just takes out his own kunai to deflect and…


He deflects it but hidden… in the shadow of the first kunai was a second one, my clone's eyes widened a little but still my clone had around 5% of my speed and perception so that was enough for him to also deflect the other kunai too. And as the clone is about to fall back one the ground all of Hachi's water clones attacked my clone, but my clone landed back on water and the other water clones tried to hit him but he just dodged and…


With a slash of his kunai he 'killed' all of the clones. But suddenly from underwater…

<Water Style: Water Ball>


A water giant ball jumped from underwater and hit my clone shredding him apart… dispelling it. Hachi just slowly came above water he didn't use water walking but he just floated above water breathing heavily… I sensed that his chakra was almost all exhausted bordering on chakra exhaustion. He couldn't even use water walking anymore.

I could see it now… the look that Hachi had when he fought. That cold calculating hidden in his eyes… as expected from my son. Though it is kind of disappointing that he is only like that during fighting, out of combat he is just goofy as hell. I guess he still is a Senju no matter how much he is my son, but being goofy isn't a problem as long as it's not during combat. But he is my son, not my clone, so we being different is inevitable. But he would probably be terrible for Anbu or Spy missions.

I just sigh and then go towards Hachi, I walk on the lake and when I arrive close to Hachi… and.. he is sleeping. I just smile a little and carry him piggyback. During this week I have taught him how to fight opponents stronger than him and how to perfectly use the basic three techniques that are learned in the academy. He has a certain bull headedness that allows him to train a lot to achieve his goals and since the snake incident he… has a goal to surpass all of the Senju in history. That is honestly a good goal, but he doesn't have even the slightest comprehension on why Hashirama was called the God of Shinobi. True that Hiruzen is also called that but comparing Hirazen with Hashirama is like comparing a mouse to a dragon. Most likely Hachi will try to surpass Hiruzen since he will think that he is around the same strength as Hashirama, or maybe just a little below it, but still around somewhere there. 

I just sigh and…



In a dark flash, the scenery in front of me changes as I am back to Konoha. I just make a shadow clone without having the need to use handsigns, I overcame that hurdle a long time ago. The clone takes Hachi of me and he…


… goes away… he will take Hachi to one of my clinics to rest. I have another problem to take care of. 

I just take a deep breath and…

My senses expanded… finally I locked in who I wanted to find… Tsunade… and since this is Konoha I have Hiraishin markers all around the village. 


I just appeared at the Senju Clan compound, more specifically I was at one of their hot springs.

Well when in rome… I just got rid of all my clothes, tied a towel around my midsection and went towards the hot spring where Tsunade was. It seemed like she was all alone in here. I entered the hot spring and watched Tsunade relaxing in there, all by herself. I just sigh at this, she looked towards me with a calm look, she already knew I was here, I didn't try to hide my presence at all. 

I also had a calm look on my face and just said. "Well hello there Tsunade -sensei."

A/N: (1550 words without AN.)

Even with the sharingan you can't learn to be a good parent. -Yami

P.S: In his own way Yami is trying to be a father to Hachi. Hachi will also never really catch up with the MC... he can't even keep up with Yami's growth....

P.P.S: Hachi might seem a little strong now. But in reality he is weaker than a chunin. Yami's training was optimized perfectly for him. Yami's water clone which only had 5% of his stats also didn't use any Jutsu and the water clone also wasn't going for the kill. Hachi just used a lot of underhanded methods to win. That was what Yami was trying to teach him. In reality the Clone didn't go all out so it was more as a high level genin in fighting power. Also Yami is a Godly techer, with his sharingan and medical knowledge plus with training Guy he can scedule a perfect training method as long as he is around.

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