Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 116: Meeting of son and father...

Title: Meeting of son and father...


-General POV-

Yami was rushing towards the location without stopping, running at speeds that created sonic booms behind him. As if even sound was trying to catch up to him.

He couldn't help but think. 'How stupid of me to not have some mosquitoes spy on Tsunade. DAMN IT… I was so concentrated on infiltrating the five Great Ninja Villages that I honestly didn't even think about Tsunade at all. Back then when I came inside her, I forgot to use a contraceptive jutsu, I was too excited to think about that. I just thought that Tsunade would use it once she noticed what we did… just how fu*king stupid is she… DAMN IT...


In only nine seconds he had arrived at his destination. It was a dirt road surrounded by green forests. Though the road did have some carriage tracks. 

Yami just turned off his Sage mode and went back to normal.

Both Hachi and Shizune have surprised looks on their faces, they were shocked that he appeared out of nowhere. 

Tsunade looked at him with wide eyes filled with shock and surprise. After a split second her ninja training comes to play and he calmed down. Still though Tsunade had a conflicted and despairing feeling in her stomach as she saw  Yami just looking as Hachi with calm but he had such a hard and concentrated look on his face that she has never seen him have. 

Yami then calmly looked at Tsunade. "Hello there Tsunade."

He didn't address her as sensei but that wasn't what Tsunde concentrated on. What caught her attention was that even though he said that in a normal voice and with no expression on his face… Tsunade could tell by his demeanor that Yami was angry. The way that his eyes moved was in an instinctual way of expressing anger. Yami could always hide this little instinct, him expressing it like this meant that he was REALLY angry.

But Tsunade with a calm look on her face and an even calmer voice said. "We should catch up… when we go back to Konoha."

As she said that, Yami understood the true meaning of her words… it was… 'Not here in front of them. We will talk back in Konoha.'

Yami looked calm as always, then he just nodded and said. "Right…"

He forced himself to calm down and he did what he is good at… he just bottled up his emotions. Then he turned towards the kids and smiled. "Hey there kids my name is Yami Inuzuka. Tsunade's ex student, nice to meet you."

Shizune seemed a little shy at this, but Hachi had no problem as he replied with a smile on his face. "Hi my name is Hachi Senju. Do you know any water style jutsu."

Yami still had a smile on his face. "Of course I know quite a bit of them. If you need any help just come ask me. Why is your elemental affinity water? Or is it just because you like water ninjutsu? Or maybe you want to be like Tobirama Senju? Also are you hungry, I usually keep food in storage scrolls. I cooked it myself. It's pretty good. I have anything you want from eggs to steak, just ask for any food and I could go back to Konoha and get it for you…"

As Yami continued rambling on. Tsunade just cleared her throat and Yami immediately stopped. Tsunade was surprised seeing Yami like this, after all she has never seen him act like that. He always seems like he is in control.

The six year old Hachi just looks at Yami questionably and asks. "Wait, if I want some food from Konoha you would be able to get it. How would you do that."

Yami just smiled and took out a kunai from his kunai pouch. The kunai looked normal except that it had an encryption with strange seals in the form of a flower or something like that. "This is the Hiraishin Seal… it allows the user to teleport to places he has marked."

Hachi's face just brightened with stars in his eyes. "That is so cool! You must be the fastest ninja then. So that means that we also don't have to travel. Also would you be able to take us to Konoha immediately."

Yami just laughed a little. "Ahahaha I am not actually good enough at it, to be able to teleport people together with me."

Hachi just sighs. "That must really be nice then. Not having to walk anywhere."

Yami just smiled. "Yeah it really is convenient."

-Yami POV-

I just looked at my own kid… Hachi… someone created by me. My soul created his… he was not supposed to exist. His existence is proof of how easy it is to mess with the canon timeline. I have been trying… well more like I have been guiding the events to have some general direction that I can predict. Knowing the future is my extreme advantage that I have. If I didn't have this future knowledge I would just open up a shop as a civilian and use an absurd amount of money to hire a Chunin or Jounin rank ninja to teach me chakra and things like that. 

While looking at Hachi I can't help but see the resemblance he has to me. The only things he really has from Tsunade's side is the feminine look.

When I finally calm down my different emotions like panic, uncertainty, familiarity and think like that I can finally think clearly and analyse myself. 

"Anyway Yami -sensei, what kind of cool techniques will you teach me. Mom doesn't teach me anything except some tree walking and leaf sticking exercises." Says Hachi, frowning while saying the last part.

I just looked at him with a smile still on my face. "You don't have to call me sensei… that just makes me sound old. Anyway you should definitely concentrate on your water ninjutsu at the start. You don't want to start expanding your jutsu repertoire at such an under developed age. You need to grow your chakra first and then start learning ninjutsu. So your mother only teaching you those exercises is a very good start."

Hachi just looked a little down when I said that. "But it is all so boring."

I just laughed at him. "Hahahah… you need to start crawling before you can start running Hachi. But… I still have a more exciting technique that I can teach you. Anyway I know a lake close by that is, a good place as any to learn water ninjutsu."

I notice Tsunade frown a little and say. "We are still going towards Konoha and at the pace we are going at will take at least another say to arrive at our destination."

This b*tch… does she have a death wish or something. 

I just turned towards her. "Well you and Shizune could go at a faster pace like ninja while me and Hachi separate from you and we visit the lake. He could learn a lot there with the high amount of water helping him use ninjutsu easier and learn them faster…"

Even though I said that with a smile on my face. Tsunade saw the look in my eyes… 

A/N: I deleted and rewrote this chapter so many times. I wanted to portray a nervous, excited Yami, now he had a son, a true family.... but he also knows how this world is.

His cold and calculating thought process is telling him something dark while his emotions are telling him that he should still be a good dad to Hachi even if he could grow up to be his adversary due to how the mentality of this world is. If he grows up to go against him then he will kill Hachi then, but that is also a risk. He is currently in a conflict on how he should feel… or even how he should act as a father really. Yami doesn't do evil things just to be evil… he had a reason and a motive. 

But he still knows that there are people like Itachi who would massacre his family for the village. He also knows that even Kaguya got betrayed by her sons.

P.S: Yami also lied at not being able to use Hiraishin to teleport together with other people. But why?

P.P.S: 20 Chapters in advance on patreòn.

P.P.P.S: Yami won't suddenly just become a nice guy... nor will he care for Hachi. It later depends how this situation develops.

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