Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 115: My son...

Title: My son...


-General POV-

In his lab under his own house, the lab is well lit and it has different human bodies in glass containers full of some strange green liquid, but Yami was just looking through a small glass canister as big as his hand… which had two pupiless white eyes… the Byakugan. He has got it, but he is planning on how to incorporate it into his body so it doesn't disrupt the sharingan. Obviously fusion of the Sharingan and Byakugan is impossible because that is not how biology works. Even in a world where chakra exists. 

Yami then analyses his forehead planning to have another set of eyes put in there. But he will have to connect it with his brain  for him to be able to truly see. But that is a very dangerous procedure that could even lead to memory loss. Yami will first learn a way to separate the soul from the body in that way he will be his true self and won't lose memories. He could just make a shadow clone and have him take all of his memories out, do the surgery and put the memories back. But Yami knows that after that it won't be him anymore… it will just be a clone of him with the same memories as him. Yami is someone who strives to be himself, never letting even a whole new world change him. Doing that would mean that it would be the same as having an identical clone. No one would notice but… he himself would cease to exist. After all he doesn't want his clone to be like him… he wants to be himself.

While thinking of solutions about this he can't help but come to one conclusion. Living Corpse Reincarnation… obviously he isn't planning on leaving his powerful body that he has right now. His  body is immortal now, so he will just use the Living Corpse Reincarnation method to immortalise his mind. But that method is forbidden to all no matter what rank, he would have to go steal it but… there is a high chance he would be caught. 

'Better wait till I become Hokage, I can have any technique I want and no one will question me.' Thinks Yami with a slightly dark smile on his face.


While on another place travelling towards Konoha is Hachi, Tsunade and a nine year old Shizune. They are walking at a normal pace, Tsunade told them that there is no rush and they can take it slow.

Hachi had a smile on his face as he was happy. He had just mastered the tree walking exercise. Even Tsunade was a little surprised at this, after all the tree walking exercise needs good chakra control but it also needs the strength of a Genin to support the weight and all that. She was surprised that he was this strong physically.

And even though she wasn't drunk at all… she felt happy, seeing Hachi jumping around and being so energetic was funny in its own way. She also couldn't help but compare Hachi to a younger Yami. Yami was eight years old when he became her student. He always has a certain brilliance in him… and those eyes… that hunger for always wanting more. Back then he was like a second Orochimaru but nicer and actually cared for other people.

She can't help but smile a little at those memories. Yami always was a good student and a hard worker, though he did have that mischievous side of him, he was serious most of the time. That might have been because she spent time with Yami when he was training. Even though Tsunade is nervous to meet Yami, she also can't help but feel a little melancholy when thinking about her only student who is alive.

While Tsunade is thinking this, suddenly Hachi hugs her.

"Hey mom c'mon teach me something else I am already bored out of my mind." Said Hachi with puppy eyes.

Tsunade just sighs and takes out a small storage scroll from between her breasts. Then she opens it and puts a finger on it. 


Then a small paper appeared out of it. Then Tsunade gave Hachi the paper.

"Run chakra through this. It will show your elemental affinity and which jutsu you should concentrate on learning."

Hach enthusiastically nods and takes the paper. Then he runs chakra through it. Tsunade and Shizune look at it with a little curiosity. Though Tsunade doesn't show hers outwardly, but, she still wanted to know. She had never really been a good mother to Hachi… she knows that. When she looked at him she always saw Yami's eyes staring back at her. 

When she noticed where her thoughts were going Tsunade just frowned a little. While she thought. 'This is why I don't like being sober for long periods of time… well it hasn't even been a day since I was sober… but it's already a day too much. I know I am not a good mother, I know what I did to my student, I know that I am a horrible human being. But…'

She looked at Hachi's paper that he was running chakra through. Tsunade was waiting to see her son's affinity. Would it be the same as his father's, after all he looks a lot like Yami, sometimes even acts like him during certain situations. But the paper just got a little wet… he had water affinity… 

Tsunde just looked at it, and thought. 'What  am I doing… he isn't Yami… he is just a child… maybe I really should stop drinking and start acting like a mother… I hope it isn't too late though…'

Tsunade smiles at Hachi. Which surprised him a little since his mother rarely smiled at him. 

"Your elemental affinity is water, just like the Second Hokage your great grand uncle. When we return to Konoha we can gain access to the water jutsu left by Tobirama. The Senju library has a lot of them all the way up to the S Rank Ninjutsu. Though you might have it harder to learn Fire ninjutsu, it doesn't really matter that much. Better be good at one thing than mediocre at a lot of things."

When Hachi heard this he smiled. "Yeah and I am going to make water dragons and all that. I will surpass even Tobirama and become THE GREATEST WATER STYLE USER THAT EVER LIVED."

Tsunade just smiled at him, when she saw Hachi saying that. She just went towards him and hugged him.

What they didn't see though was a mosquito just looking at them. As soon as it saw this it immediately sent the information to its queen.


In another place on the Blood Swamp the Mosquito Sage was just meditating inside the bloody swamp water. When it opened its eyes she processed the information that she got.

'Should I tell Yami about this… or not.' She contemplated on her next action. But as soon as that thought came it immediately went away. She knew Yami pretty good, better than all of the other Blood Swamp creatures, since she was the one who taught him how to gather and train Sage Chakra.

'He would probably torture me to insanity while the other creatures watch… just so he can make an example out of it… yeah better tell him then.' Though the Mosquito Sage with a little fear on her heart.

Yami was eating with his mother and Tsume when a mosquito flew in. And landed on his finger. Then he just saw what the mosquitoes saw… Tsunade with Shizune and… a child… with black hair and black pupiless eyes.

'WHHHAAAAAATTTTT'. Thought Yami with his thoughts in confusion. Immediately when he saw that he understood what was happening.


In a dark flash Yami appeared outside of Konoha. Then… his skin turned red, his black hair lengthened it became spiky and it went up to his lower back. Under his eyes black markings had appeared. 


Tsunde was eight kilometers north. He didn't have any Hiraishin markings there so he couldn't teleport. 


A crater was created as he used all of his strength to kick off the ground. Running towards his destination…

His speed created sonic booms… 

While doing this he couldn't help but think…  'That is my child.'

For the first time... Yami's mind was.... in shock....

A/N: Yami is a little panicked... something that he simply dismissed has come back to haunt him. Just because he couldn't keep it in his pants and he let his lust for Tsunade effect his plan.

P.S: Always wear a CONDOM my bros...

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