Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 114: The Dangerous BOY...

Title: The Dangerous BOY...

-Hiruzen POV-

It has been one week since that day. I still can't get the image of my dying friend out of my head. In my own mind I have killed and cursed Yami Inuzuka countless times, but in reality I didn't dare to act, we are dangerously close to another ninja war. I should try to negotiate with the other Great Hidden Villages.  I know that another war wouldn't accomplish anything… only more death and destruction. Weakening us all, during these times there would always be Danzo whispering about going to war and Konoha making the first move. I would never listen to him, even though he was smart Danzo wasn't too good at strategic battles. He would consider the option of sacrifice way too easily. 

I knew that letting Danzo pick on Yami would be dangerous. I don't know what was going on between them but they definitely had a deal going on. It seems like Danzo was on to something and decided like usual to try and use force against Yami by ruining his clan's shop and other establishments owned by him. It seemed like that was the wrong move both from Danzo when he reacted like that and my part where I didn't stop him.

Sometimes I even wonder if I have truly been sitting in this chair for too long. Everyone seems unsatisfied... not just the other great villages… even Konoha is craving for war. Are they all mad?... didn't they learn from the 2nd Ninja War that fighting will only lead to our mutual destruction and weakening.

And Yami Inuzuka that BOY... doesn't he understand how much he will weaken Konoha with the last stunt he pulled. He had a mother, sister figure and his whole clan in here. Why can't someone smart like him comprehend something like this. He took such a major risk for such a useless thing. His mind truly doesn't have the maturity needed to understand things like this. He obviously doesn't listen to me… oh he does follow my orders but he doesn't truly listen to them. He is an S Class ninja, he needs to understand that his actions have consequences.

He also has my son Asuma in his team. The Sarutobi elders agreed to this, my influence and power as a Hokage has been slipping away, and no matter how, even though Yami doesn't say anything… if people looked deeper into it… they will understand that he is just simply saying to my face that he will kill Asuma if I do something stupid. Accidents do happen and if Asuma died he wouldn't even be blamed for it. During these times we need to be united… not squabble amongst ourselves.

I only know one person Yami will truly listen… it seems like with the war just seeming around the corner I will need to prepare. I will need Jiraya back here. Minato also needs to be here… and also… Tsunade will need to come back from her grieving, Konoha needs her now more than ever.


-Shizune POV-

I look at young Hachi trying to do the tree walking exercise… he is such a good kid and so cute. I look at his cute little face concentrating. He is so cute… and he is only six… though technically I am not a lot older than him… but I use transformation jutsu most of the time to seem older. After all if I want to buy something if they see that I am a kid they wouldn't take me seriously… I am nine and all that... and technically I am older than Hachi by just three years but that doesn't matter. I am still his aunt.

I see Hachi just looks at me while saying. "By the way Shizune… you aren't really growing a lot recently. I have almost caught up to your height."

I just smile because I mustn't be angry at my own nephew… but inside my heart I can't help but curse those abnormal Senjus… he can already beat me at raw strength and his chakra reserves were always bigger than mine and the distance just keeps getting bigger. No wonder the Senju were the strongest clan in the Clan Warring Era.


Hachi falls down from the tree again but before landing he does a backflip and lands on his feet. He then turned towards me, smiled and gave me a thumbs up while saying. "That was cool when I did that right."

I just sigh a little and say to him. "You have been trying this for a whole day and you still haven't got it down… how do you plan to become a medic ninja or learn cool ninjutsu with bad chakra control."

Though that is mostly because he has high chakra reserves for someone his age and he has already gotten up half of the tree. But there is no way I am telling him that.

Then Hachi suddenly asks. "Has mother woken up yet."

I just think a little and say. "Don't worry she just drank too much yesterday night so she will be sleeping a little more."

I just look at his face and see the worry in his eyes. He truly is a loving child, even though Tsunade doesn't necessarily pay him attention to Hachi like any other mother would… he still loves her with all of his heart. Even though I never expressed it… I am disappointed in Tsunade… Hachi is the proof of love between uncle Dan and her. So why does she ignore him so much. I have noticed that sometimes she even goes out of her way to not look him in the eyes. Hachi doesn't say anything and acts happy all the time but I know that deep down he is sad and hurting.

Then suddenly Hachi's face brightened as he looked towards the side of the forest where our camp. Is… even though he isn't a natural sensor, Hachi has good hearing, eyesight and especially good smell.

I look towards where he is looking and see Tsunade. She still seems a little sleepy. She has a small note in her hands and then she says. "There are worries over the raise of skirmishes around the border and Konoha has called me back."

Then Tsunade has a conflicted look on her face, like she seems unsure of something. Finally she just sighs and says. "You will also be coming with me."

Hachi just smiled and pumped his fist on the air as he said. "Yes I am going to join the ninja academy."

I just looked at Hachi's excited face and thought that since I already have the power of a Genin I will just return to Konoha and immediately graduate.

But why is Tsunade just looking at Hachi with a worried expression on her face. Is something wrong…


-Yami POV-

I am sitting on my chair in my personal office in the Clan Heads house.  I just look at the paper in front of me. It was all of the reports that the mosquitoes have relayed to me, it was written by the mosquito sage. Those little intelligent guys truly are great spies and they are literally spread all around the five great nation's capitals and hidden villages. I have the best spy network… I will soon spread them in major cities and all that. Soon I will have information that no other spy networks could hope to achieve… I will have everything under control.

Time until the third ninja war starts… in eight months...





A/N: Yeah the fated meeting between Yami and  Hachi will be happening soon.

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