Chapter 6: Where One Belongs
I didn't know what to expect now that I was within the Division. I had already stumbled my way into staying in the wrong Willow branch. Compared to the original story, I was healthier than the cannon Orion. Which allowed me to be included in discussions, seen as more then Lise's sickly brother.
A nurse had come to check on me not long after Lise set out for the day. I guess I had been made an added chore for the girl. She changed by shoulder wrap; the sting of the balm wasn't as severe as the day before. She seemed less concerned as she left this time, shyly smiling at me on her way out. I didn't have to worry about feeling lonely it seemed. The young boy from the day before, was next to knock on my door breakfast in hand. He seemed a bit intimidated now that I was just me without Lise.
I'd be the first to admit, even in my last life I was considered cold and unapproachable. Now I had a good face at least. Or does being handsome only make my anti social aura harder to deal with? The boy hovered in the doorway after he handed the platter to me. I set the breakfast down at the table. Whoever had made up my meal had been generous with portions. I motioned at him to come in, setting a place for him. I only needed to place a hearty portion on the plate to finally tempt the kid into relaxing and coming to join me. He sat down and eagerly began scarfing down the food. Though I'd convinced the kid to join me for my meal, he still proved cautious. Speaking only to ask if he could take something before eating it. I assumed he was to take me somewhere after the meal, or else he surely wouldn't have stuck around. Even with the temptation of second breakfast. After I had my fill and the kid had the rest, he finally spoke up.
"Sir Reign asked to see you in his office. If your ready to go, I can take you there," the boy said while whipping food off his face.
I couldn't help smiling at the kids still messy face, "Of course. And you missed a spot."
He took the fresh tissue I held out to him, an embarrassed frown on his face. After a few more vigorous rubs he got up, energetically rushing towards the door. I tried holding my chuckle as I got up to follow him. As expected, leaving the guest area, and returning to the mountain peak was no less confusing the second time. I nearly lost the small boy a few times as he nimbly took the many twists of the winding path. He warmed up to me a bit, after seeing my helpless sense of direction. Grabbing hold of my sleeve to keep me from straying again.
Like a pet on a walk, I was finally led again to the main office. The boy let out a relieved huff letting me go and knocking on the door. Within a voice said something I couldn't catch. The boy opened the door and nearly pushed me in. As if he was worried, I'd find a way to get turned around otherwise. The door was shut swiftly behind me.
Reign looked up at me from his desk. A welcoming smile beamed out in an instant. As he beckoned me to come sit in the chair set in front of him. The unnerving feeling like I had just stepped into a second interview without preparing settled over me. I sat down trying to stop myself from sweating, with Reign's undivided attention on me.
"Thank You for joining me so early," Reign's smile felt with a spell that made his words feel sweet and genuine.
"I was hoping I could have a proper talk with you. Now that you've had some time to rest. May I ask how your stay with us has been so far?" His eyes held some sort of eagerness, he was warming up to something.
I tried to keep my own curiosity at bay as I responded, "Your Division has been more then generous to me. My sister also seems to be quite happy having found a place here." Keeping my response short seemed a good idea. Reign clearly has more to ask already sitting on the edge of his tongue, as he listened.
"That's good. Would you mind if I ask your opinions on our organization overall then. What we do here isn't well known to most folk after all. Do you have any idea what we do here?" His hands fidgeted with the edge of the parchment in front of him as he spoke.
This question was harder to answer. As a reader of course I was well versed with the Division's work. Even the independent branches I was fairly aware of. The heroines branch Akava was the one I was most familiar with, since it was the base of her operations. The regular person of this world though doesn't seem to know much. Just that the Division has impressive resources, nothing more. It seemed Reign was more then willing to let me collect my thoughts, even looking away to relive any pressure his eyes might cause me.
"It seems… That you help people? At least, that's what you've shown me." I hoped this answer would be enough of a response. Reign's eyes returned to me; his smile softening. Seeming relieved after my answer.
"My friend, you have the root of it. The Division at its core, was designed to assist the people of this world. In anyway we are able. We study medicine, war, and peace in equal measure. Our archives are the oldest, yet the most well preserved- I'll try not to boast much more then that."
He laughs as he relaxes a bit more in his chair. His pride in not only his part but the whole of the Division is clear. Though the Division has many trees in its forest, its Willow sect acts as it's heart. All knowledge was stored in the 4-mountain peaked rage. It was the strongest in terms of its natural defences and those chosen to guard it.
Reign asks next for me to tell him what happened on my journey here. Admitting when the animals arrived without the carriage or me, most had assumed a tragedy. The hawk in charge of leading me had arrived to the mountain desperate to get help. When a small party had followed it back to the location of the robbery. The fading light made it hard to discern much but drying blood. I was relived when he admitted that I had barley made it to the base of the mountain a moment before, they called in Lise to tell her the news.
I took my time explaining, trying at first to downplay the robbery and how I had gotten my injury. The bandits after all hadn't been more then an annoying inconvenience. Despite my intentions, it seemed like Reign was skilled at reading between the lines. Asking about anything I tried to glaze over. In the end he had somehow gotten every detail out of me. Reign seemed more then content after my explanation. Even agreeing to not share the struggles of my story with Lise needlessly. He stood then suddenly eager to bring up the topic he had been patiently waiting to address.
"I admit I was remiss, when your sister was recruited by Akava so swiftly. I cannot deny that your timing, was very much in my favour. Your injuries were just slight enough to give me an excuse to keep you within my own branch. The anticipation of your explanation was worth the wait. You seem to be a capable young man, perhaps more then you realise. This might be my selfishness as the leader Pathosmet, but before any of my colleagues are able to. I would like to request your admittance into my branch."
Reign had begun pacing slightly from behind his desk. He seemed to intentionally turn his back to me as he made his request. I was thankful he had given me the privacy to react. I could feel my eyes bulge at his shocking demand. Demand? Request? Was there a difference??
Pathosmet was in simple terms the explorer branch of the Division. If this was a D&D campaign all parties would no doubt be formed or hired from this branch. The original Orion had never been officially scouted by the Akava branch but had been allowed to stay there more for his sister's sake. I could feel my precious peace fading ever further from my grasp.
Joining a different branch of the Willow Division wasn't a bad idea. It would give me enough distance from Lise to maybe keep me from getting in her story's way. While still being close enough to provide her with any brotherly support when she may need. This wouldn't be completely unknown territory. One of Lise's main love interests was in this branch after all. -a reliable and quick-witted rogue, who would provide the street smarts the rest of the sheltered youths would desperately need- Besides I had read more then enough books and played enough RPG's to probably be of use here. The side quests were my favorite part of most games! I could see no reason to go against it, if this was the way the plot wanted to go.
"If I can payback even a bit of your Division's goodwill, I am willing. So, if you think I can be of use here. I will try and live up to your expectations. Please be patient with me."
Trying to sound cool about the offer, it feels like I've just been cast for a part I don't suit. Reign turns to me, an almost fatherly pride upon his face. I realise Lise's adorable round face won't be the only danger to my peace. If the division has more people even a fraction as handsome as their leader, I will be doomed.