Chapter 5: The Willow Division
I wasn't sure exactly what to expect when I went up to the guards. The plot fairies must have not wanted to waste much time, for the two young men only briefly glanced at me before leading me further into their headquarters. The ornately carved rock seemed to be woven around the other materials that made up the buildings. Wood, brick, tile, and stone; a village carved in and around the mountain peaks. It felt like I was walking into a sacred place I shouldn't be allowed inside. The price of the scenery was the long walk up the main entry stairway. I know this new body of mine should be more then capable of the trek. Even with a few new injuries. My heart still screamed out for the hidden easier paths, I knew the Division must have for their carts and horses. I was glad for the guard that led me up as the stairs branched off at points heading deeper in the mountain, where homes and faction buildings lay.
I know the inner hearts of the division lay at the highest points of the mountain keep. I still was unprepared for the way my heart leapt out of my chest, as the closed in stair path suddenly opened to a massive entrance overlooking even the clouds. The air this high was crisp, the solid waist high walls the only thing separating me from the sky. At least they have barriers, all these steep edges were sending shivers down my spine.
"Brother! You're here, you made it!" a cheerful voice called out.
Somehow, I could tell the call could only be directed at me, as I turned to face a young girl running full speed in my direction. I barley had time I register the wavy half tied back hair before I was knocked over in an enthusiastic hug. The shorter soft form of the main heroine gripped me tightly, unwilling to let me go or get up from the ground. I tried to not let out a pitiful cry of pain, when she squeezed my bad shoulder. When she finally released her iron grip, apologising for knocking me down; she was wiping a stray tear from her eyes. There was no doubt in my heart, this was Lise. Her round face and lilac eyes shining with the aura of a true protagonist. I couldn't seem to resist gently resting my hand on her head, in my awkward attempt to comfort her. I had taken a long time to return her brother to her. Something I hadn't felt guilty about until now.
"Sorry I took so long," I give her head a few more comforting pats.
When more tears start running down her face, it startles me. She hugs me again; her strength feels like it might open my shoulder wound back up. But I can't bear to push her away, doing my best to hug her back properly. For her this isn't a meeting but a reunion, no matter if it had only been a few weeks. These siblings only have each other. They had always been anxious while apart in the early chapters of the story.
As she pulls away and I can look at her again, the faint similarities between the siblings begin to connect. Orion's features are coldly angular while hers are round and cute. The shining purple hue of her eyes were like flowers. While his- well mine- are a darker shade somewhere between red and purple. We stare quietly at each other; her hands still cling to my shirt. I pull up my sleeve to dab at her tears. The building that Lise had come running out of looms in the distance. I know each division branch sit's atop one of the mountain peaks; I'm unsure which one we currently stand in.
I don't have to wonder for long, as a figure appears in the large doorway. Following my eyes Lise turns to them, straightening her posture and composure. She clasps her hand in mine as she turns to lead me to the building. Once we make it up to the doors the man standing there gives a bright smile. The stunningly handsome man, can only be Reign Pathosmet branch head and leader of this division headquarters. Seeing such a beautiful person up close he looks like he was carved from obsidian, even the faint traces of age only further frame his beauty. I nearly stumble as his dark eyes focus on me.
"So, this is your brother. I'm glad he has made it here in one piece," his eyes smile as he beckons us into his office.
I hope my hand isn't getting too sweaty for Lise to hold as we follow him in. The inside of the building is full of shelves neatly organized but still filled to the brim with books and scrolls. His desk is also pilled with documents, the kind of organized chaos you'd expect the Division leader to work in. There are two chairs already set out beside his desk, and as he takes his place behind it, we sit. There are four leaders in each Division and the focus of each varies. Pathosmet -Reign's branch- was the sect made to house and harness the skills of the bold and adventurous. Those who were willing to go out into the world to explore and discover it's secrets. The other branches Akava, Moroseil and Jaunvei, each specialised in their own crafts. If things are following the plot correctly the healers of the Akava branch have already scouted Lise. I'm not the half mad and sickly Orion that showed up here in the original text. So, I'm unsure if I'll be welcomed out of pity into Lise's branch the same way the original was.
"I would like you to get checked over by Akava now that we can check your condition in person. But before I send you over, I would like to formally introduce myself, I am Reign and this Division is in my charge. Your little sister here made quite the impression on us. When she first showed up to Akava's in town clinic," Reign's warm smile never faltered but there was a serious glint to his eyes as he spoke.
I could tell that some sort of analysis of me had already begun. How I had made it to their mountain despite getting separated from my transport and guide. I clearly have sparked their curiosity, or suspicion. It cost them a carriage on top of all the medicine they had provided me. I spared a glace at Lise but she was intently listening and hadn't looked my way.
Reign continued, "Orion. I would like you to place a drop of blood onto this plate. I have a sneaking suspicion I would like clarified, if you don't mind."
He pushed an old battered looking round stone tablet towards me, the edges were jagged. With magic runes cut directly into the stone, its sharp edges seemed intentional. Perhaps to make blood easy to draw.
Lise looked over at me and gave me a reassuring pat, "Don't worry I took the test just before you finished coming up the mountain."
She held up her own finger already neatly wrapped, proudly beaming at me. I wasn't that scared by a pointy bowl and much as I was suspicious of it. I'd already been stabbed, was I going to lose even more blood within twenty-four hours. It seems I am living up to my role as the icon of misfortune. Not wanting to make Reign ask twice, I slowly held my finger to one of the points and pressed until a small drop of blood bloomed. The moment my blood had fallen onto the stone. Lise had pulled it back and began cleaning the small cut. I was too transfixed by the tablet to pay her much mind. As the small bit of blood seemed to stretch across the carvings of the tablet. Filling in every rune before absorbing into the stone. A faint blue hue began to glow directly from one of the runes. Lise looking away from the my well wrapped finger looked at the glow and once again smiled at me.
"The same thing happened for me! I'm so curious but Sir wouldn't tell me until he could test you and be sure," she let out a playful huff looking back at the head eagerly.
He was busily marking a few things down, and checking notes. His focused actions, reminded me of the eager note taking of a professor. The charismatic smile then turned back on as he looked up to face us. His excitement hard to contain as he stood up to speak.
"I had my theories when Lise rode into town, after riding for days without rest. Neither herself or her steed should have been capable of such a trip. At least without overworking it to death. Then when message came that you had woken up, from an illness that isn't so easily survived. Our medication increased your odds, sure. But permanent lifelong damage is expected, you climbed those stairs on your own. Sorry for making you take the hard way, but it was the easiest way to measure. Our healers will be the true judges, of course. But still, your recovery is remarkable."
The way Reign was talking excitedly breathless, had peaked both me and Lise's interest. I knew the original had really destroyed his chances of healing fully, but the outcome being expected had been left out of the details. I know Lise has abilities no one else has, that's how all protagonists are. Had I allowed for some sooner revelation by showing up battered but other wise healthy? Seeing he had drawn us both in. Reign held up a scroll, it was written in a script I could not read. The rune at its center was the same as the glowing one on the bowl.
"This has confirmed my least likely theory. That you siblings are apart of a very old bloodline, not easily found today. The connection you have to this inheritance seems especially strong. Making you and your magic potential all the rarer."
Having come to his grand conclusion Reign sat back down looking eagerly at us. As if awaiting questions. I only realised my mouth had dropped open as I tried to speak and found my mouth too dry to do so. Lise quickly took over as a proper main character should, asking questions and sharing answers when the head asked about our family. The likely hood of our own parents having gone missing because of this very bloodline, seemed undeniable.
It was a classic hero set up, having the thing that made them strong also being the cause of their woes. It seemed Reign jotted down a few more notes, intending to investigate our parents' disappearance. As well as who had made the decision to cast us out of our home, and take over any possible knowledge hidden there.
Watching from front row seats as the foundation of the book, Many Blossoms began to be neatly laid out before me. I nearly forgot I wasn't just there to bear witness but also take part. Lise's eyes seemed worried after glancing at me.
"Sir, I'm sorry to stop. But I think my brother is worn out, can I bring him back to my branch to rest?" Lise's hand had already shifted to check my pulse.
Reign looked at me his own excitement turning to concern. He pulled out a piece of paper swiftly folding it. A rather dainty paper bird came to be in an instant. With the addition of a few ink markings, the paper bird suddenly twitched to life quickly fluttering off.
"No need to have your brother walk quite so far, he can stay in my division. I was considering having him explain how he found his way here. But it can wait, go rest," Reign came over patting me on the back.
Feeling the bandages underneath my shirts, his head cocked to the side looking at me with even more concern. A young boy came into the office the paper bird perched on his head, it quickly leapt to return to Reigns hand. Lise was already completely focused on leading me to the closest free room. Nearly lifting me off the ground as she supported my steps. Had my complexion palled so much or was she also just desperate to have some time to process this new information. I looked behind us as Reign unfurled the paper bird and began writing onto it.
A nurse from the Akava branch was already waiting in the room I had been assigned, by the time we arrived. The whispers sent between her and Lise made me feel like I had become a patient again. Lise assisted as the woman checked me over. When my shoulder wound was revealed, Lise seemed ready to start crying all over again. Seeing her older brother, a bit battered and still no doubt a little too frail for her liking; must be terribly hard on her. I'd been doing my best to keep this body healthy but it seemed I'd fallen short right when it mattered. The nurse began sterilizing my shoulder with something that burned so much I thought I might faint. Then rest of the check up was smooth compared to that. I was fed a bit more medicine, and by the time the nurse left dinner was brought in.
Lise sat and ate with me, and for a bit we just sat silently. As if sitting across the table was too much distance, Lise sat right at my side. I wanted to comfort her somehow. Picking up a large helping of the sweetest dish, I quietly placed it in her bowl. She looked up at me smiling as I cleared my throat.
"Thank you. It must have been hard… Sorry."
"There's nothing to be sorry about. I'm just glad you're back beside me," she took a bite of her food, leaning against me slightly.
I put another helping onto her bowl. I could see how she had gotten be to such a treasured little sister. Smiling playfully, she began placing way too much food onto my plate. Without saying much more, we finished our meal this way. I wondered if the division had told her when the hawk and horses had returned without me. I hoped they hadn't. Having given her another thing to worry about before my arrival seemed too cruel. Maybe this is just the story roping me into place, but the desire to cause as little trouble as possible was slowly becoming my new goal. I was side by side with the heroine now, perhaps my knowledge as a reader could make her future easier. Lise didn't return to her own section of the mountain easily. Staying beside me all night, morning brought her orders for the day from her branch. I half awake sent her off to begin her daily studies and chores, ignoring her protests as a responsible older sibling should. The small guest room felt bigger once I was alone.