My Sister the Protagonist

Chapter 7: Training to Be, Is This Where Time-skips Go?

A small simple room was assigned as my housing, most of the personnel lodging's were carved right into the mountain. The rooms carefully made hidden, crawling moss acted as blinds for the carved-out windows that brough in air and light from the distant outside. I felt like I was truly starting to live in a fantasy world, humanlike structures married with the natural stone. 

Getting into the flow of things feels overwhelming, but the people of Path are surprisingly patient. I assumed a guild of sharp and daring explorers would mean there would be little patience for new comers. Yet getting to know me and finding out what skills I need trained seem to be apart of the adventure for the teachers. I have a hard time keeping track of faces and names. As experts of all kinds being to occupy my day with their advice and teachings. It seems the crash course doesn't stay overwhelming for long. My weaknesses and strengths are assessed, though rarely shared.

The physical training makes my body scream, but even that settles after some time. I'm a bit clumsy in combat practice; I don't know whether to blame that entirely on me or the original. One elder a small grizzled looking man always cheers with glee, as I try and finesse- cheat? - my way to a win. He seems to be of the mind, if it means you succeed any method is fine.

Without much attention my days pass in a tidal wave, within a few months of grinding I have received certifications to actually receive duties outside of lessons. Lise eats her meals with me when she can, but it seems both of us are made busy adapting to our new home.

The job I am finally assigned is perfect for my introverted ways. After days of meeting many new faces constantly, I feared I would simply crack eventually. The job comes just in time, to stop me from becoming a menace. I work as an archivist for my fellow Path explorers. Taking their chaotic field notes and personal accounts and making them into something that might make sense. Back when I was just Note I would have killed for such quiet work. The routine I settle into might be a bit reclusive, but Lise is always there to break the silence when I need it. Perhaps due to how new everything is for us both, she never questions my performance as her brother. I almost feel pity for Orion, he was replaced with such ease.

My archivist work often overlaps with the scholar branch of the Division. Jaunvei oversees the massive hidden library and overall archive of the Divisions history. When I first send my submissions to them, I worried how they would receive it. The letter I get back screams how relieved the Jaunvei archivists are to have notes that make sense for once.

I crack my hands after completing my work for the day, everything pops and grinds as I get up from my desk. The sound of something landing on the windowsill behind me, makes me freeze. My office is on top of the mountain, not within it. So that messages can easily be ferried by magic or bird to the other mountain peaks. Hawks are not usually wasted on my work, so turning to face one surprises me.

"Now what are you doing here. Did you land on the wrong sill?" I look at the cold stare of the hawk, nothing seems to be attached to its talons.

It lets out a raspy screech, leaping from the window onto my desk. It's careful not to knock anything over, still glaring at me. I know now no animal from the division would ever harm a member. My pesky desire to gently stroke the grumpy bird on the head itches my brain.

"Wait a moment. Could you possibly be the ball of grump I know. Is that rude of me to assume. I've seen other division hawks now, but none stare with the same level of displeasure as you."

I gently reach out and pat the bird's head. It doesn't object or screech at me. I can't help chuckling at it, it almost seems content to be recognized. I sit in my office a bit longer talking away at it, updating it on all that happened since our parting in the forest. My voice feels sore by the time I'm done. I can't talk or act this reckless around Lise, so having someone I can just be myself to. Even if it's a bird, is nice.

"I've been talking your feather's off. I should go get dinner before there's none left. Thank you, sweet chicken," -a screech of protest- "for coming to visit. I think I needed it. I might act like a man of few words, but my mind never stops." The weak attempt at a laugh dies in my throat.

"I'm used to playing a version of myself. The real Note was never someone people wanted to spend time with. Getting used to being Orion is going well though. I might like him more then me." I give the hawk a few more pets before sending it away, as I lock up my office for the night. 

I see it's silhouette on the rooftop as I head to the mess hall to grab some dinner. The next day the hawk return's sitting with me as I work. I wonder is the Jaunvei branch mind's it missing. It even take's my work when I need it delivered, I swear it scares off the regular dove carrying my mail. It does this for a few days before disappearing again. I try not to miss the company.

Lise excitedly introduces me to her new friends one day, while I'm visiting her dorm. She'd been put into a unit with them to go collect medicinal ingredients to re stock Akava's stores awhile back and is eager to finally have me meet them. I'm fully aware of who I am about to be introduced to, doing my best to not show my excitement. The two best support characters of the novel! Neither seem to have much chance at winning the title of main love interest. But I was never one to root for the winner.

Lise's smile practically throws sunbeams as two youth come into her room. The first is a tall imposing girl, the way she carries herself like a hardened warrior makes her seem older than she is. Her red eyes and pale blue hair tightly tied back. If I recall correctly, she comes from a fae bloodline. An old family that's existed within the Willow Divisions for generations, perhaps since the beginning. Lise goes to the girl's side more then a heads difference between them.

"Brother this is Anora, she's from the Moroseil branch. She's the muscle whenever we go out for supplies! We never have to worry with her on the team!" Lise grabs hold of Anora's arm, the taller girl's resting glare lightens as my sister brags about her.

"And this" Lise wraps her other arm around the shy boy at her other side.

"This is Yuka! He's from my branch. He's amazing at magic he can do healing and all kind of other spells! He's so smart he can memorise anything!" The quiet boy shyly nods, blushing faintly.

His neatly brained hair has a few strands of white streaking through it. His silver eyes try their best to meet mine. I barley hold back my internal screams. Yuka is my favorite of Lise's friends in the novel. He is the youngest of the gang, having joined the Division as a young child in search of magic tutors. His innate magic ability comes from his own secret bloodline. A kind and gentle character, the boy next door type. I wish I could adopt him as my younger brother on the spot.

Lise then looks to her friends, "I know I've told you about him already! But this is my older brother! He's a bit clumsy and awkward at times, don't let his pretty face fool you!"

I feel my face crinkle at her playful tease, "Your friends got such nice introductions, but you bully your brother." I put on my best pout, as Lise happily laughs at me for playing along.

Both Anora and Yuka seem to relax at this. Hm, whatever Lise told them must have put them on edge. I guess a protective older brother is still intimidating no matter the world. The trio arms still linked look adorable. I'm unsure how the original reacted to the two. This introduction took place within a time skip in the novel after all. These two are the important core of Lise's support group, I'll treat them as family if they let me. I smile and greet the two properly.

"Thank you for looking after my sister. I know she can be quite stubborn at times" -Lise lets out a protest- "It unfortunately seems to run in the family." Lise comes over to my side pretending to pout.

Anora is quick to speak, "It's no problem! I train with her often; she is more then capable. It's a pleasure to meet you. I admit you appear healthier than I imagined."

Ah, there it is, Anora's charming straight forwardness. Yuka jumps to intercept Anora's tangent that would of no doubt ended with her asking to help me stay healthy by sparring.

"Nice to meet you finally. You sibling's really look alike! Lise didn't mention that." Yuka's smiles as he looks between us.

Lise and I look at each other, I can't help ruffling her hair.

"Your friends seem very nice. Why don't we sit down and you three can tell me all about your missions outside."

The trio were fun to watch as they settled in and began telling me story after story of the last few months they'd spent together. Lise spoke the most, Yuka giving further detail when her memory lacked. Anora - like me- seemed to enjoy just listening. Adding her side only when talking about things she had fought. Or impressive feats she thought the other two had glazed over too quickly. It almost felt like I was listening to an audio version of the novel. The in-character audio drama exclusive.

I didn't expect the two youths to grow attached to me. They had never seemed so, with the original. Yet after being introduced, every so often one or both would tag along with Lise during her visit's. Anora would always bring training swords and stare intently at me until I let her give me a lesson. Yuka after seeing the small book collection, I had started in my room. Began happily lending me his own books, often explaining the whole stories plot to me in his eagerness. Lise seemed more then happy to share me with her friends. I couldn't help wondering if she was worried, that I was lonely in my own branch.

I really hadn't any interest in branching out, so to say. Getting used to a new world even after months within it, was taking time. The times I had awoken and wondered if it had all been a dream. Only to not see my old room around me. To grasp for my phone only to recall the people I wanted to message were out of reach. I wasn't sure if what I was struggling with most was mourning the old, or adapting to the new.

I was trying to be hopeful, something not in my nature. Yet the faint itch of something about Orion I was nearly forgetting, had been scratching my brain more and more. As a fan of the older brother archetype, I was fully aware how most of them turn out. Death as plot device. Sacrificial doting older brother. The tragic hero, suffering and unavoidable end.

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