My Sister the Protagonist

Chapter 16: Sitting On the Outside of It All

Candles and vibrant lanterns were littering every edge and doorway. Note was enjoying the warm atmosphere, it nearly helped combat the chilling winter winds blowing around the mountain. Reign had made sure every corner of their branch was decorated and lively. With their explorer's all returned home for the holiday. Note's usually quiet corner of the mountain was bustling like he'd never seen it before. Dorm neighbour's who he'd never bumped into were suddenly stopping by to say hello.

Their branch event was so boisterous Note had suddenly come to realise he was really living such a peaceful NPC life. The other squads all looked like adventurer's out of his roleplaying books. Warrior's, scholar's, healer's the other branches had a certain unity to their member's. The bold and daring explorer's only common trait was their excitement in hearing each other's stories from out in the field. The curiosity and excitement were somewhat infectious.

When the older members turned their eyes onto the two newbies. Note felt a cold sweat begin creeping down his back. He was enjoying listening to them and had forgotten they might be curious how the new blood was faring. Ravan was quick to indulge them. Sharing the exciting tale of their ghost story. Note felt his nerves ease up. Grateful for the extroverted show off, in times like these.

It seems such an eventful first mission only increased the other's interest in them. Reign at the head of the dining hall even joined in sharing his eagerness at having found such wonderful new recruit's. Note felt his chest ache as Reign beamed at them. Nothing like daddy issues over the holidays. When a few members started trying to call dibs on taking the newbies out with them. The dinner for the hundredth time that evening, became less about eating and more about making noise. As an auction of sort's had begun. Vying for a chance to take them out in the field. It was getting out of hand but Reign was laughing at the energetic atmosphere. He indulged it awhile, before saving his new member's from being bought and sold by the overly eager older adventurer's.

Ravan had been smoothly conversing with anyone who came up to them. Note in self preservation slipped into his cool and silent demeanor that his face allowed of him. Though Note knew that both Ravan and Orion were from noble backgrounds. Ravan's time with the bandit's made him excel at getting anyone to warm to him. Such skill's had never been granted to the original or Note. So, he just tried to not sweat too obviously while being surrounded by people. Ravan's hand would sneak over to him at time's, giving reassuring squeezes and pats to him.

When the group dinner was over and the drinking was likely to go on into the night. Note excused himself, using tomorrow's family time as his reason for escape. Ravan without a word followed him out like a shadow. Knowing the little princess, would be crashing in his room again Note didn't protest. Despite living within the same dorms. The lazy ex criminal often couldn't be bothered to walk back to his own room. At least he had the same habit of cleaning up before bed. Note's germ fearing lifestyle often had him chasing guest's out of his room. Anora was like his true nemesis when it came to keeping dirt and muck out of his living space. Whether fresh from a fight or having found an interesting rock or animal. If Lise was with him, she'd brag any dirty thing into his room, to show off to the sibling's.

Note laid out the guest mat before going to wash up himself. When he returned Ravan had fully ignored the mat. Sprawling out in Note's bed like he owned the place. Note quietly wished his magic held any ability to punish the brat. He looked to his scythe where it was hung up in contemplation.

Ravan watched the still damp pretty boy contemplate his murder from the bed. His dagger hidden within his sleepwear rumbled in worry. With a heavy sigh it seemed Note resigned to his fate as a healer and the dangerous intent faded from his eyes. Ravan's smirk creeped up his face. Rubbing idly at his stubble as Note shoved him over to get into bed.

Ravan spoke sweetly in the way Note seemed to hate most.

"We've slept together so often I've lost count. Why stab me now."

"Last I checked I do owe you a stabbing don't I."

Note pushed him further to the wall side of the bed. Ravan cringed at that. Fair enough. As if recalling the injury in question his hands snaked up Note's side feeling through fabric for the scar at his waist. Arms covered in goose bumps quickly smacked him away.

"I'm responsible aren't I. Let me see. Did it heal properly."

The two wrestled in the small bed, Note having to avoid the edge was at the disadvantage. Ravan won the bout, pulling Note's shirt over enough to peak at the scar. It has healed well, the pale scar barley noticeable against Note's skin. Ravan felt something get caught in his throat, as he reached out to trace his hand along the scar. Note was squirming to get out of his pinned position, lacking the ability to turn back over under Ravan's grapple.

When the ghosting touch of a hand followed the path of the scar, the dagger hidden couldn't hide its guilt. Seemingly of its own accord, the offender in question slipped from its master's clothes and set itself beside the lamp glowing its faint green hue. Ravan let Note go muttering a half-hearted joke about needing to take Note someplace sunnier.

Too curious to not take the chance, Note snatched up the dagger as he settled back onto his side. He traced the warm metal of the dagger's hilt. The green gem at its center brightened a bit under his attention. Ravan watched on enjoying the spark of curiosity as Note fiddled with the well-behaved dagger. The silence was comfortable but he couldn't stop himself from breaking it.

"Well, I peaked at you so what do you wanna see. Full access." He popped a button.

Note without looking away from the dagger, "This is more interesting."

"I'm throwing it out."

The poor dagger vibrated its sense of betrayal.

"You should be mine then." Note gave the seemingly upset weapon a pat.

"It's mine you can't have it."

"Weren't you throwing it away. That split personality of yours is acting up."

"I'm not split. I'm just so charming you're overwhelmed."

Note placed the poor dagger on the side table putting out the light. Ravan squirmed his way into Note's side. Once again Note failed to shove him off. He's done too much socialising today it's sapped his strength.

Ravan's facial hair scratches against Note's neck. Note tries to bite at him but is dodged easily. Giving up he pulls his arm out from between them and reaches around to give him a smack instead. Ravan allows it. Enjoying the arm that wraps around him to pinch and smack his face. As Note let's out aggravation. In the end, now all too used to having to share a bed with cuddler's, Note drift's off to sleep.

He wakes refreshed; no strange dreams disturbed him once again.

The bandit princess is dozing soundly on his chest, his sticky arms wrapped around him.

With some effort he untangles himself. Eager to head over to the Akava area where Lise will be waiting. She was determined to eat all three meals of the holiday with her brother. As … they've always done.

Note can feel the real Orion's memories in the back of his mind. Back when the two siblings were still in their family home, their parent's safe and sound. The doting household warm even in the heart of winter. Note felt his own memories of winter and the holidays of his own world. Such scenes of warmth were farther removed for him then for Orion. For this body the loss of old traditions was still fresh. For Note they'd gone cold long ago.

A strange kind of grief that creeps into one bone's only during special occasions settled over Note. The mixture of his own memories and Orion's melding together. Moment's that can never be returned to. It felt like the weight of two heart's aching in his chest. Just as the ache was making his throat tighten, arms wrapped their way around him. Lean muscle squeezed him against the half-asleep man behind him. Ravan's long hair a bird's nest, as he nuzzled his face into his shoulder.

A sandpaper morning voice. That loosened the tightening treads in Note's chest.

"Festivals always seem so warm and lively. I never feel more alone, than during one. Like I'm stuck on the outside, looking in at something I can't have."

Note couldn't help leaning into the embrace, he wasn't sure who was comforting who.

He rested his hand on the arms around him, "I get it. Is it cruel to say I'm surprised; that you feel it too."

"I left my house of my own accord. I was young and wanted more then what I was given. But… It doesn't mean it didn't hurt when no one came after me."

The arms tightened, Note kept patting. It was a shame he couldn't say how much they had in common. A tear fell without his realising, it hit Ravan's arm. The raven-haired rogue felt the tear hit his skin. Even if it wasn't for him. He was grateful for it. He'd forgotten how to cry anything but crocodile tears long ago. The zoned out stoic fox of his, shedding tears with him around felt special. He doubted he'd do such a thing around just anyone.

Ravan was suddenly relieved he'd wormed his way into staying over. What if they'd just both woken up alone today. Would Note of sat here quietly alone? Misery drowning him, drowning them both. Where was that stupid bird, had he really left them to their own devices on such a day. Note shifted, Ravan loosened his grip enough to let him turn to look at him. The solitary tear had stained his face but he seemed unawares it had even fallen. His long fingers came up to try straightening out Ravan's tangled hair. Something was shining in his eye's, feeling's he wasn't voicing.

Eventually unable to fix their bed head with just his hand Note got up to retrieve a comb. It was laughably worn out, and was most likely his sister's. Why the older brother was using the hand me down Ravan didn't need to ask. He didn't trust the useless pretty boy to brush his hair properly though. He'd seen the reckless abandon he yanked his own hair out with. Snatching the comb, he expertly fixed his hair. When Note went to protest him making a mess while still in his bed. Ravan turned him around untying Note's hair and brushing his next. Braiding it up nicely to save Note from it touching his face in the way he hated. 

"Lise is waiting we should go join her for breakfast." Note said while admiring Ravan's work.

"You go ahead. You two should have a meal just you two. I'll join in after I get my bribes together."

"Did you really get her something, that's sweet. Thank you."

"Doting older bro, don't try an pretend your not competitive with my gift. I'll definitely win."

"No chance, I got her a war hammer to train with." Note proudly stuck up his nose.

"… Did you really get her a weapon? Your little sister? For a holiday?"

"She's great with that battle axe she found, thought she'd look cool fighting with a hammer!"

Note's eyes were sparling with fanaticism for his powerful little sis. Ravan really felt these siblings needed to be studied. This little sister from what he'd heard was normal enough. So why was the brother such an odd dork.

The two parted ways for the morning, Note heading over first to greet Lise.

In her winter robes Lise was glowing in the sunshine. Note felt he could practically see the main character energy radiating off her as she bounded over to give him a hug. He let himself be lifted and swung around as she wished him well for the holiday. Note squished her adorably round face, while giving his regards in return.

It was just the two of them over breakfast. Lise had brough food to her room to share. In the cool air the dishes steamed. Akava's dorms were small houses in the valley unlike his carved-out stone room. It was chillier but the floors were warmed easing the valley air's bite. Note could barley wait until they were done eating to pull out his gift from his void pouch. Lise's eyes went wide as she excitedly began inspecting the hammer. Note had managed to buy it off of one of his senior's who'd found it while traveling around. Its carvings were elegant and somewhat cute for a deadly tool of war. It very much had a similar vibe to Lise's favorite axe.

She rushed to put on her shoes and was outside her little hut at once to give it a few swings. Testing the weight and reach. Note chuckled as Lise's feet nearly left the ground as she was swinging it around. After playing with it for a bit she seemed to recall her fragile older brother was watching from the doorway. Afraid he'd catch cold from standing there, she ushered them both back in. Adding a bit more fuel to the fire, she then excitedly pulled out a small wrapped box. She could barley sit still as Note took his time inspecting the package before beginning to open it.

Inside was a ring made of glass, it was woven with bright colours that resembled a piece of candy. When he pulled to ring from the box it was attached to a chain.

"I found it in that old vault! The mage's said it's got some sort of luck enchantment in it. I wanted you to have it. You know in case you trip and fall into more monsters." 

Lise gently took it and put it around his neck. Note held the glass in his hand, it felt oddly warm. A faint scent of mint seemed to come off the false candy. He couldn't tell how but he did sense the magic living within the swirling glass.

He gave Lise a soft smile and she hugged him again. It was softer this time and he quickly did his best to wrap her in his arms. Squeezing the best, he could. They'd left the fact this was their first holiday away from home unsaid. That so much of the year had been full of new and strange things. It was different, but it had been good. They still had each other.

No, now they had more.

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