My Sister the Protagonist

Chapter 15: A Feeling Not Unfamiliar

The home was cottage core to the nth degree. Radiating warmth, though sparsely decorated. Pillows and blankets took up the sitting room where more animals lounged about. An intricate animal sized portal gateway was carved into the wall, no doubt allowing the varying beasts to come and go from the home at their leisure. The cold metallic spell woven into the wood, was clearly the work of Liaud. His presence could be felt through the home, mechanical trinkets glaringly out of place with the wood carvings and plants that dominated the interior.

The little manipulation tactic purring in Note's arms had yet to try to part ways. Xian -perhaps feeling guilty- had ducked into a room. An old looking dog turned a corner- calling it a dog might not be entirely incorrect? A large -canine adjacent- beast with white speckling on its face. Came over upon noticing him awkwardly hovering in the entryway. It comfortably came over to sniff at him. If his arms weren't full of cat, Note would have offered his hand for a sniff. The old friend circled him a few times before leaning its weight heavily into his legs.

Note struggled to not lose his balance as the old timer huffed at him expectantly. You saw my hands were full yet still demand pets huh. Like master like pet. Clingy and silently demanding.

Xian's head appeared from around the doorway, "Why haven't you joined me, what do you want to eat."

Upon seeing the situation, Xian's eyes ever so faintly curved. Coming to his rescue he gave the old fellow a few hearty pats. Next scooping the cat up and depositing it into the nearest pillow. Note gave the beast a few adoring ear scritches, before being led into the kitchen. Happily distracted, now having his hands free to pet any animal within his radius. Note forgot to get jealous that Xian had a whole kitchen at his disposal.

Xian got over the embarrassment of having his home on full display. Really Note fit right in, why had he need so nervous. He should have brought him over sooner. He just couldn't think of a good enough reason to drag him all the way to his branch until now. Leave it to the branch head to so seamlessly achieve something he'd struggled to solve.

"So when can I move in?"

Note's sudden question nearly made Xian drop the food he had begun preparing. Note wished he had a camera, the look Xian was giving him was priceless.

"Would you rather trade rooms- or well homes. If my little dorm can be called that."

Note smiled a playful glint in his eyes.

"What? You'll get your own proper space eventually. The dorms are just apart of the recruitment process." Xian recovered enough to return to cooking, keeping his back to him.

"This house seems to have a few rooms. Were in the same mountain range regardless. You've crashed in my little hole in the wall enough. I can't do the same?"

Xian's face had a slight blush, that was hidden from Note's view. He couldn't disagree, if Note liked his home why not share it? It would make their job easier too. If Note took one room and another was converted into an office. Why had he never thought of that. They'd barley have to leave home. Xian felt nesting instinct's buzz in the back of his mind, as he started picturing suitable layouts for furniture.

Note had expected a swift and indifferent denial. But surprisingly Xian seemed to be seriously considering it. Liaud was worried about having failed to teach social skills. But when it came to matters of efficiency master and student were the same.

"If you really want to." Is all Xian said.

"Huh? Really? I didn't expect you to be this easy."

"… Are you trying to pick a fight."

"Nope. Not at all, what do you mean."

Note rushed from the room, off to snoop into the rest of the house. As expected, the spare rooms that had no current purpose were empty. The room that acted as Xian's bedroom was the only other furnished room outside of the communal living spaces he shared with the animals. Knowing Xian, he hadn't been keeping his home to himself out of any kind of possessiveness. He probably simply hadn't considered it.

As if sensing a nail hitting his head, Xian absentmindedly looked towards the hallway. Wondering if Note would choose the room closest to his. It wasn't the biggest but it would only be practical to turn the biggest spare room into a workspace. Yeah, that's what was practical.

Note content with snooping couldn't sit idly and set a spot for them to eat on the counter. Xian didn't seem to have a dining table, though there was plenty of space for one. They ate the dinner Xian prepared. Note had tasted his cooking while out on their mission. It was more then good enough, for eat to survive type's like them. Ravan though had quickly taken over the group cooking. His complaints about the lack of culinary skill unending. When they couldn't find anywhere to eat, Ravan had left no room for others to be in charge of preparing their meals.

Xian's bed was inherently big enough for his many pets to join him if they wished. So, he didn't bother making up a separate bed for Note. As Note left the extravagant bathroom grumbling in jealousy, his hair dripped. He only ever haphazardly dried it.

Xian without a word snatched the towel hanging around Notes neck and began drying his hair properly.

"If you're not going to care for it, cut the rest of it off." Xian chided him.

Note hummed as his head was smacked around.

"I should ask Ravan to give me another trim then."

The ministrations on his head paused.

"What does that mean? He's the one who cut your hair?"

It felt more like an accusation then question. Note nodded in response, detecting he'd said something he shouldn't have.

The rough movements turned too gentle. Soon Xian began combing his fingers through the hair. Note felt himself being lulled; the movements too soothing. An old habit, long forgotten. His head bobbed roughly, the movement waking up his fuzzing mind. Xian's hand grabbed hold of both sides of his head. Moving his head back until their eye's could meet.

"I know your not from here, but did you really give him your hair?" Xian had calmed himself down before continuing the discussion.

"Yeah, I hate having long hair. If I wasn't worried about seeming too out of character. I'd have cut it all already."

"I thought you liked long hair though?"

"Ahh, I forgot. I've raved about characters to you before haven't I. I like long hair on other's, not me. I'm lazy, hair is too much work."


Xian squeezed his face, "Best to leave it longer then, if you want it trimmed, I'll do it."

"Tch- so much work."

"I trim the animal's hair all the time anyway. It's just one more."

"… Have I been added to your list of pets. You-"

Xian let go, returning the towel to the bathroom. Note sighed at Xian's back. Relieved the conversation had turned away-

"Now about your hair, what did that sneak do with it."

Drat he hadn't moved past that.

"How would I know what he did with it. He seemed to think it was worth something."

"You haven't asked?"

"Do I want to know what hair fetishes exist in this world?"

Xian came back into the bedroom, his brow knit so tightly two had become one. Some of the animal's already lounging on the bed began skittering away. That couldn't be good.

"You studied fantasy didn't you. Even if your past world didn't have it. Your more then aware of the possibilities of magic. How important pieces of yourself are, especially yours?"

 "In my defense. I'd suffered blood loss at the time."

Oh, that wasn't the right thing to say. Xian's face got darker. Note feared he'd be making the divide between his team mates even worse at this rate.

"I'll ask him. He pretty much followed me up the mountain anyway. Maybe he was hoping to sell my hair to the Division and that's how he ended up being recruited right? I wouldn't put such a thing past that brat."

Xian's mood improved with Note's ending remark. Though his frown was still fusing his sharp brows together. With a move of his hand, the lights of the house went out. Note sighed as he struggled to find his side of the bed. Stumbling in the dark, he felt this was a tolerable punishment for being so careless. Xian's night vision would allow him to move about with ease. He didn't make a sound as he stumbled around the room. Note made a face once he had successfully gotten into the bed. Xian huffed tossing the blanket at him.

Note suddenly paused. The turkey had shared a bed with him before. Countless times in fact. Yet Note had never consciously fallen asleep beside him in human form before. He'd been either injured or had the two trouble makers invite themselves in while he slept. How long had it been since he'd been to a proper sleepover? Despite himself he let slip a chuckle. He felt the bed shift as Xian's voice, crept surprisingly close to his ear. 

"Get to Sleep."

Note sighed, "You're no fun. I doubt you'd have any good gossip. Though you did do my hair for me. And cook. Next time I wanna try, see if I still remember how to."

Xian sounded completely confused, "What in the world are you talking about. You were falling asleep earlier, now you're so chatty."

 "That's not my fault. Don't touch me so gently, I'll fall asleep every time."

 "… Why is that?"

 "When I was little, my back had to be rubbed to soothe me to sleep. I could only fall asleep like that."

 A faint laugh in the dark, Note felt the breath against his face. A had came to rest over his blanket. Xian's hand began patting a soothing rhythm.

 "You really are like keeping a cat."

 Note and the cat that had just crawled onto the bed, both let out sounds of protest.

 Xian's silent laughter, faintly shook the bed. As Note found himself drifting off, un-characteristically fast for the insomniac. 

Xian watched Note's body untense as he fell asleep beside him. The comrade cat sidling up for it's turn at pets. Neatly tucking itself between the two warm bodies, it began purring.


A few days later at the training grounds. Note was idly trying to catch his breath without seeming like he was dying. Anora had already given her notes and rushed off in search of her next training victim buddy. With no energy to retain the elegant young master persona. Note had sprawled out on the ground. A familiar shadow stretched across him; a cool water skin pressed against his face.

Ravan's voice was barley containing his teasing tone, "Aren't you a healer now. Why are you working yourself so hard."

Note had had this discussion with Ravan a few times since their last mission. He couldn't find it in him to be honest. To mention the dreams that had started haunting him nearly every night. That night at Xian's place had been the only good night sleep he'd had recently. He needed to get stronger, whether that meant magic or otherwise. To ease his mind.

Avoiding another debate Note brought up another subject that had been brought back to the forefront.

"Hey, you never said. How much did my hair go for? Did you get so rich, you decided to try playing adventurer next?"

Ravan's face lost its smirk for a split second. Note could imagine the cog's turning in the raven-haired rogue's head.

"I didn't sell it."

Ravan turned away from him, as Note sat up.

"So, you were just a pervert!" Note boomed triumphantly.

Ravan turned around clamping his hand to Note's mouth. Nearly on top of him.

"I am not- You- I just though I could get a better price from here."

"ah~ I figured that too."

Note pushed him off. Standing up brushing himself off, smiling down at Ravan.

"Tch, am I that predictable to you. Know it all."

Note condescendingly gave a pat to the top of the shorter mans head. His hand quickly smacked. Note laughed at the dramatic pout Ravan put on, as the shorty puffed up and turned away from him.

Ravan's face went red, the blush easy to miss against his skin. He still kept his back to Note paranoid about being too easy to read. Something he'd never worried about before. He briefly debated mentioning he had used some of the hair. The thought quickly shot down. Such valuable info- no way. Even if I would give him a win against Note's annoying predictions. 

Note's offending hand again came up and gently fussed with his hair. Ravan felt his body shift to lean into the touch. A movement he quickly put and end to. Swinging around and getting in Note's face.

"You got a question. Is it my turn?"

Ravan's eye's glinted with familiar defiance. Note was curious enough to nod to the question that was more a demand.

"Where'd you run off to the other day? You snuck into another branch's area without me?"

Ravan's pout returned; he tugged lightly on Note's shirt. Really this sneak's cute act is the most aggravating.

"You won't believe it."

"Come on, tell me-"

"Did you know. Xian has a whole fancy house in his Branch!"

"Woah- What's that guy need a house for! Where's our house!"

"Exactly! Wait- Our??" Note was confused at the conversations turn.

"Well- Why not? We joined around the same time. We work so well together after all. Why not be roommates."

This was another statement disguised as a question. Was this just the trend of his new life? The anti-social homebody he was, doomed to pushy roommates. He'd never know peace again, would he. Unconsciously shaking his head.

 Ravan had taken Note's moment of buffering to cling tightly to Note's arm.

 Note still sore from sparring didn't have the arm strength to shake the sticky shorty off. Letting out a heavy sigh, he started walking back to his room. The human glue managing to keep pace.

 "Is this your revenge for not being invited?"

 "Of course, it is." Ravan showed no hint of shame.

 "I was going to invite you to join me and my sister for dinner. Since tomorrow's a holiday and all."

 Ravan's grip got tighter, "You were? Just me?"

 "Yeah, Xian's busy helping with his branches festivities."

 Ravan huffed, "Oh, how cruel making me think I'm special."

 "Brat, he technically has Liaud to spend the holiday with anyway. Me and Lise have each other. You don't have anyone here, right? Unless you planned on going down the mountain to see your old -ahem- colleagues. Yuka's coming too."

 Ravan looked straight ahead avoiding the eye's that were on him. He tried to be strong but found himself breaking, as he turned toward the kind maroon eyes looking at him. Was he really inviting him to meet his sister? And whichever kid she was bringing along. He'd love to rub this in the chicken's face but that would likely end in him joining in. He'd wait until after.

 "I'm coming. You can't stop me."

 Note laughed his face crinkling in its charming way. Ravan finally let go. Fearing his heartbeat would be felt if he kept clinging to him.

 "Should I bring a gift?"

 "Depends are you planning on paying money for said gift?"

 "Does that matter?"

 Note let out an aggravated sigh, throwing a weak kick in Ravan's direction. He swiftly dodged the half-hearted attack. Catching Note's leg and throwing him off balance. He then rushed off down the mountain -curses being thrown after him- to procure an appropriate bribe gift for Note's sister.

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