Chapter 14: Meeting the Solitary Scholar
Tucked neatly in bed, a cocoon of warmth could not defend from the dreams that arose. The pale figure of the haunted scholar, staring idly at the moon rushing towards them. Lise's voice calling for her brother. Two voices calling out for Note. A dark place -someone trying to hide from the moonlight- cowering in the corner. When he reached out to comfort them his hand hit a cold mirror. The face reflected wain and sickly, long hair cascading and unkept. Anxiety like a wave suffocating. The pale figure was looking at him. Its featureless face casting judgment. The kids called for help but couldn't be found, Xian and Ravan- bloodied forms disappearing into the darkness. Someone held his hand, but when he turned the mirror was again casting its strangled reflection.
Note awoke feeling tears run down his face. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest. Groggy his fuzzy brain lost hold of whatever dream it had been grasping to retain. Yawing his jaw popped and cracked from being clenched. Ah when had this bad habit of his resurfaced. Massaging the pain Note crawled out of bed. This worlds winter festival was nearing, so he hadn't been assigned any new paperwork or missions after returning to the Division. Plenty of time to sleep in.
Note got ready for the day with no intended things to achieve. So, his pace was muddled. He'd gotten trapped staring at the wall while debating breakfast/lunch for who knows how long when a knock came to his door. Xian came in after getting barley a grunt in response. He'd long gotten used to Note's morning buffering time. Not bothering to greet or exchange pleasantries he skipped ahead.
"Jaunvei branch head Liaud would like to meet with you."
He passed Note a warm bundle containing something smelling of breakfast. Note opened it up and began munching, glancing at Xian to see if he'd provide anything more. He didn't. He sat and stole a few bites of the food he'd brought over. Once they'd finished, he stood staring at Note.
This pigeon really is loyal. Note stretched popping his body as he got up to follow.
"Well, it is about time I meet the dear boss of yours. He has done a lot for me."
Xian's mouth faintly curved into a smile as he nodded, "Mn."
Note had learned his own branch's layout and had gone to Akava's area a few times with Lise. He'd yet to have a good enough excuse to explore the other two branches. While his Pathosmet branch was largely in and wound around their mountain. Akava's area was nestled between the mountain range. To make easier receiving patients who needed their skills. Note was rather curious which route the scholarly branch took in its layout. He had sort of assumed it would be library pavilions as far as the eye could see.
The truth wasn't far off. Jaunvei like a great ant hill, was completely carved into their sharp peak. Stone, brick, and marble protected their walls of documents and paper bound knowledge. No wood was used where solid inflammable materials could be substituted. There was a chill to this branch. As if even heated floors may be a risk to their files, if kept too warm. Perhaps it was the white glare of winter but the place somewhat resembled an aloof immortal's ice palace.
Unlike Reign's office which was at the summit, Liaud's was deep in the heart of their mountain. The lanterns glowed their magic in a cold hue, as they reached the imposing doors of the head's quarters. Xian gave an encouraging nod as he pushed a concealed button within the doors carving. The doors clicked then began opening, the faint sound of mechanisms whirring from within.
A desk full of paper work immediately came into view. Though the papers were meticulously organized in a way that made Reign's chaos piles seem shameful. A back was to them as they entered. For a second Note felt his stomach drop, thinking he was seeing another ghost.
A wan young scholar turned from the shelf he was organizing. His long white hair was tied back, the silver threads falling far down his back even while bound. Half of his face was obscured by hair that escaped, falling down his thin face. His ghostly complexion had startled Note so bad Xian had taken hold of his arm to steady him. The man who could only be Liaud blinked at them in surprise, having been too focused on his organizing to have heard the door.
"Oh, Xixi apologies. I hadn't herd you come in."
The long flowing robes of the man were pushed back as he wove a spell in the air. A teapot to the side began heating. Drink mixtures pouring from containers into three cups. Chairs wove together from the iron lining of the floor, rising before them. Liaud wove his magic's will with elegance. His right arm was not flesh but a shining steel, is intricate metal work seemed to shift with magic as he moved. Xian directed Note to a chair, moving to the teapot to help prepare the drinks.
"Master don't worry. I should be the one apologising for taking so long."
Liaud's face though pallid was not as cold as it seemed. As he smiled at Xian's back, the look was full of warm affection like that of a parent. He shook his head turning his kind eyes to Note.
"This child. I have failed to instill politeness into him. To introduce myself, I am Liaud. Leader of branch Jaunvei of the Willow Division."
His metal hand rose to rest on his chest as he bowed elegantly. His white robes and hair really made him seem like a ghostly fae as he moved. He looked like he could be their age, but with his position there was no way he could be so young.
I wonder how old this wise scholar really is. Some bloodlines gave the faintest point to a person's ears, or an exceptional shade to their eyes or hair. Liaud's visible ear give's no hints of fae ancestry, but his silver locks might be a sign of something else. Note stood using all of Orian's rich boy training, to give as noble a bow in return.
"I am Orian, this one is late to giving my thanks for all branch head Liaud has done for me."
Short of giving a courtesy, Note felt he'd done a respectable job introducing himself. As he glanced at Liaud, the other was still smiling but his stare was piercing. He could feel his eyes boring into him, like an ant under a microscope. Every move was under analysis. Why do I feel like a son in law being judged by a protective parent? Note felt his hair standing on end. Liaud's visible eye was a pale shade. It was hard to discern what emotion was present.
Xian turned back delivering the warm cup first to Liaud's desk and then Note's hands. He slowly pressed Note back into sitting. Grabbing his own cup to warm his hands as he glanced at his leader. Xian gave a pat to Note's leg. Note itched to smack Xian's hand, as Liaud's eyes curved as he smiled brightly. Picking up his own cup he cut their staring contest short, letting out a wistful sigh.
"Kids grow up so fast. It's lovely to finally meet you. Though I don't need your thanks. You've already paid me back in efficacy. As well as getting this silly boy to leave the mountain on more then wings. My investment's have made great returns, already."
He sat down his cool demeanor not fitting his teasing tone. Xian's face shifted between a few different shades.
"Master!" Xian started.
Liaud paid him no mind, "I didn't think he'd ever come over to share his work mate. So, I finally took the initiative to call you over. Think of it as visiting the relatives for the holidays."
Note was flabbergasted. This man with the looks of a scholarly immortal, talks like an old timer whose grandkids were in their rebellious phase. Perhaps the fact that he didn't interact directly with many outside his branch, was starting to make sense.
Liaud proved chatty ignoring Xian's many attempts to stop him. He asked unending questions, about how Note was getting on in the Division. Jokingly tried to recruit him more then once. Side tracked into a few lectures. While peppering in many stories about young Xian. Note's favorite being how when he was learning to transform, he got stuck with a wing and birds' claw for a whole day. Helplessly crying for Liaud to fix it for him.
By the end of the long chat, Xian looked like his soul had left. Note was thoroughly warmed up to the branch head. Without having to ask he could imagine how Reign and Liaud when brought together must be like. He wondered how long branch head meetings must run. Between the two of them, one chat might last into forever.
It was hard to judge the time so deep in the mountain. Liaud glanced towards a clock and started.
"Oh dear, I've talked your ears off for this long. It's this late. Xian go prepare your quarters for a guest, let young master Orion stay the night."
Xian got up to quickly follow order's only seeming to register the command halfway to the door. He ran face first into it, forgetting to press the code to open. He turned back, but the look on the branch heads face gave him no room to argue. Opening the door, he trudged off. Steam rising off his head.
Note was too busy to see Xian's face plant. He was analysing the relationship the two had. He'd known Xian was Liaud's right hand man. He'd had no idea the Division elder had seemingly raised him. As if reading his mind Liaud spoke again, his voice softer than before.
"This willow tree has been a haven abundantly over its existence. Within it's roots many extraordinary beings tucked themselves away, their lineage enduring to this day. Xian, myself, and other's you know have all been embraced by its branches. It turns none away."
Liaud began fidgeting, his metal hand scratching at a slight dent in his desk. Note wondered if this was a chance to ask about Xian's story. He almost spoke up but second guessed it. Liaud continued, reading Note's curiosity.
"That kid's family were old friends of mine. They'd always helped train our messenger beasts. When their hidden homeland was discovered, it was invaded for its secret's. The Division rushed to support them but we were too slow. Very few outsiders had ever been allowed within the tribe. The sudden influx of strangers brought conflict. Xian was so small, one of his parent's familiar's intercepted us with him tied to their back. I rushed him back here and the Akava healers were able to spare him from whatever plague the intruders had caused."
Note felt his throat tighten, "Was he the only one?"
Liaud nodded, "I had the familiars that escaped capture brought here, to be protected. It doesn't make up for my failing of our allies of course- but…"
He trailed off no words were of use. He cleared his throat.
"I might have stumbled into being the head of my branch. I'd argue -I have, to be fair- argued I'm not suited to this position. But no one else wants to do the paperwork."
Liaud once again reminded Note of the lonely ghost trapped within his study. The faraway look in his eyes, as he saw past Note to his own ghosts.
"That kid hasn't ever trusted people much. He's closer to the animal's then any person -outside of myself- He's a good kid, braver than I was at his age. "
Note nodded his head, "I've come to trust him the most. If anything, I rely on him too much."
Liaud's smile returned, he rose from his seat. Walking over to Note. Note couldn't help but stand again. He was a bit shorter than the head but the scholar didn't tower over him the way Reign did. He patted Note on the shoulder, the chill of the metal could be felt even through Note's winter layers.
"Thing's when shared, do not become a burden."
Note didn't have time to decipher what Liaud had meant. The office doors began to whirr to life again as Xian returned. Liaud's hand fell as he returned to his desk.
"Branch head, it's barley dinner time there's plenty of time for N- Orion to return to his mountain."
Liaud didn't hesitate, "Ah I must have misread the clock. Apologies. Though with how often you've stayed out all night being a bother to this nice boy. Shouldn't you return the favor? Did I really fail to raise you right."
Xian's eyes rolled back, as his always straight back slightly deflated.
"I understand, I'll make sure to treat him well."
Liaud's teasing of Xian was so seamless. How Xian managed to act like his head was giving rational commands was a marvel.
"So well behaved suddenly. Young Orion you're such a good influence on this hopeless boy. Perhaps if you asked on my behalf, I could finally hear him call me father."
Xian looked like he was about to combust. He snatched Note's hand, rushing off without a proper goodbye. Note could hear a faint laughter that resembled bells, as the office door slid closed behind them.
Xian pulled him along too embarrassed to slow down. Note was brought to a rather nicer housing section. His own dorm was in the most basic section of housing. Small rooms carved into the stone. The homes here were in a natural cave, all open to the air together. There was even a glowing waterfall in the distance acting as the center of the small district. The nicer housing on his mountain was along its edges, he'd never had reason or ability to snoop. Established families within the Division really lived well it seems. Xian stopped at a gate. Pressing its hidden mechanisms, opening it.
The small courtyard on the other side was pristine. Moss grew instead of grass, a cat that had bee lazing on the front steps yawned in greeting. A few miscellaneous birds and wildlife dozed along the wall.
Note suddenly felt wronged. This damn bird really was camping out in my tiny room when he had a whole ABODE to come back to. Xian scooped the cat from the steps opening the front door and gesturing for Note to enter. Note was about to give the chicken a piece of his mind, when the sleepy cat was plopped into his arms. It gave a murr in greeting. Sniffing at him as it adjusted itself to be comfortable.
This devious bastard really knew how to avoid death.