Chapter 17: First Festival
Not long after their breakfast. The other two misfits who would be joining them. Had made their way over. Ravan arrived first, somehow getting into the branch and finding Lise's home without any help. Note felt himself grow protective as Lise and one of the fandom's favorite love interest's finally met face to face. Lise was only an inch taller than Ravan so their heights suited one another. As they gave their greeting's Lise's kind personality and Ravan's charm blended seamlessly. Getting on in a matter of moments. As if they were meant to be close. Note briefly wondered if he'd been doing his sister a disservice. He'd unintentionally been keeping some of her vital story companions from her.
Neither had waited for Note to introduce them. Not even paying mind to the glare that had settled on his face. Lise was used to her brother's overprotective glower. Ravan was used to being glared at.
Ravan presented his hostess with a box of flower shaped desert's. Even in the box their floral scent was overpowering. Lise did her best to not droll over the tasty gift. Her smile blinding as she thanked him for bringing something. Alright Note thought, you did good shorty.
Soon to follow the ever-sprouting platinum blonde beanpole arrived. Yuka hadn't switched to winter robes. Just seeing the kid arrive through the snow in such light attire made Note shiver for him. The kids had already exchanged holiday wishes and gift's the night before. Lise had shown off her prizes after breakfast.
So, upon entering Yuka beelined to Note to greet the elder and pass him some offerings. Note opened the wood box Yuka shyly handed him as he bowed his head. Taking a moment to pat the cute kid's head. Note was surprised how ice cold the kids' body was. Rubbing his back unconsciously to try and warm him up.
The box was jammed full with medicinal supplements. Note felt suddenly all his year's.
'This kid really does see me as an elder. I'm not that much older darn it, but it's sweet.'
Ravan watched as a scrawny icicle cozied up to Note. He's always assumed Note's tendency to smell medicinal was due to his sister being in the healing branch. He hadn't considered there was a little doctor also worrying over him. The way Note had described his sister's friends, he'd assumed this kid was practically a baby. Not a young man who hadn't yet filled out into his body's ever sprouting height. Ravan quietly made a note to himself to discuss this 'Yuka' with the bird later.
The four passed away the time easy enough. Two chatty, two quiet. A balanced group. Lise asked Ravan what kind of trouble her brother was when on mission's. Ravan surprisingly covered for him. Claiming he was able to hold his own well enough. Lise looked to Note with awe in her eyes. Unable to sop herself from picking him up in excitement at the stories Ravan shared.
After receiving a few of Lise's playful hits on the back during conversation. Ravan came to an understanding. The sister was cute, lovely and had bone snapping strength. The brother beautiful, elegant, but a frail bodied schemer. Eggs from the same basket indeed. Their looks seemed genetically inclined to mislead others. A little bear with a fox for a big brother.
The group went out down the mountain to grab food from the bustling vendors. Note and Yuka stayed to the side avoiding the busy thoroughfare. Lise had no trouble making her way through the crowds, Ravan easily crept around in her wake. He was enjoying not having to be the only social one. Working hard to get in this little sister's good graces. Unsure if she'd sniff out his intentions with how hard he was trying.
When Anora briefly joined them at the festival market Ravan's worries decreased. He saw the way the blue haired girl's red eye's followed Lise's every move.
'Ah, just as dense as her brother then.'
He spared the young warrior a pitying glace. As they continued wandering around. Ravan made sure to keep himself between Note and the crowd as much as he could. He'd have liked to have been between the kid and Note. But he needed the extra hand at protecting the socially anxious pretty boy. Who was doing his best to accompany his sister. As she happily rushed around from stall to stall. Showing him this and that, but resisting anytime he tried to buy her anything. Note had to team up with Anora to secretly buy a few of the item's Lise had enjoyed most. Quietly adding them to the shopping bag to be discovered later.
With this kid for a sister no wonder he tends to accidentally spoil me, Ravan pondered. It's a conditioned response. He was learning so much useful information.
'Should have gotten her a bigger box of treats.'
As the sun gradually began to fall from the sky Anora said her goodbyes to rejoin her family for dinner. The four had been lucky enough to grab a table at a restaurant. Thanks to the Division's habit of requesting them in advance. Reign was always thinking ahead for his people after all.
While Lise and Yuka were off taking their turn washing their hands. Ravan and Note sat guarding their table. Ravan was playfully rubbing at the frown lines at Note's brow. Only causing them to deepen as his hand was smacked away. Note's usual dark circles had darkened from a busy day out. He didn't seem unhappy though. He sipped at the warm drink that had been served. The melancholy that had been in his eye's this morning had faded. As Lise and Yuka returned. He looked at the kids in quiet fondness. Pushing the food towards them to start eating first.
Ravan had been on his best behaviour all day. After the kid's had grabbed enough food Note brought the food closer to Ravan. Still not yet serving himself. Ravan watched the fox try and avoid his eyes. As Note placed food on his plate for him. Clearly having decided he was taking too long to do it himself. Ravan deftly began doing the same for him. Avoiding the stealthy smacks Note gave him under the table.
Lise from her side watched on, as her big brother fooled around with his friend. His usual frown present but a slight smile was also creeping onto his face. She felt something in her heart ease. This brother of hers had never been great at making friends. Since he'd gotten sick it seemed he was trying harder. Lise was glad she wasn't quite her brother's whole world anymore. That other's -besides her own friends- were making their way in. Yuka quietly refilled her cup, giving her hand a squeeze. His freckled face and cold hand brought Lise out of her worries. She smiled at her friend nodding in reassurance, glad she'd made sure he wasn't alone today.
Note having filled Ravan's plate sky high had won their bout. Deftly cheating by holding down Ravan's hands to get the upper hand. Ravan was more then happy to lose by holding hands. He watched Lise and Yuka exchange silent encouragement. Was this? Did those kids dare flirt in front of him?? Note tried to stop the mad train of thought and think rationally. He'd become paranoid since Ravan and Lise had gotten on so well. He was seeing brothers-in-law's everywhere suddenly. Yuka was just another lonely kid with no family in the Division. Even if he'd been his favorite candidate, right now he was just a kid.
Ravan watched the wheels in Note's head turning. Like a mother cat that was about to adopt a duckling. Reading his thoughts easily. Mainly from the lack of attention Note was giving to the hand still clasped within his own. Ravan glanced at Yuka, some of his weariness easing. That kid… If I'm right, he's got quite the hurdle ahead of him. Not as much of a threat as I'd thought.
Ravan used the opportunity to feed Note while he was lost in his head. The constant patient, used to being fed at this point. Obediently ate what was directed at him. Lise's laughter at this brought Note back to the present. His had escaped Ravan's. Lise leaned over to also feed her brother. Note had no choice but to accept another mouthful. His ear's burning as Lise and Ravan joined forces to tease him. Calling for Yuka's aid with his eyes. The little bookworm was of no help. Busy trying to hold his laughter, as Note was helpless against the duo.
The festival wound down and the group returned to the mountain. The many lights put up especially for the festivities cast a warm glow against the cold scenery. Even the cold adverse Note couldn't help but take his time walking. Lise walked arm in arm with him, to keep her brother warm.
After spending the day together, the two groups finally parted aways. Each duo turning to head down the paths, to their respective branch. Ravan took over Lise's spot. Note was getting too chilly to protest the warm body that sleazily cozied up, even closer than his sister did. He didn't see the pat Lise gave to Yuka's back as they watched them go. Some sort of solemn envy in the kid's silver eyes that followed their leaving.
Arriving at Note's dorm door. Xian stood there, asleep standing up. Leaning slightly against the stone wall. He must have been run off his feet attending to things for Liaud. Neither Note nor Ravan felt the need to bully the tired turkey. They led the half-asleep man into the room. Note didn't bother protesting. Though he silently cried out thinking about the massive bed and spare rooms in Xian's home. Three grown men squeezing into his one-person room was too much an injustice. Perhaps once the winter quarter ended, he'd find a way to beg Reign for better housing. Or steal Xian's from him? No that was what Ravan would do. He'd figure something out.
As the two returned from warming up in the baths. Xian had already crashed into the bed falling soundly asleep. Note and Ravan with some effort rearranged their uselessly tall friend. Shoving him closest to the wall as punishment for dozing off. Note climbed in next determined to not be on the edge again. Regretting it as soon as Ravan's worming in, pressed him tightly between the two. He'd been so cold earlier, now it was too warm. Xian's arms looped around him, his nose nuzzling into his hair.
Faintly, so quiet Note wondered if even Ravan had heard it. Xian whispered an apology into Note's ear.
"Sorry. Your first festival and I missed it. Sorry. I really wanted- sorry. 'm sorry."
Breath hit his hair. Xian's breathing evening out as he fell asleep again. His sharp nose nudging against Note's face as he was pulled deeper into his embrace. Ravan -always quick to sleep when he felt safe- was already snoring against his chest. Note drained from the long day and warmed by the bodies he'd unknowingly gotten used to holding him. Fell into another comfortable dreamless sleep.