My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 79 Sophia

The titanic angel Sophia spread her wings creating a powerful gust that blew Yoko who was floating close to Sophia away and forced Zero to use his power to create shields just to avoid being blasted away. Sophia looked around the area and noticed the 5 individuals in the area. She reached out and caught the archon with her pointer finger and thumb shocking Zero who hadn't expected that.


She brought the ant-like archon to her eye level and stared at it with cold emotionless eyes. The archon was shaking and shivering unable to speak. Sophia looked at it and said, "So you're one of Yaldabaoth's servants" before she squashed the archon like crushing an ant.


With the archon seemingly dead the black wounds and veins disappeared from Soma's and Zero's bodies. The angel then looked at Zero who instantly felt a crushing pressure when her eye fell on him. The angel moved to grab him next and Zero tried to teleport away but found that he couldn't so he attempted to manipulate space with his mind but that failed too. Unable to do anything Zero was grabbed by the angel who brought him to eye level as she did with the archon.


"What are you?" asked Sophia in a booming voice that resounded throughout the dimension.


Zero looked at the angel who had a frown on her face as she looked at him and wondered why she was asking him this. His mind went into overdrive trying to figure out if she could see his connection to Nyx or was she wondering how he could be here.


Zero decided to answer the second possibility and said, "I'm Zero a friend of Soma who was trying to free him from the clutches of Yaldabaoth."


Sophia's brow furrowed when she heard the name of her child who had sealed her away. "Explain." She demanded in a cold laconic tone that Zero explain the events that led to him being here.


"Of course, I will explain but only on the condition that you don't harm me and my companions." said Zero as he bargained with this all-powerful angel.


"You dare to make demands of me!" yelled the angel Sophia in a booming voice.


"I do, don't pretend that you don't need the information that I can provide." said Zero calmly but inside he was freaking out praying that she would accept his deal.


Sophia stared silently at Zero for what seemed like an eternity before sighing and nodding to prove that she accepted his deal. "I'd like you to agree verbally. "Zero demanded which caused her to increase the pressure she exuded but Zero remained calm.


"Alright, I promise not to harm you and your friends unless you attack me first, and in exchange, you will answer all my questions." said Sophia


"For an hour." added Zero who noticed the flaw in what Sophia had said.


"In exchange, you will answer all my questions for an hour." said Sophia whose tone showed clear irritation.


"Okay, I accept your deal." said Zero


"Good, now enlighten me as to who you are and why you're here." said Sophia


Zero explained the course of events that led to him arriving here while leaving a few bits of information such as Nova and his dimension. He explained the history of Dracula who betrayed God who was now revealed to be Yaldabaoth and was cursed to repeat an endless cycle of losing his loved ones. He then told her about Soma's awakening without his memories so they came into his mind to solve that issue when they discovered her and the archon. He finished after telling her about Soma's refusal to return to the real world forcing a conflict between them and the archon which was a losing battle so they released Sophia.


"I understand the series of events. Now tell me about yourself." said Sophia


Zero looked at her calmly while freaking out on the inside. After a few seconds, he asked "What do you want to know?"


"What are you?" asked Sophia in a tone that sent chills through the bodies of everyone there.


"I don't understand the question. I'm simply a vampire." retorted Zero


"Don't lie to me. I sense many incompatible powers coexisting within you. You can't possibly exist." said Sophia


"I'm just unique." said Zero


"Your soul doesn't feel like that of a mortal. If you were a demigod I could understand but your soul strength is not even strong for a mortal. You're nearly as strong physically as that girl and she's close to her apotheosis." retorted Sophia


"I don't know much about my own soul." responded Zero


"I truly doubt that's true since I see you also have the powers of a lesser reaper." retorted Sophia


"Well, would you look at that our time up." said Zero who was paying attention to the passage of time while keeping up his guard.


"Yes, our deal has concluded and I understand something about you you're not from this world. You're probably a mortal under the guidance of a high-level deity or demon. They've probably granted you a gluttony-type blessing." said Sophia


"I don't know anything about gods. Now that our deal has concluded what happens now?" asked Zero


"I'll use this vessel to deal with Yaldabaoth." said Sophia


"What!?" yelled a surprised Zero.


"I lack a physical body and creating one is a waste of time when there's already one that can contain me perfectly." responded Sophia


"What happens to Soma when you use him?" asked Zero


"The amount of divine energy I'll need to use to deal with Yaldabaoth will probably either kill him or leave him catatonic." explained Sophia


"Are you out of your mind!? You plan to use and kill him after promising to not harm him." said Zero


"I will not be harming him it will be a consequence of my actions but not my intent." explained Sophia


"That's a lot of nice words but the end result is still the same." said Zero


"Then what would you suggest? If you couldn't even defeat that creature then you have a 0% chance of defeating Yaldabaoth. He may have stolen some of my power but he can't use it well so I can easily defeat him." said Sophia


"Wait, the way you're saying this are you unable to possess a human without their permission?" said Zero


"Normally, yes but I'm already in here so I'm able to use his body as I please without his consent." explained Sophia


"You angels are so self-righteous and shameless. If I can make you a body that can contain you will you leave Soma's body?" asked Zero


"So, you have the power to create life?" asked Sophia


"No, I can't create life just a soulless body." answered Zero


"Then we have a deal you will make me a body that I may inhabit comfortably and in exchange, I'll leave this one alone." said Sophia


"Okay then, we'll leave this place with Soma and get started on the body." said Zero


"No, one of you will stay since I don't trust you. I suggest the girl who broke my bonds." said Sophia


"That's unfortunate since I need Yoko to help make the body and I need Alucard to do something for me." explained Zero


"Then, I'll control this body that I'm sealed in until my new body is complete." said Sophia

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