My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 80 Sophia Part 2

“I’d advise against that Soma’s body still holds another of Yaldabaoth’s servants. Yaldabaoth might still believe that Soma defeated one through sheer luck but if we kill both then he’ll instantly appear. So please wait patiently until we finish your body. Soma will stay with you while we complete it” said Zero


“What is this servant called?” Sophia looked down at Zero before saying “No, never mind I’ll agree to your terms so I bid you to make haste.”


“Of course.” said Zero as he bowed like a gentleman.


Zero then floated down and found Yoko next to Alucard and Soma. He then explained the terms of his agreement with Sophia since they had been able to hear her voice but were unable to hear his.


“I don’t like this. We should…” Alucard had voiced his opposition to this plan but stopped when Zero placed his hand on Alucard's shoulder and shook his head.


“It's okay, I’m the one who brought you all here for selfish reasons so it's only fair I pay this price.” said Soma


“I completely agree with you on that.” said Yoko


“Yeah, it’s fair so Soma chill here for a while and we’ll be back as soon as possible.” said Zero


Zero flew off followed by Yoko and a reluctant Alucard as they found the entrance to the space and exited. Back in the black void, Zero released his ability to force all three out of Soma’s mind. Zero’s eyes opened slowly as he woke. There was a momentary haziness but it passed quickly. A few moments later Yoko and Alucard also awoke and they found Zero and Soma missing. They noticed a portal nearby and Zero walked through closing the portal.


“Where’s Soma?” asked Alucard


“I placed his body in the clock tower where we fought Death before. There are no monsters so he’ll be safe. I need to talk to you both now.” said Zero


“Does it have to do with the angel?” asked Yoko


“Yes, and she’s an aeon, not an angel. I moved Soma in case she could hear us through Soma.” explained Zero


“What an aeon?” asked Yoko


“An aoen is said to be the first thing created by God and they are not bound by the restriction of angels.” explained Alucard


Zero and Yoko looked at Alucard and blinked in surprise not having expected this. Zero coughed and said “Yeah because she’s not an angel she was able to lie to me before about hurting Soma. Since she can lie, I believe once Yaldabaoth is defeated she’ll attempt to silence us.”


“Why do think she’ll do that?” asked Alucard


“According to Mathias, Sophia was charged with watching over this world but broke a taboo of heaven. She created Yaldabaoth which steps into God’s domain so she has to erase the evidence of her crime. That means kill Yaldabaoth and killing us off.” explained Zero


“Wait! You left Soma with something that wants to kill us! He could be dead by now!” yelled Alucard


“Calm down. Zero has a plan or he wouldn’t have done it.” said Yoko


“Yes, I have a plan. First Alucard I need you to find Julius and bring him to the entrance where Mina and Hammer are. We need everyone together for a quick escape.” said Zero


Alucard nodded and Zero turned to Yoko and asked, “While you do that Yoko I want to know if you understand the magic used to seal Sophia?”


“Yes, I understand it and I’ve come up with a better version although I don’t have the power necessary to cast it.” explained Yoko


“Don’t worry about the power necessary I’ve got us covered. I want to know if you can engrave the spell into a living body?” asked Yoko


“Yes, but it’ll be inhumanely painful and might kill the host.” explained Yoko


“So you plan to crave the spell in her new body that you’re going to create.” stated Alucard


“Yes, it’s always good to have a failsafe or 2 when dealing with untrustworthy individuals.” said Zero


“But there’s a problem for the spell to work I would either need to use more energy to suppress hers or I would need to use her own to bypass her defenses.” explained Yoko


“Don’t worry, like I said I’ve got us covered on that front.” said Zero as he snapped his fingers and a large golden ball of energy that looked exactly like the energy trapping Sophia appeared.


“What’s that?” asked a shocked Yoko


“Divine energy harvested from Death’s soul. Yaldabaoth most likely used Sophia’s energy to create him and bind him to the chaos entity.” explained Zero


“It’s surprising that you have it but that's not enough.” said Yoko


“Don’t worry, I expected this, which is why we’ll kill the chaos entity and harvest all the divine energy from it.” said Zero


“I thought you said Soma should be the one to do that?” Yoko questioned Zero for this decision and asked “Why is it suddenly okay for us to kill it?”


“I had hope for Soma to defeat it, gain its power, and use that against Yaldabaoth but now we have a bigger secret weapon so there’s no need for that. Now that we have Sophia we don’t have to face the dangers of pissing off a god. Best case scenario they kill each other and worst case we fight the winner, which will most likely be Sophia who’s weakened.” said Zero


“That makes sense.” said Alucard


“So that’s the reason why you didn’t want her to control Soma's body.” said Yoko as she had an epiphany


“Why I don’t understand.” said Alucard


“If she controls his body the chaos entity would resist and she would kill it. Zero figured we might need it so he made up a plausible reason as to why she shouldn’t do it. The aeon probably thinks having Soma as a hostage is enough to keep us in check.” explained Yoko


“Yes, that's why I pretended that I didn’t want to leave Soma and that she forced me to. She feels she’s in control so she won’t be watching us. She might expect us to try something but the difference in strength will make her overconfident. We’ll be exploiting that overconfidence.” explained Zero


“You’re a scary kid. I can’t believe you’re the same kid who was freaking out about Yaldabaoth but now you’re planning to defeat something more powerful.” said a shocked Alucard


“Yeah let’s forget that. So long as I know what affects them I can beat anything.” said Zero as he thought ‘Except my mother so doesn’t you dare tell her I said I could beat her.’




‘After I’m done with this I really need to figure out what your problem with me is about.’


“So Alucard I’m going to send you so where Soma is located. When you arrive act like you are placing a barrier to protect him. I do want you to place the barrier but I also want you to cast a spell that blocks sight and hearing. Can you do that?” asked Zero


“Yes, I can mix a silence and blind spell into the barrier spell. I’ll also add invisibility to the barrier so that it makes seem like I added these effects to better protect him.” said Alucard


“Good, that should work.” said Zero as he waved his hand creating a portal for Alucard.


Alucard walked through the portal leaving Zero and Yoko alone in his dimension.

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