My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 78 Rescue Mission Conclusion

“Alucard this is going to get a bit heated so why don’t you retreat and protect Soma while resting a bit.” said Zero


Alucard followed Zero's instructions and flew to Soma's side. Zero smiled and snapped his finger causing the flame wall to move and surround him and the abomination. The abomination moved instantly to attack Zero but before it could it sensed a fireball behind it. The abomination dodged the fireball and the fireball flew into the flame wall. The abomination rushed at Zero again but it was stopped by shadow tendrils momentarily before it ripped them apart. When it tried to resume its attack it found that Zero had disappeared and it searched for him and noticed that Zero was floating in the air far above the flames.


Zero looked at the abomination and snapped his fingers causing the fireballs to be launched from all sides of the flame wall. The abomination tried to dodge and managed to dodge a few but was bombarded by countless fireballs setting it aflame. The abomination screamed in pain as it burned but the fireballs kept hitting it constantly keeping it in a state of perpetual pain.


For what seemed like 10 minutes the abomination was constantly burned and the flame wall got smaller as the fireballs were launched. The flame wall dissipated and the flames on the abomination died. It had patches of burnt skin all across its body which instantly started to heal rapidly. As its body healed it also began to contort and reformed. The abomination shifted back into its initial archon form and then its muscles began to swell and bludge. As the archon finished transforming it now had a hulking form it still had translucent skin but now it had claws and a mouth with shark teeth.


The archon crouched and tensed and disappeared and was already in front of Zero. The archon then smacked Zero with all its strength sending crashing into the ground like a falling star. Zero’s whole body ached when he opened his eyes to find the archon but found that it was already standing over him. Its shark teeth formed a twisted smile as it raised its clawed hand ready to finish off Zero when it stopped due to an unusual sight. Zero was smiling and pointed his middle finger up causing the archon to look up and see a gigantic bolt of lightning fall and strike them both.


Yoko was completely immersed in decoding the seal and had come across a problem in releasing the seal. The seal used the angle’s own power to seal her up and it would require power on a similar level to undo the seal. Yoko now needed to figure out a way to use the seal’s own power to break it. She now began siphoning a little of the energy from the angle but compared to hers it was a massive amount of energy that caused cuts and cracks to appear on her body causing her to bleed profusely.


The energy was minuscule to the total energy but it was 10 times Yoko’s maximum mana making it difficult to get it under control. Unbeknown to Yoko her form shifted from her human to her demon form and blue tattoos began to shine and radiate an intense blue light. As the light shone the cuts and cracks on her body began to heal. For a reason unknown to her it suddenly became easier to control the energy and Yoko felt that she could possibly control even more. Now that she could control the energy Yoko began gathering more and more energy to use.


The archon had been struck by the lightning that shocked him and knocked it back a couple of feet. It hadn’t suffered much damage from the lightning unlike with the flames. It rushed back to where it last saw Zero only to find the area empty. It roared again and then it instantly turned 180 degrees and attacked the air. Zero appeared from the area the archon slashed with its claws. Zero had suffered an injury across his chest which was 3 black claw marks.


The wound on his stomach had also changed back to black meaning that he would last too long in this situation. Zero had been buying time hoping for Yoko to unseal Sophia before he fell into his slumber but it looked as if she wouldn’t be able to succeed in time. His mind had been getting foggier as he fought with the archon. His foggy mind had led him to make 2 fatal mistakes with the first being although this creature had no eyes it could still see him. This meant that it saw in another way and that he had failed to notice that whenever it lost sight of him it would release a roar which meant that it saw him through sound and would always find him even when he became invisible.


As Zero's mind began to get even foggier he began to have trouble standing up so he fell to his knees. The archon walked towards him with its claws extended ready to kill him. Zero tried to create a shield to separate himself and the archon but it walked through them as if they were never there, to begin with. The archon now stood in front of Zero and it knelt down to see on Zero’s eye level and showed him another twisted smile. Still smiling it grasped Zero’s neck and began to squeeze while digging its claws into his neck.


The archon was still squeezing Zero's neck when it felt the chaos dimension begin to shudder. The archon then released a piercing howl as it dropped Zero. A blinding light began to shine throughout the entire dimension. The light grew smaller and brighter until only an enormous pillar of shield returned. When the light fully disappeared there stood a woman the size of a planet.


The woman had 6 beautiful wings on her back and she had no ears but there were miniature wings on her head. She had long blonde hair and opened her eyes to show amber-brown eyes that had a hint of blue. The aura she released was so suffocating that everyone here forgot to breathe.


"Please… don't… summoned…." said the cowering Archon


“Too late for that.” said Zero with a smile

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