Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 110: The Sovereign of the Universe

I believe you all know the Susanoo songs...So go crazy on that one!!



Absolute Silence.

Silence in the Whole Universe.

Goku and Vegeta gulped up and down.

Whis 's laid back expression faded. Replaced by a one in a lifetime serious one.

Something was about to happen.

Something that would change the very nature of this confrontation.

It was the same for his Retainers too.

Marek had kept…This power too deeply hidden, never to be revealed to the world.

Because…That…Wasn't something that is supposed to be shown until it is absolutely necessary.

All that lived in the Universe had a weird moment of Clarity.

The Gods…The Kais…The Angels…The Grand Priest.

The Animals…The Humans…The Aliens…

The Kaoishins…The Grand King Enma…

And not only in the Seventh Universe.

A Certain member of the Pride Troopers.

Frieza training in the After Life.

All felt there was a mysterious Power in the works here….

Everything seemed to turn solemn to welcome the Dawn of a New Existence.

Suddenly…A Shaking invaded…

The Whole Multiverse. The 13 Universes altogether.

The Seventh Universe was the one shaking the Hardest, so hard the wave shook the other Universes.

This was just the extent of the Being invoked here.

The Shaking only got more and more violent.

As Beerus grin slowly turned into a solemn expression.

Play Time was over.

Serious Business began right here! Right Now!

Every person, every animal felt the Shaking, and deeply in their heart felt deep fear in their heart.

Hell…Even Ezio, Altair and the Empresses were afraid.

This was a quasi instinctual reaction. A reaction that couldn't be resisted.

How could they keep their composure when the whole Universe seemed to be shaking in Fear?

Like a tragic presage. Like a Demon Avatar. Like a Poetry of the End.

And as every being of the Universe felt the same way, they did the same act.

They all looked in the Sky.

And they all saw the same thing. Be it day or night…

They saw what would normally look like shooting stars.

But isn't that ridiculous?

When a Being 'sees' a Shooting Star…

The Star had already past by a Million Years ago.

Light Works like that. And if they 'saw' it as it happened…What would that mean?

The response…is…Absurdity.

The Absurdity that happens when an Object as Gigantic as a Planet or A Star travels in a Speed completely outstripping light.

And was somehow still being able to maintain its form.

What does happen?

Is it real, is it not?

Anyway, what they saw…Is A Rain of Shooting Stars Completely blinding the vast sky!!

In every Living Planet in Universe 7 such an Absurdity was going on…

The Kaioshing was terrified:

"He is…What is that…"

He is voice shaking, fear in his bloodshot eyes…

"A Quarter…"

He then said it. Even he not being able to believe his own words.

"A Quarter of the Non Living Astral Bodies in the Universe are converging toward one point!!!"

What does that mean?

What does actually mean ?

In the Universe there are over 700 quintillion planets and over 200 Billion Trillion Stars.

Let's make an Absrudly Big overstatement and say HALF of those Astral Bodies are needed for Survival of the Species.

That would leave us with 350 Quintillion Planets and over 100 Billion Trillion Stars.

A Quarter of that has been invoked.

In other Words…75 Quintillion Planets and 50 Billion Trillion Stars.

75×10^30 Planets AND 50×10^23 Stars.

Keep in mind…That in Earth the number of Grain of Sand are 7,5*10^18

There was actually exponentially more Astral Bodies than Grain of Sands on Earth!!

And not by a small margin we are talking over about a difference bypassing the Billion Times!!!


Hovering over the Battlefield between the Two Freaks!!

As Billions after Billions of Astral Bodies Appeared by the second. And as he saw the rather laid back expression of the Emperor.

The God of Destruction knew…This wasn't an easy foe. No…He was probably fighting the battle of his life.

Innumerable Celestial Bodies were splattered over Hundred Thousands Light Years!!

Suddenly, under the eyes of the Destruction God… In the Endless Sea of Planets… Some started Orbiting!!! In a frenetic speed!!! Turning into Mystical White Shinning Rings of Light.

The Mystical White Rings Composed of Billions and Billions of Astral Bodies in constant rotation seemed to hold a mystical power, something way beyond the concept of movement, universe or rotation.

Mysticism was the Word.

The Rings of Light of Different size slowly moved in an orderly fashion.

In the Center of the Rings Instead of the void of Space, appeared, a weird Multicolored Mirror.

It seemed…Akin to a Portal.

Finally each White Ring Stopped in it's predisposed place.

One was Up.

And just a little below it was 6 Pairs: Three in the left and three in the right.

The Biggest Ring was in the Middle.

Two Pair of Rings were stationed down.

A Pair in the left, another in the Right!

Suddenly from the Each of the Six Pairs Stationned Up, traversing the Weird Multicloared Appeared GIGANTIC DARK HANDS…

No Gigantic is a huge understatement.

These Hands could hold planets and stars the same way normal hands hold sand in their palms.

Three Hands from each sides.

A moment of pure and untethered silence was there…Just to honor such a being. Before the 6 hands clenched!!

Shaking the Whole Universe once again!!

Son Goku had a deeply solemn expression:

"Such a Thing…"

Vegeta was in compete turmoil:

"Goddamn it!! What the hell did he do in that short time?"

Kaioshin and the Supreme Kai were trembling with fright:

"Is this really in the Realm of techniques?"

Immediately after the hands were clutched, the Pair of Rings advanced.

Forming the Jet-Black Armored Wrists, Forearms, Arms and Shoulders.

And as the 6 Arms were made, the Rings died out and slowly disappeared like a cosmic dust.

In the same time all the other Rings moved forming the legs, the Biggest one forming the Torso and the Last one the faces!!

And Like that…

The Fore bringer of the Apocalypse made it appearance on the world.

The Jet black yet adorned armor giving more a sense of Imperial ship than the Samurai, Tengu of the Classic Susanoo.

The Deep Dark Armor gave luxurious luster, having Turkish inspiration. Over the Armor the Being was wearing a Turkish Imperial Cape Fluttering in the Cosmos. Giving a deep sense of Majesty.

The Being had 6 Arms and three Faces, reminding of the Asura Mode of Naruto Uzumaki, or Madara's Base Susanoo.

Yet the difference was in the faces.

The Sovereign of the Universe had Three Different Faces.

The First one had a cold indifferent Mask on.

The Second had a Broken Mask from below, revealing a big cruel smile.

The Third was unmasked and looked rather effeminate, with a Saintness-like smile on, like it was blessing the world.

The Three Faces kept constantly everchanging like they were wrestling to find an equilibrium.

That is until Marek sat on it's forehead.

The Three Faces finally stopping their movement, now, living in symbiotic coexistence.

The beast was terrible. The incarnation of hypnotic desolation. So Big, one couldn't even begin to fathom it's size.

This was the Sovereign of the Universe. The Strongest version of the Susanoo, that ever lived.

A Power surpassing by far…The Legendary Super Saiyan Transformation…A literal Armageddon and an Entity only created for demolition.

Marek smiled, extremely amused:

"Solar Golden Wheel Reincarnation."

Heeding the Call of the Sovereign.

Suddenly Billions of Stars started condensing, slowly taking the Shape of Three sharp long Burning Golden Scimitars.

Forming Three Stellar Scimitars, at the left waist of the Sovereign of the Universe.

He continued:

"Solar System Silver Wheel Reincarnation"

Suddenly Solar Systems started forming left and right.

And immediately Billion of Solar System turning at Light Speed were stacked at top of each other. Forming Three Forever Rotating Scimitars, at the Right Waist of the Sovereign of the Universe.

Finally complete!!! The Three Faces of the Sovereign Roared creating ripples in reality killing Billions of Creatures by a simple sound wave.

The First Masked Face was dead silent.

The Second with the Broken Mask Roared like a Malevolent War God.

The Third wailed like it was Deploring the Misery of the World.

The Angel of Apocalypse had graced the world with it's appearance.

Was it Calamity? Was it Salvation?

All the people observing the 'Happening' only kept deep silence and reverence. The Emperor wasn't a Mere Super Saiyan God Level Being….No…

Even in the Super Saiyan Form of the Super Siyan God, that has been germinating in their mind for a while…

They wouldn't stand a chance.

Not in this life.

Those eyes had something extremely mystical about them. And the Beings on Whis Level…Just knew.

This wasn't near his Max!!

Esdeath watching this, had a deep shade of red on her cheeks:


'He must be the most beautiful being in the Universe.'

She was born and raised to love and worship strength. The Mizukage already extremely in love only saw her affection grow.

She then remembered the Emperor's words:

"To never compromise on anything. Be it love or aspirations."

"To kill only those you want to kill, to never be cornered into doing anything."

"This is the true meaning of strength."

Esdeath felt her that her heart was beating out of her chest:


The Rest of the Empresses were only frightened. After all…This Thing…looked like all Evil in the World Combined in One Entity.

Something that shouldn't exist. Something that obliterate just by it simple creation.

Was that really the husband who would shy away from their simple touch?

Was it really the man who would spend his time, assuming fatherhood for war orphans?

Was it really the man who would still feel pain from betrayal?

Does the concept of Betrayal and Pain even mean something to him?

His Vizirs and Generals had also the same deep expression.

Humans are visual creatures. Comprehending Universal Level and actually seeing it are two different concepts altogether!

Even the most loyal retainer would think…

Am I really that indispensable to him?

Does he really need an Empire?

Does the concept of Country even apply to such beings?

The Same for the Members of the Bortherhood.

Such a being….Is it really the man who raised them? Who shared their love and their sorrow for 8 Long Years?

Marek sitting atop of The Sovereign spoke deep pride and arrogance in his words.

"Are you ready? Destruction God…"

Beerus smiled, still not a trace of fear on his eyes:

"Show me your best…Mortal."

Visualize That!!

An Endless Sea of Astral Bodies Hovering over the Endless Cosmos….

All only a background to the Sovereign of the Universe:

Standing, proud, Imperial, untethered, Hegemon he was…

His Astronomical Scimitars at his Waist.

His Three Faces Cursing the very concept of existence.

His ominous 6 Larges Thick Armored Muscular Arms, Wondering Freely in the Cosmos.

His Long Untethered Turkish Cape Floating, fusing with the Universe at it's end.

A Nightmare indeed.

In front of Him…Floating, as untethered, as Arrogant, as Malevolent. The God of Destruction.

If one was to be poetic.

One would Compare it to the Mythological Battle between the Titan and the Gods in Greek Mythology.

Titan versus God.


First of All...If you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!

The Battle will continue the next Chapter.....I Hope you like this chapter. I did my best to illustrate it the best I can.

We are getting closer to the end of Vol 1.

If you could please comment...Your impressions of the Whole Fic as I Publish the last chapters. I do need it to prepare the framework of the Vol 2 and to rewrite some of the earlier chapters.

For exemple:

Harem Opinions?

MC Opinions?

Plot Opinions?

Fight Scenes Opinions?

Please if you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!

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