Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 111: Cosmic Sonata

I would use the Four Rings Ost to read this one.


A Myth…Now Reality.

The Emperor with a somewhat elegant smile, made a little movement with his right hand!!

"Cosmic Sonata: First Verse."

And as he announced that, the effeminate face of the Sovereign started slowly singing…

A Beautiful Soprano Voice.

Like an Opera Singer.

Yet this time…The voice didn't cause any discomfort for any beings in the Universe.

No…It was only and simply…

Schenizel shut his eyes, contemplating the profundity of the voice:

"Desolation…Misericordia…And Vengeance…"


…Hauntingly Beautiful, indeed.

"Planetary Rain."


The Sovereign's Three right arms moved in the same fashion, like it was ordering the Universe itself!!!

Immediately Billions of Planets!!! Descended like a Calamity on the God of Destruction!!

Keep in Mind…Those weren't simple paper planets…No…those are planets…That have moved from the other side of the Universe, in less then seconds, when the fastest in the Universe Whis needs at least 30 Minutes….

Accumulating endless Kinetic energy.

So much Kinetic Energy, the only reason they weren't obliterated from the get go was the Emperor power and control.

Of course that doesn't mean that Marek is physically faster than Whis…

But that his Control over his Eyes is so perfect that he could bend the laws of Gravitational Force over such long distances.

Like Goku's Instant Transmission. Bending the laws of Space.

Only Marek method's conserves Kinetic Energy…No…It favors Kinetic Energy even more!!

These Projectiles Fusing with the Emperor and his Sovereign's completely absurd amount of Ki!

Transforming these projectiles into a Night Universal threats!!!

The Rain of the End…The Music of the Apocalypse…Has Started…

Facing the Endless Rain…Facing the Titan…The God Smirked!!

Propelling himself, facing it head on!!!

Concentrating his Hakai on his hands….He began punching…

Punching and Punching!!

Through existence itself!!

Through the ordeal of the Rain!!

And with each one of his strikes…Billion Planets would be erased from existence.

Only to be replaced with new ones!!

So he would punch again and again!!

Each one of his fist, each one of his movement!!

Containing Incomparable Might!!

Unreachable Force!

Profound Mastery and Unrelenting Will!!

And so the Planetary Dance began. Like a Valse to honor the Cosmos.

As Planets after the others were demolished with each move of the God of Destruction.

By the second. More Planets appeared again and again!!

The God of Destruction seemed to fight against the concept of Infinity itself.

Like a Man fighting against the Sea….

Yet…He wasn't drowning…Now the Sea was turning into cosmic dust under his Grip!!

His Powerful and Mighty Force.

Like fatigue didn't mean anything to him.

The Fight already made every watcher completely silent.

The Might of One vs the Control of the Other.

The God of Destruction…was laughing…Turning near drunk from the destruction!!

Exalted!! Having the time of his life!! Using his full power!!!

The Emperor doubled laugh was also growing bigger and bigger!!!

All of that accompanied by the never ending…beautiful voice of the Sovereign….

A Mythological Confrontation indeed.

A Dance to remember…

…Yet it was only the Beginning!!

The Emperor smiled cruelly, making the Second's face evil smile grow bigger, moving his left hand lightly:

"Cosmic Sonata: Second Verse."

The Third Effeminate Face changed it's singing into a somewhat even more beautiful song.

The Three Left Arms Moved in similar fashion!!

"Stellar Chaos."

This time adding to the Planetary Rain, appeared here and there source of light!! Making the whole abyss sea burning with incandescent Light!!!

The Addition of the Stars created Chaos…

As the interaction of the Planets and the Stars gave birth to new phenomenon in a random fashion…

Sometime the Planets would burn turning into incandescent balls of Cosmic Fire!!!

Other time, the Planets would orbit augmenting their Kinetic Energy even further!! Turning it into it into Infinite Tornados!!!

Other times, where the Gravitational force was too strong…

All of them would fuse concentrating into one point, concentration into a level even beyond a Black Hole…Turning into little drops into space…

All the Black Holes creating an Endless Black Rain!!

Chaos…Chaotic Order was the next theme.

The Cosmic Fire…

The Infinite Tornados…

The Endless Black Rain…


Tribulations from Heavens…Testing the Might of the Warriors…The Sovereign Second's Face Smiled Malevolently…

It's eyes appearing through it's Broken mask preying on the God of Destruction…

Apocalypse was raging in the Universe….

Natural Disasters on a Universe Scale.

Yet…The God of Destruction only got more and more domineering!!

His Laugh growing with time, as insanity started to invade his mind!!!

The Power of Destruction grew enveloping his whole body!

Completely consuming the Black Rain with it's simple touch!!

His Hakai Blasts fused with his ever-rising God Ki fought and consumed the Cosmic Fire like it was feasting on the most delicious dish in the World!!

He punched through the Infinite Tornados, parting the endless cyclones like an Impending Calamity!!!

His Struggle was truly magnificent!!

Worthy of a God!!

Destruction! Destruction!! Destruction!!!

Destroy the Fire!! Destroy the Wind!! Destroy the Rain!!!

Destroy the Chaos!! Destroy the Apocalypse!!

Each of his moves had the profound meaning of Destruction!!

Each of his Blasts contained Universe Ending Ki!!

Each of his every laugh could obliterate Billion of Planets!!

Armageddon was invoked by the Emperor.

Only to be met with the Apocalypse itself!!

The Emperor only laughed louder like a deranged maniac!!!

The Third Face changed the ryhtm of it's song!! AGAIN!!!

This time!!! The Six Arms of the Monster, moved in an upward position!!!

Suddenly!!! A gigantic force of Attraction was invoked in the palm of each of the Immense Hands!!!

The Endless Abyss of Planets all moved in uniformity!! Like they became tangible energy!!!

An endless amount of Celestial Bodies began merging!!! Turning into something extremely familiar!!!

As in each of the Hands of the Sovereign, an entity was formed!!

In monstrous rotation!!!

The Kai lost his footing just looking at that!!!

The Allies of the Emperor also took a deep breath!!!

The North Kai was sweating barely able to maintain his composure, even trying to pinch himself into awakening from this Nightmare!!!


" Each of the Hands is holding a Rotating Galaxy!!!"

The Six-armed sovereign had a Shuriken like entity on each of his hands!!!

Bulma took a deep breath!!!

"Is he going to throw Galaxies at him?!!!"

"What the Hell am I watching?!!"

Beerus laughed even more thrilled!!!!

"Cosmic Sonata: Third Verse"

The Second Face smile only got more vicious!!!

As the Six arms immediately threw the Galaxies, the way a certain Blond-Haired Ninja would later do with his own Ashura Mode!!!

"Galactic Demise."

The Six Galaxies in extreme rotation were going for blood!! Immediately targeting the God of Destruction!!!

Beerus immediately augmented his power level to it's upper limit!!!

6 Purples Orbs appeared by his side!!! Taking a Huge toll on his Ki consumption!!!


The Orbs were smaller than the Galaxies!! But conained endless power!!!

Immediately Explosion after another appeared!!! As Beerus evaded and destroyed each of the Powerful Weaponized Galaxies!!

Using all his might in the process!!!

His Blood was boiling!! His Heart was pounding!!!

'This what I wanted!! This Thrill!!!'

The Two men had the same though in mind!!!

At this state the Power showcased by Beerus was never even shown to Goku and Vegeta after their Evolved Super Saiyan Blue!!

No it was comparing a well to an Ocean!! Yet…

It was…

…Something clearly well within the calculations of the Emperor.

He was attentive to each move, each muscle, each sign of excitement, each sign of Blood lust…

Every detail didn't escape the Emperor's eyes…

Long Minutes passed until…

He found the perfect Moment!!


Suddenly like uncovered by the Vail of the Universe…Appeared Giant Stars…Giants Planets…Endless ones…Yet those ones were aligned, like a pearl collar.

The Issue is that they were just in front of the God of Destruction!!!

Whis opened his eyes:

"Illusion!! Again!!"

Son Goku and Vegeta felt their head going in full steam!!

Why did he hide these Planets from him and why did they appear now?

But Bulma…Who was the most knowledgeable of them all in Physics and Pyrotechnics…

"Oh My!! This!! Formation!! Don't you see?!!"

"You block heads!! It's like a Wick!!"

"Linking all the Disasters together!!"

Ezio realizing the gravity of the Situation, immediately gave the order:



The God of Destruction immediately had a bad hunch!! But the moment he tried to escape he already saw that he was completely stopped in his tracks!!!

The Emperor laughed:

"I told you to not be too arrogant…God of Destruction."

His eye shined with an ominous luster, a Gigantic Great Bow Appeared in the hands of the Cold Faced Sovereign.

He pulled with all his force.

He concentrated the power in his eye invoking the most powerful Fire in the Universe!!

And it appeared in the form of a Cosmic Arrow, the Amaterasu Powered up by the Sovereign to surpass the Universal Level!!

His Universal Amaterasu!! JAHANAM!!!

"Cosmic Sonata: Requiem."

The Soprano voice of the Third Susanoo hit it's highest note!! Like it was ending it's song!!

The Arrow attacked the most inflammable part of the Ring…Where there is the most concentration of Stars!!

Burning the Wick!

The Wick of the Greatest Bomb ever made.


Immediately The wick burned with the speed of Light!!

The Already instable Tribulation had an exponential reaction!!! Like putting Fire on Oil but a much much bigger scale!!

Everything exploded!!! The Planets!! The Stars!! The Tribulation had a Mystical Reaction!!

The Cosmic Fire turned into A Green Fire of Destruction!!

The Infinite Tornado! Turned into an Endless Green Fire Typhoons!!

The Black Rain!!! It's drops assembled by the Fire!! Turning into Gigantic Fire Tsunamis!!!

Purgatory descended on the World…

Purgatory was green.

It was desolate…It was hot…It was insufferable…And it was Burning the very fabric of the Universe….

And it could have succeeded easily in doing so…If it's Master didn't have the Capacity to turn off it's aftermath!!

Turning off the expanding flames and absorbing the Energy Aftermath by the Preta Path!!

A Feat only possible using his Sovereign as a Vessel!

Hell was born in the Universe as the Burning Green Infinity invaded everything….Creating a whole new entity…

The Emperor sighed as he recollected the vision that has been haunting his mind.

The Vision of the Astaroth Continent Burning.

An Elated, sadistic smile appeared on his face:



In the moment when he relaxed his nerves!!!

The Whole Flames got rapidly invaded by a raging power of Destruction with Incalculable speed…

A silhouette Travelled the distance and crashed into the Sovereign face's creating enough cracks to go through in one trust!!!

The Power attained a Height never ever seen before!!!

His Power of Destruction skyrocketed in a level where he was able to pierce his Sovereign with ease, and out speed his Rinnegan's perception!!!

Marek didn't know what happened before he felt the hard punch of the God of Destruction folding him in Half!!

Blood came out from his mouth as he looked up at the enraged god of Destruction, traces of sever burning on his left side!!!

Arrogance mixed with rage and sheer unadulterated power!!

"Good Move…Mortal."

Feeling his organs squished into Oblivion!! His Hakai already surpassed what could his Preta Path deal with!!

This time!! He was on a whole other level!!

The Emperor used his Nakara Path to it's maximum to heal…Just be able to stay conscient. Yet he still felt the pain of complete obliteration tearing his body to shreds!!

The God of Destruction had acknowledgement and arrogance in his words:

"Little Advice"

"Next time, you manage to hurt a God of Destruction….You better finish the job."


"You will pay the price."

Gods of Destruction worked this way!!

If the Fighting Style of the Angels is to get stronger as they avoid damage!!

The Way of the God of Destructions is to get stronger as they tank damage and they drown deeper and deeper in Bloodlust!

Managing to Hurt a God of Destruction isn't the end of a Fight!!

No!!! On the Contrary it's barely the Beginning!!!

The Emperor locking his eyes with his opponent, grinned at what seemed to be the most painful strike he ever received:

"You think…I don't know that?"

Suddenly The Sovereign's 6 Hands opened up at the same time!! Extending his Arms in all directions!!!

"Isn't it more interesting that way?"

His Dark Rinnegan glowing ominously!! As he cried with all his lungs!!

"Sovereign's ALMIGHTY PUSH!!!"

The God of Destruction Felt the Absurd amount of Repulsion knock him off out of the Sovereign on the other side of the Battlefield!!!

Behind him the very fabric of Space began rippling taking on the Power of the Almighty Push!!!

The Whole Universe turning into some sort of Wavy ocean!!


Well...Power Stones!!! Haaa!!! Although I really doubt I could get a Higher rank in this situation.

Okay before anything you should know...that due to exams getting closer and closer. I may not be able to be as productive as I was in the summer.

Two for those who care about my work...Reviews and comments would be much appreciated!!

Three....There will be a lot of Head Cannon going into this fight...If you expect me using already established techniques for my character, you will be disapointed. Marek path will be different than Goku or Vegeta.

Four While I think that production wise I may be late...I could still rewrite some earlier chapters as I felt I have really improved in my writting.

And Finally...Don't Forget Powestones!!! (Sigh...Why Bother?)

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