Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 109: Warm up!!

I would use Emergence of Talents to read this one!!


The Two smirked, immense pride and arrogance in their eyes before immediately disappearing each one of them skyrocketing on the way of the other, entering into a Mythological Melee!!!

And to the surprise of everyone it was a stalemate!!

While the power level of the God of destruction clearly outclasses that of Marek. Beerus didn't seem able to take a hold of the advantage!

Whis narrowed his eyes, a long smile on:

"Oh my~Those eyes….How lucky~"

Son Goku, Krillin and Kame Sennin, aka the most martial art inclined of the Z Fighters were flabbergasted by the sight.

And Not because of Marek putting up a fight against the God of Destruction.

Goku was the first to speak a solemn aura on:

"His movements….They don't even seem possible anymore."

Kame Sennin had also a rare movement of clarity:

"His eyes are playing a huge part…."

"But not only that…."

"I also told you, Enlightened People are dangerous…"

What was actually happening?

In his Melee against the God of Destruction….

Marek's pupils were moving in a frenetic pace, his vision constantly changing between each part of the God of Destruction's body!!!

His Rinnegan in overdrive analyzing each aspect, movement, decision, muscle, Ki Fluctuation to the Billionth nanometer, and Billionth femtosecond!!

All that fused with his Powerful Mastery over the Kenboshku Haki! Able to predict his 10 Seconds in the Future.

A Feat he normally could easily outstrip. But facing the God of Destruction, 10 seconds was already his MAX!!!

Yet even with that…The God of Destruction would escape his Future Sight!!

7 Times out of 10!!!

Analyzing each movement, and coming up with a proper counter!! This was the way Marek was keeping up with the God of Destruction!

The same way the members of the Uchiha Clan kept up with Taijutsu users overwhelming them physically!!

But on a much MUCH Higher Scale…

And with an unforgivable margin of Error!!

Each bad step would result in him completely losing the exchange!!

He wasn't fighting some two-bit ninja!!! He was fighting the God of Destruction!!

His Complete Control and Mastery over his body…Was helping tremendously…

But would someone who mastered the Ultra Instinct, not be Enlightened too?

The Stalemate continued as the both exchanged blow for blow, kick for kick…Yet weirdly…

This time no Planet were inadvertently destroyed in the exchange. The Two showing Transcendent control over their craft!!

Martial Artists…. Indeed!!

The Supreme Kai spoke solemnly:

"They are on a completely different level…"

The Kaioshin shutting his eyes and observing the exchange sighed:

"If their battle wasn't threatening to destroy the Universe…"

"This battle would rile even me up….After all this is Martial Art Mastery at it's finest."

Suddenly, a sharp light appeared on the Emperor's dark Rinnegan…

He immediately accelerated!!!

Blow for Blow again were exchanged…Yet this time the Emperor seemed to somehow hold the advantadge!!!

His Fellow retainer's breath cut!!!

Immediately using all the pores in his body!! His Ki Flowing in his Arms and Legs like a never-ending river!

He enchained 6 or 7 Blows at mindblowing speed!!!

Completely surpassing his previous self!!

His Rinnegan after what seemed to him, like Thousands of years of Information Analysis!! Finally found a breach!!

He accelerated!!

The God Of Destruction seemed on the Backfoot!!

Yet when the blows actually gone through!!!


The First Right hook swiftly evaded, The Second Left straight properly dodged, and the Third Uppercut. Was blocked in it's tracks, by his left hand's powerful Grip.

Marek seeing his attack stopped in its tracks…Locked eyes with the smirking God of Destruction:

"Don't Get Cocky…Mortal."

He used his free hand to launch a devastating punch in the Gut!!! Folding the Emperor in Half!!!

Yet somehow…The Emperor was smiling…

Suddenly the Bending Figure disappeared, like…

….An Illusion.

A Monstruous Right Hook landed on the face of the God of Destruction from the side!!

"Don't be too arrogant…Destruction God."

The Punch lightly twisted his face, yet it felt, like it did minimal damage to him:

"Another Illusion, huh….My Bad."

Those words were the trigger to another Melee. Yet this time , not a one vs one…

The God of Destruction was facing Two Emperors and as the time goes on, Beerus got used…to the Rhythm.

The Two became Three then Four, then Five…

Finally amounting to 6 Mareks, 5 were an Illusion, one was real…

Yet imitating the techniques of the Kurama Clan, His Illusion could actually deal real damage making it even more difficult to fight off…

But this wasn't all there was to it!!

And Slowly…The Kais…The Angels, the Saiyan Gods realized it.

'Beerus is underperforming!!!'

Not from now…But actually from the beginning…Beerus isn't holding back…

But somehow, he isn't fighting the fight he should!!

Son Goku and Vegeta had cold sweat in their back, as realization downed on them.

Whis, his Master, saw that from the beginning and started explaining:

"The Saiyan has been using Illusions since the Beginning. Only it escaped, everyone's vigilance, until now."

Even The Named ones of the Brotherhood, who had keen senses, were surprised by this statement.

"Little and Low effort Illusion."

"But their effect is much more devastating than the one he is using now."

"Distance, Reach, Striking Speed, Guarding Speed…"

"He has been modifying Beerus-sama senses since the beginning, causing to make erroneous approximations. Completely throwing off his rhythm!!!"

Whis sighed:

"Such a Fighting Genius…"

"Is Extremely dangerous to fight against…And if you underestimate his capacities, you will find yourselves completely lost in you own fight."

Yet despite that…The fight could only be called a Stalemate…And Neither one of them was even injured…Not even out of breath.

The both knew this was destined to be a long fight.

NO….The Both wanted it to be a long fight!!!

Swiftly parrying The Six Men at one, the god of destruction countered swiftly, sometime hurting the real, sometime touching the illusion.

And as the battle continued to ensue, both of them started to draw their real power.

Their Power Level increasing as time passed until, ripples started appearing in the Universe, already overcharged with the sheere amount of Power present here.

The Battle continued to skyrocket, the blows becoming much more powerful!! The Speed reaching unreachable heights!!

Already threatening to completely tear apart the Universe!!!

The Illusions gradually disappeared becoming completely useless at this scale!!

And as the God of Destruction slowly but surely got used to the interreference of the Rinnegan, his extremely sharp fighting instinct got him on the track.

His Power Level skyrocketing with it!! Compeltly overpowering his adversary!!!

Yet!! This wasn't the end of it!!

Marek wasn't such an easy of an adversary!!

His Rinnegan activated his Preta Path!!

The God of Destruction found that the impact of each of his blows was offset by at least 30 PERCENT!!!

And The Emperor's blows becoming much powerful with the same amount!!

Creating a sort of equilibrium between them….


'This Mortal!!! Such Tricks!!!'

The God of Destruction started riling up his God Ki once again!!!

The Emperor drove his Preta Path to the limit to absorb the difference of power between the two and blowing up in his face!!

This was the Power of the Rinnegan!! The Power that enables him to fight such a foe on completely equal grounds!!

A Power he didn't even begin to fully use!!

The Emperor smirked, each one of his blows containing the destructive God Ki he just absorbed!!!

Keep in mind that the Mastery needed over the Rinnegan to even trying attaining such a feat is already on a level Sakuke Uchiha, Nagoto Uzumaki and Madara Uchoha couldn't possible fathom!!

The operation seemed simple!!

But actually… Was it?

The Punch of the God of Destruction are Vastly outstripping the Speed of light by eons! The frequency of his punch are in unfathomable speed!!

And in practically the same frequency.

At each punch…

The Preta absorbed his energy. Which already approach the limit of what the Rinnegan could actually absorb!!!

Fused the God Ki with his own, in a way resembling the manner Senjutsu Users absorb Natural Energy and merge it into their own.


While Analyzing the attack of the God of Destruction and coming up with ways to counter it!!

Entertaining the constant little illusions and striking back using the completely unfamiliar God Ki!!!

All that tedious and long process.

In the short time that it takes for Beerus to strike a second shot!!!

And that…In a flawless manner…for such a long time!!

The Battle has already attained a High Level of Intensity !!!

Each time one played a card the other had the way to counter it!!

Who would have thought that a battle in the DBZ Verse would turn into such a strategical Mismatch!!

The frenzied rhythm still largely maintained by both of the fighters. Blow for Blow…..

Attack for Attack!!!

The Mythological Standstill continued for about an Hour!!!

Without anyone one of the two doing anything to stop it!!

They finally found some people able to exchange blows with…Would they refuse such a pleasure?

Knowing that each one of them…Had deep confidence in their own victory!!

Finally after hours of exchanging blows…

The Both suddenly smiled viciously!!!


"Super Shinra Tensei!!!"

Finally finding a good enough time to engage in the 'Real Fight'!!!

The Power of Destruction resisting the Repulsion of the Shinra Tensei!!!

As each one of them used their technique to the Max!!!

The Purple power seemed like a Calamity waiting to be unleashed on the world!! Only stopped by an invisible force!!!

Each one of them grinned, extremely satisfied with this outcome!!!


The Power of the Two Attacks Grew like an unstoppable Calamity!!!

Eating away at each other!! The Hakai like a Beast starving for destruction!! The Shinra Tensei like an unstopabble Natural Disaster!!!

The Attacks seemed to divide the Universe into two equal part!!

The Part controlled by Destruction!!

The Other Controlled by Repulsion!!

The Aftermath was felt from the World of Kai to the depths of Hell!!

Threatening to destroy the hole Macrocosm!!!

Goku and Vegeta held their breath:


Alll the witnesses….Finally understood…. What they just saw….

'This was only warm up!!!'

The Power Showdown didn't stop here!!!

The Two unstoppable Attacks already Shattering the fabric of Space!!!

The Erasure from the Hakai vs The Repulsion from the Shinra Tensei.

Not only a battle of attacks…But before anything a Battle of Concepts!!!

The Universe was slowly Breaking Apart in the Middle!!!

Like A Broken Vase!!!

The Both of them only got a Tad Serious and the universe was already getting destroyed!!!

The both grinned!!

Marek laughing widely:

"If you don't stop this!! Your Universe will be destroyed!! Great God!!"

Beerus responded:

"I am A God of Destruction!!! Destroying is my function!! Be it Planets or the Universe itself!!"

He felt his Blood Boiling!!

"Good!!!! Let's see this to the End then!!!"

"I am not of the Universe 7 After all!!!"

The Stalemate continued, as the two laughed like Evils Gods!!!

The Powers Roaring at each other's in an endless struggle!!

As Stars Flamed out, like birthday candles!!

As Solar System were shook like the Space itself was shaking!!!

As Galaxies here and there were extinguished from existence!!

How much casualtlies were there?

From this simple confrontation!!!

Krillin had his breath cut!

"This Two are crazy!!!"

The North Kai had a terrified voice!!

"Someone should stop them!!"

"The Snake Way is already overcrowded with people!!!"

Yet the men who followed their Emperor were completely focused on the ensuing battle!!!

Ezio smiled:

"Atleast, he seems like he is having fun, huh…"

Eivor titled her head:

"Of Course…Such a Battle…"

"I never knew how much his Majesty was holding back against us…Until today."

Altair narrowed his eyes:

"They are on a complete different level."

Silva by his side nodded:

"Not just their Universal Realm persay….In the same Universal Realm, they should be categorized as practically invincible."

A Hunch Back Old man advanced, by his son's side:

"This battle could go either way…Neither one of them did even begin drawing their cards."

Finally, the two coming to a tacit agreement withdrew their power, the Emperor smugly smiling:

"So you were bluffing after all, tch!"

Beerus laughed in derision:

"Weren't you doing the same? Mortal!!"

Marek untethered, made some kick warm up exercises, he cracked his neck as he spoke with the same pride and condescendence:

"Well…All that was quite cute warm up"

His Ominous dark Rinnegan Shinning like a Dark Gem in the Infinite Cosmos.

"Why don't we switch gears now?"

He had a mocking grin as he announced:

"Susanoo: Sovereign of the Universe."


First of All...If you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!

This the begining of the fight!!!

Oh also....I've been getting some complains about my earlier chapters...For those who made it all the way here...What do you think?

Do the Earlier Chapters make it more difficult to get into the story?

Should I change it?

Please if you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!

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