Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 108: Gratitude

The celebration this time began and ended with no turbulence an implicit agreement made between parties.

Bulma having the best birthday of her life was a joy to be around now. The Necklace never leaving her neck, as she strolled around, completely in love with her renewed self.

Slowly as the celebration continued, the tension picked up. More and more guests leaving, and less food to serve and eat.

Leading to Goku's and Vegeta's fight with the God of Destruction.

Marek spoke to his generals and the hidden members of the Brotherhood:

"Look intently….This is what the Super Saiyan God looks like."

"One of the more advanced form of the Saiyans."

They all nodded and responded solemnly:

""""""" Yes! Your Majesty!""""""

The Battle begun.

And as the aftershock of the fight began to affect the environment. Marek Sighed:

"Kassandra, Ezio, Kalluto and Eivor"

They nodded silently before dispersing in the four Poles of the Planet:

"Four Yang Formation"

Under Whis' intrigued gaze.

'Intersting technique. Using their powers together made them skyrocket the power of the barrier.'

' Um…Not bad'

The Battle advanced…As it seemed like the three were in stalemate.

Marek lamented.

'He isn't even using a Tenth of his power.'

'This is appalling…'

He smiled, deep excitement in his dark eyes:

'It seems I finally found a worthy foe….'

His Empresses by his side, and also a domineering blue haired beauty…who since entering was humbled again and again, had a worrying gaze looking at the Emperor.

Even if they aren't as strong…They could see…just by experience. That Beerus isn't even trying.

All the members of the Atleasian Empire had the image of an invisible Emperor in their mind.

But Looking at that Monster…No…At that God.

At That Destruction God.

A Being capable of casually causing the demise of the universe.

The Generals who had prideful faces, were at their turn humbled.

He was strong.

Immensely Strong.

This Super Saiyan God whose power is on another plane altogether couldn't even let him get a Tad serious.

So Strong that even the Members of the Brotherhood had doubts concerning the outcome of the fight. Preparing to lay their lives immediately, would the need arise.

A certain Eagle, was the most frustrated out of the bunch.

'Even after turning into a Super Saiyan …And with the Help with the Destruction'


'…Simply not enough.'

His Ambition colliding with the crushing strength of the foe at hand. Anyone would feel down.

He took a deep breath.

'Even if this was the case…'

'I need to be prepared.'

'His Majesty's life is a priority.'

Shahrazad, her purple dark hair, slightly covering her purple eyes, sighed:

'Why would he come to fight such a monster?'

His eyes then landed on the Frustrated Super Saiyan God, whose pride was slowly crushed. By Immense Power.

'Do you really need to prove 'that' to him…That much?'

She remembered back in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber when the love of her life got into the most dangerous training regime ever.

'He already seemed like he accepted you.'

Lelouch sighed, speaking to his sibilings:

"No Matter the world or the species. It always come to the same thing for Noble Families."

Schneizel spoke rather calmly:

"It's all about Legacy."

Euphemia had deep worry in her eyes:

"But does he really need to fight that monster for that?"

Schneizel titled his head:

"It's because he is that kind of Foe…that he needs to fight him."

Lelouch took a deep breath:

"Legacy is what makes an Emperor what he is. It's basis of his Persona, his self and source of his existence."

Roygun was also slightly trembling….

'This Power….Compared to this…The Bael's destruction is simply a joke…'

Yet the only person who seemed as calm as a lake, unfazed, even a little amused was the Emperor himself.

'…A Worthy Foe indeed…'

He felt his blood boiling.

'This feeling again…'

That exhilarating feeling…The one he gets when he is about to struggle for Greatness.

The Feeling that by beating the foe in front of him.

His Quest to Greatness will only be more and more fulfilled.

This an adversary who will test his limits. And will give him an answer to what kind of person he really is…

The God of Destruction fighting in the sky was also keeping an eye on the calm Emperor.

The Both had the same arrogant smirk on their faces.

' ' That Cocky Bastard!!' '

The Both even had the same thought in their head.

And as the battle advanced the tension and anticipation only grew bigger. Whis laughed lightly:

"Oh My~"

"It seems the battles will become more and more interesting~"

Finally…After a long time spent resisting, the Two Saiyans dropped in front of the Emperor, reverting back to their base form.

The two barely stood up on their knees. Looking up at the Emperor's warm smile.

"He is strong…Way too strong. I don't think even you turning into Super Saiyan would cut it."

Vegeta prevented him.

Goku nodded laughing lightly:

"He is super Strong!! I don't see any way of defeating him!!"

"We atleast evaded the Earth threat by not inviting Buu."

"And he seemed to really like this planet…hehehe."

The Emperor's warm smile only grew over his face.

He then slowly stood up, as he put up a hand on each of their shoulders, clenching it strongly.

Properly conveying his excitement:

"Your battle was magnificent."

" I, atleast,, know he has already taken a deep liking to you two."

"You did a marvelous job."

Vegeta sighed, a smile reappearing on his previously ashen face, realizing that no amount of words was going to stop him:

"Show us…"

He had a sharp glint in his eyes:

"What the Saiyan Emperor looks like…"

His hands rose from their shoulders, as he made his first step.

Smiling, deep confidence in his eyes:

"Just…Watch me."

He then looked up to the God of Destruction, who was also smiling.

Already wondering how strong his next foe was.

The Emperor sighed, and spoke in the air, as he took off his Turban:

"My Dear Subjects…"

"I wanted to make this announcement the first time we go to war against Universal Level Empires in the Primordial Realm."

He had a smug smile on:

"But now seems as good of a time as any other."

"What am I about to announce is the protocol to be followed in 'Worst Case' Scenarios…"

The Generals felt a little heavy in their heart. Their connection with their Emperor was already deep.

And this 'Worst Case' Scenario could only mean one thing.

Shahrazad and Roygun didn't even want to listen. Esdeath felt her heart constrict.

Lelouch sighed a difficult expression on.

Marek had a defying smile as he continued:

"If comes a time, when I am rendered momentarily unable of ruling, or attending my duties as an Emperor."

"Be it by recoverable death, long injury or Imprisonment…"

He spoke casually as if such happenings were only natural, as he slowly unbuttoned his Caftan:

"The Full Authority over the Empire is to be given to two People."

His Lean, yet muscular, frame. His Disheveled, long air.

"The First Vizir of the Empire, Lelouch Vi Britania would be given authority over the Supreme Council, while…"

His large chest started appearing, as the Emperor seemed to reverse back to a Pure Saiyan Being.

"The Authority over the Four Great Military Orders is to be given to the First Marshall of the Empire, Red Falcon."

He looked up at the God of Destruction again, slowly getting into fight mode, his domineering doubled voice ringing in everyone's ears:

"And if sadly…there comes a time…When I am erased of existence…Without a Hope of resurrection."

His smile only grew bigger, as if the prospect of his own demise only made him enjoy himself more:

"In that case…The One to inherit my Throne would be Vegeta the Prince of all Saiyans."

" By virtue of his Noble Saiyan lineage and his Prince Status."

Marek looked eyes with Vegeta, as he completely took off his Caftan. His Scar ridden, bare torso on display.

The Comprehension between this two was clear.

The Legacy of the Saiyan race was already something passed on by Vegeta over to Marek.

It's only normal that he does the same.

No…He just deeply felt…

That with Vegeta as an Emperor. His own Legacy wouldn't be ruined. His Vega Dynasty would be protected…and his will, respected.

After all…if there was a thing these two respected…It was Legacy.

The two only nodded without even spurting a word. The trust the two have built in the Hyperbolic Chamber was enough.

Vegeta sighed a rare guenine smile:

'It seems that I need to up my training.'

He stared deeply at the back of the Emperor:

'For I am the Prince of Saiyans…After All…'

For the first time in nearly 20 years of existence, these words held substance, deep meaning and pride.

Prince of Saiyan wasn't not only a burden he has to carry for his destroyed land.

No…From now…It had a purpose, a function and a raison d'être.

That alone…will make Vegeta a better fighter than he would have ever been.

The Emperor's attention finally drifted to his foe.

His Long Hair, floating in the wind, he shut his eyes. A Large smile on his face.

He wallowed in this moment. As his Memory took him to the first time he came here.

A Despairing newly crowned Prince. Searching desperately for a way to rebuild his destroyed Empire.

Weakness for being unable to protect his homeland.

Deep Shame for not being able to find any solution.

In this little time…He felt that he has grown beyond recognition. He didn't know how much…Just sitting on that throne would make him evolve so much as a person.

Now…Feeling the Anxious eyes of his Retainers. People he felt honored he had by his side.


….He was truly an Emperor.

His Memories continued to pile up. The DXD World struggles…His first meeting with Roygun.

The Members of the Supreme Council. His Vizirs…

The Formation of the Brotherhood. His precious time passed with each one of those kids, his Empresses by his side.

Silva and Zeno and the Zoldyck Family.

His Generals…From the Hot Ou Ki and Ren Pa to the Mild Riboku, passing by the wild Yotanwa.

All still believing in his victory.

His new found Childhood at the Fairy Tail World. Erza, Mira…

Elfman and Lisana….

The scarred Najenda. The Lost Akame. The Beautiful Esdeath. The Fierce Cornellia.

His Beautiful Citizen who believed in him dearly.

Linaella's scars….And Shahrazad's warmth…Roygun childish charm. Yoruichi's spoiled cattiness

"This is the Best."

And from all these feelings, stemmed a joyful feeling:

Deep Gratitude.

Gratitude from the boy who kept trying all his life yet failed at everything he did.

Gratitude from the man who abandoned the life that rejected all his aspirations.

Gratitude that he was able to live to see the day he would stand here.

And Show his People…

Who their Emperor really is!!!

He opened his eyes finally.

Revealing the Darkness of his Rinnegan to the world.

His Hair spiking up revealing that he already accessed 'The Wrath State'.

Whis felt the threat from these eyes.


Beerus refocused:


Marek stomped on the ground and immediately charged at the God of Destruction!!!

Beerus snickered:

"Good Speed…But…"

He prepared to retaliate when suddenly he stopped in his tracks, as his blow seemed to hit air.

Whis smiled lightly.

Beerus narrowed his eyes:

'An Illusion?!!'

And before he could react, he felt a big hand against his defenseless back and heard two words:

"Shinra Tensei."

Before he was completely blasted in a speed vastly surpassing Light on the Other Side of the Universe!!!

Kibito Kai and the Supreme Kai were already on the edge of their seat!!!

'Such Might!!!'

Whis laughed, amused by that move, as he used a Big Screen for all the Members staying here to watch.

Meanwhile on the Other Side of the Universe.

Just as easily, The God of Destruction regained his bearing from the surprise and immediately found his footing. But just as he stopped himself, he saw a deep dark sphere in front of him!!!

The Emperor appearing in front of him didn't waste a time and immediately joined his hands:

"Chibaku Tensei!!"

Several Planet Size Rocks already encircled Beerus, still surprised by the development!!

Yet, The God of Destruction didn't even try to evade!!

"Level 1"

Rock after another started forming a celestial body as big as a Planet.

Yet it continued to grow!!

"Level 2!!"

The Concentration of Matter started to attain a boiling point!!

Turning the whole body into a Shining Sun!!

But this wasn't the end!!!

"Level 3"

The Body Continued to grow!!

And the Heat disappeared!!

As a Hole appeared in Space!!!


It was a Black Hole!!!

The Z Fighters seeing such a feat were flabbergasted!!

Vegeta narrowed his eyes:

"Those eyes….This Power…."

Bulma expression turned solemn:

"Gravity Manipulation…But on a much Higher Scale. Able to even Create a Black Hole in no time."

This power was indeed transcendent!!

But…Was this Enough? To Take on A God of Destruction?!!

"Is this all you've got?"

Cracks appeared on the Black Hole.

"Don't disappoint me…Mortal"

The Black Hole broke apart!! And from it appeared a casual Beerus without even the trace of a scratch on his body.

Marek smiled:

"Don't worry…"

He had a defying gaze:

"After today…"

"I guarantee you, you will know what fear is…"

This was only the first move. Both of them didn't even use a shred of their power.

Yet…From the looks of it.

This battle already seemed to surpass the last one in scale.

"Such gal…"

"Let's see if you can back up those words, Mortal."


First of All...If you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!


A really long fight too!!! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed wrItting it.

Please if you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!

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