Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 104: Four Great Marshalls

I would recommend listening to Assassin's Creeed Odyssey: Legend of the Eagle Bearer.


2 Weeks Later.

In the 2 weeks, the previously frail and war-torn Atlaesian Empire had inconceivable changes.

80 Cites out of a 100 were built.

And the populace cooped up in the Capital finally could see, the surprise that It's Emperor was brewing the whole time.

Gigantic buildings, with different styles and cultural influence, the Trukish influence of the Vega Dynasty's craft was still present.

Yet it was brought to a new light, a never seen before level. A Fine craft, matching the eccentricities of Modern Architectures with the deep immovable cultural roots of the Country.

The Citizen knew that everything changed…Yet somehow it still felt like home.

The Population guided swiftly with new engines they thought they could never see.

Magic and Classic Trains, cars, and even Airplanes….

The New futuristic city made them feel uncomfortable, yet somewhat still at home.

They felt like they were in those advanced empires….

It was indeed…A Revolution.

A whole country rebuilt in two month's time.

A new civilian system, new technologies, and new cities, new lifestyles…Completely unpredictable new careers…Everything was changing…

And it was for the best. It was jump…A Thousand Old jump in time.

But it was a jump that had to be completed. For in the eyes of it's Emperor…

The Atleasians don't need to be only the strongest, but the wisest, the happiest and the healthiest.

As days passed and as they grew more and more accustomed to the comfort they never had even before the war.

From a medieval society to a modern, night futuristic city.

It was quite the big jump, a scary one…But would the Supreme Council not be aware of that?

As they were transported, a rather interesting video guide was broadcast all over the numerous cities of the Empire.

Where two cute girls were explaining how to work, and how to live in the new cities.

Shirley and Nunnaly were adorable, approachable and somewhat relatable with a movie star look.

So they were the perfect people for the job.

Step by step adaptation programs, Tutorials, education seminars…

The Two girls were put in Charge and were killing it.

The Empire was slowly adapting to it's revolution, and it's people were getting accustomed to it's changes.

Military drafting announcement were also broadcast as soon as possible all over the Empire too.

After all…

This is a Military Empire.

The treatment of the Soldiers was much more advantageous.

Rewards, promotion, even saiyan's evolution.

And with the Charisma of each great general living and sometime even ruling different regions of the Empire.

The Military Drafting was destined to be a success.

The Instatement of the Great General System was made public.

The Generals strength were said to be on par with the Higher Up of the Saharos Empire and the Zoldyck Family!!!

Just the existence of such personas made breathing much easier in the Empire.

Their names were thrown. But the Population had yet to get to know them.

Soon…Words of the Ultimate Training Ground, of the Saiyan Transformation will leak out and create havock in the Empire.

But for now…A much more curious Rumor was romaing the Empire.

This Rumor began gaining momentum as soon as the Population settled in and examined a weird phenomenon.

On the sky of the Imperial City…Four little islands were floating, slowly rotating around the city like 4 Guardian Angels.

If one had a piercing eye, or if one looked at them in the night. They would see that in top of each Island were statues made with precious and invaluable gems.

They were gigantic, so big one would wonder how could the island not fall from it's cheer weight.

The first one was that of a Great and Gracious Falcon made of Ruby!

The Second one was that of a Gold Roaring Lion!!

The Third one was that of a Giant Ape made of Jade!!!

The Fourth one was that of a Dark Sleeping Bear made of Obesidian!!

The Craft of the Devils was indeed at the level of art!!!

The Question is….What did this Statues mean?

A Rumor took over the whole country in little time.

Was it an Urban Legend?

Was it real?

No one knew…

If the 4 Marshalls really existed in the Empire?

It is said that in each one of the 4 islands lived a transcendent being that could only be rivaled by the Emperor himself.

Those beings are the last pillars of the Empire.

'If the 4 Marshalls fall, the Empire will follow it.'

This Four Being were known as the Four Marshalls and lived out of worldly affairs, in seclusion waiting to strike when the Empire is in danger.

Some even decided to enroll just to meet those 'Legends'.

While the Military had their legends, the civilians were also put on a pedestal.

After all, division between the populace is a BIG NO.

The Supreme Council being in majority a non-military organization comforted the civilians.

Also as the numerous evacuation procedures were getting more and more complicated.

The Second Vizir, the Third and the Fourth had to make their first public appearances.

Masterful ones.

The were charismatic leaders, talking and guiding a population was in their genes.

And just like that…Words of the First Noble Family of the Empire was known.

The El Britania Family was immediately understood by the population as the most powerful Family after the Imperial Family.

Quite like the Saharan Family was to the Vega Dynasty before their betrayal.

Some people were doubtful. But quite frankly, the Vizir's charisma was unmatched.

Euphemia natural warmth and kindness.

Schneizel's grace and panache.

Cornelia's charisma and leadership.

It was quite difficult to not like them. And they were civilians too…

The presence of the Zoldyck Family in the Noble Families Camp. And the fact that the Four Marshalls don't seem to be a pure Military corp, gave a sense of equilibrium between the Civilian and the Military.

Medical care, Education…Magical and Scientific academies…

Everything was in march.

And as time advanced the Imperial Capital became more and more deserted until no one was there anymore.

After all the Imperial Capital was the last to be rebuilt.

While the Plans for the Magic Citadelle and Scientific Ones were put on hold.

At the Top of the Imperial Castle, where the Supreme Council has just ended their meeting

Lelouch sighed, by his side Cornelia back from her duties as governor of the Wind:

"He did it. He really did."

"Rebuilding an Empire in 4 Weeks."

Cornelia laughed:

"You were also a big help. You and Schneizel. Everything was planned accordingly and swiftly."

She had a longing gaze:

"The Proof he isn't even here and you are overseeing everything."

Lelouch smiled lightly:

"Great General Riboku's insight were also helpful."

"He is from an Ancient Culture too. He can relate in a much easier way to the population."

Cornelia sighed:

"And I thought you and Schneizel were monsters…How can a man adapt to technology that fast?"

Lelouch snickered:

"You didn't see Hakuki, Bakuki and Ousen…."

"They've been cooped in the Military Ministry for 2 Weeks."

Cornelia narrowed her eyes, an inquiring gaze on.

Lelouch sighed, admiration in his words:

"They are coming up with a new way of warfare. They said."

"They are also working on integrating the gains from the Monster Hunter World into the army."

"Analyzing each of the hundreds of species of monster to see which one would benefit their style the most."

"Riboku only came to report their insights and go back."

"But he seemed useful so I tried to consult with him in new ways of Improving the Integration of Medieval Culture with Futuristic culture."

"Going through the process himself…His insights were really useful."

"The Man wasn't First Minister for nothing. He has more experience doing my job than I am."

The Fourth Vizir nodded in agreement looking up to the floating islands in the sky.

"Are the rumors really true?"

"These Four islands…."

"….I know they are inhabited for now."

Lelouch nodded, a knowing smile on his face:

"I can't tell you a lot."

"It's a really tight information. Restricted to the Imperial Family and me."

"But all I can tell you is that those rumors didn't come from air."

Cornelia laughed lightly:

"And are they really as strong as in the rumors?"

Lelouch sighed:

"You are really taking words from my mouth aren't you?"

"They are definitely rivals to his Majesty."

Cornelia's eyes opened up widely:

"Seriously…Do we really need people with such strength in the Empire?"

Lelouch took a deep breath:

"I can't say I am not worried."

"Although I have my doubts about Red Falcon."

"Shining Lion, Berserk Green Ape and Drunken Bear are even more loyal than the Great Generals."

"Some of them even surpass some members of the Brotherhood."

Cornelia sighed:

"Well…that's a relief."

"You should get used to it. From now on. Our subjects will only grow stronger with time."

He had a slight smile:

"And when we open the gate to 'that world'…It will become even more absurd."

Lelouch took a deep breath, a worried gaze on, his lively aura turning solemn:

"Get prepared, Cornelia."

Cornelia had an inquiring gaze on:

"Mrs. Bulma's birthday is in two days."

Lelouch sighed, exasperated:

"I tried my best to convince him. The Empresses too."

"But he is stubborn."

" It is already impossible to change his mind."

"He is training with the Marshalls for now."

Lelouch tilted his head in desolation:

"He is fighting …And he is fighting to win."

"Prepare your heart, my sister."

" It's going to be a slug fest."

Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

In a well built manor was a man carefully sitting in his office different piece of jewels in his hands as, he worked with terrible precision and dexterity on beautiful pieces of jewelry.

The man was working until deep in the night after training his strongest subjects to date.

4 Men so strong they could rival him.

4 Legendary Super Saiyans…Other than him….

Actually the select few of the people in the Multiverse whom the Astaroth King Piece could transform into that.

Marek quite tired still found the strength to wake up and engage in a deep and extremely skilled work like Jewelry Crafting.

In front of him…Two Crowns already made during his years of training here.

Jewelry Crafting was an Old Tradition of the Vega Dynasty that had died with time.

Lorengar Vega, known as The Great Conqueror forged all his Empresses crowns himself.

He was known to be also an excellent violinist.

Those two traditions were kept in the Culture of the Vega Dynasty.

Even if Malé was quite mediocre at both of them, at the time, he learned the basics of each one of those disciplines.

Marek's made all that knowledge blossom on a transcendent level. His eyes and talent were on a heavenly level after all…

Pertaining the tradition, Marek Vega knew he had to make the crowns himself, sooner or later.

And as he already knew he had to craft a jewel collar for Bulma's birthday anyway, he took the chance to work on two crowns:

Shahrazad's and Roygun's.

Shahrazad was clear green, made from the finest emerald crystal in the whole Astaroth Continent.

It had quite the beautiful design as it looked like wild shards of crystals were intertwining with flowery motives. Like the crown of an Elven Queen.

Roygun's was much bigger, and it's form was quite intriguing, as it looked like a winged golden and topaz creature…It's wings had the form of beautiful horns.

The Crown in topaz to suit her yellow feline eyes and had a grand design so it could even make her horns look more beautiful.

By his side in the middle of the night, as Marek was working on Bulma's present.

Appeared at the entrance a man, his back against the door, he wore a red Caftan, and a dark cape. Showing the image of a Falcon:

"If you pass on sleep again today…I might kick your ass tomorrow in training."

He had an arrogant smirk on his face.

Marek laughed lightly:

"You've been saying the same thing for the last 3 years."

"I would like to actually see you do it. Red Falcon."

Red Falcon smiled lightly:

"Wouldn't that be too weird?"

"A Subject stronger than his Emperor? Huh?"

Suddenly an even more arrogant voice came on:

"What are you saying? How is that weird?"

"A Subject more powerful than his Emperor…Isn't that me?"

The Emperor laughed out:

"Good…You all became even cockier with time."

" All Marshalls needs to have that kind of confidence anyway, Shining Lion."

Shining Lion looked at the Crowns, a look of a connoisseur on:

"Your Majesty…Quite the Craft you've got there…"

"There is nothing more beautiful than love indeed…"

Suddenly a quite and rather timid voice was heard:

"Love…What is that?"

Marek laughed lightly:

"You would get to experience it, quite soon. Green Ape."

Berserk Green Ape had a questioning gaze:

"Is it like what Drunken Bear says? How all women are over him, now that he is a Marshall?"

Marek was a little pissed off:

"That Little Bastard!!"

"How dare he teach you something like that?!!"

Red Falcon sighed:

"You are the one who just let him roam the Primordial Realm like a ticking time-bomb."

Marek sighed back:

"Well…He isn't the kind that wants to train a lot."

"And somehow he is also the kind who knows what he needs to do best, to improve himself."

Red Falcon tilted his head in frustration:

"Still…A Marshall of your Empire going around, drinking himself to death and getting rejected over and over by women."

"What a great image for your country!"

Marek laughed a little evilly:

"Red Falcon, don't be naïve…"

"Who will believe a guy like that to be a Marshall, anyway? Hehehehe"

He then looked at Berserk Ape:

"Hey…Don't believe the bullshit that guy is spouting!!"

"If it's not about how strong he is…Everything else is garbage!!"

Shining Lion looking at the Crowns suddenly had a realization:


"Those crowns…aren't made of normal materials, are they?"

Red Falcon's eyes narrowed, a little pissed that he had missed such a detail:

"Now…I see why you have been working so hard on those crowns."

Marek laughed lightly:

"Yes…They are made of the Grail, the Holy Grail of the DXD World."

Red Falcon smiled:

"Good…Let those weaklings fight against each other!!"

Shinning Lion nodded:

"That's quite the good gift indeed…"

Marek smiled lightly:

"They are weaklings but they aren't stupid…"

"They must already know that this is a move to create more tension in their alliance."

The Holy Grail was stolen from the DxD World!!! By the Brotherhood!!

It was quite big when delivered to Marek. It's powers even surpassed the Sephiroth Grail possessed by Valerie Tepes!


First of All...If you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!

Thank you for your Patience...And I hope you will not be disapointed by the incoming Dragon Ball Arc....

I have been ROAMING the Web for a HUNDRED Years to find Arts that fit the Female (OG) Characters I will be posting them shortly after, with their due credits of course!!

Please if you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!

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