Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 105: The Disappearence of the Holy Grail.

DxD World.

The World was once again plunged in Chaos!!

The News of the disappearance of the Holy Grail from the Vatican Headquarters already reaching the whole alliance.

Was it the Chaos Brigade?

Was it someone else? Who knows?

The Higher Ups of each faction had an idea…But everyone stood still. Everyone kept their cool.

Nobody wants his faction to end up like Sirzechs Lucifer and Ajuka Belzebub or the still until now comatose Indra.

Kuoh Academy.

Two High School Students were attending to their studies, in the same tense atmosphere they have been going in that last week.

Be it the Gremory Princess who came out of bed, knowing that her brother will be brought back to life, the Sitri Princess's passive aggressive behavior.

And those of the Occult Research Club were also quite on guard too. The least to say is that the mood of their class was quite ruined.

Ise heeding the order of his Master started avoiding them.

'Well…They just saw the Emperor take their Maou's head.'

'It's quite understandable.'

Well…A day like the others…Was it?

And as the ring of the bell signing the end of school, they took the way to their house.

Suddenly, a hooded silhouette appeared in their back.

The two Saiyan's attention focused there.

'Their movement technique is really magnificent.'

'As expected of the Brotherhood created by his Majesty.'

The Hooded man smiled lightly:

"If you are asked anything about the Holy Grail. Claim complete ignorance."

"Help in the investigation."

"They will find squat anyway."

"If you are asked about Indra…Completely Deny any requests."

Deep Killing intent dripping from his voice:

"If the Hindu Panteon wants it's filthy God back."

"They would need to bring it back themselves."

The two nodded deeply as the hooded man disappeared like he wasn't there to begin with.

Mere minutes later, they received a summoning message from Azazel.

Matsuda smiled widely:

"It seems something interesting will finally happen."

They arrived at the Hyoudou Residence, as they entered, they felt the reluctant atmosphere.

Motohama laughed:

"It seems we are not very welcome, Matsuda."

Matsuda titled his head in desolation:

"Such a shame. Being hated by such cute girls breaks my heart."

The two made their first step in the living room, where people of different factions were present.

'They are hiding Kuroka, LeFay and Ophis…'

'Quite the sneaky bunch~'

Matsuda had a glint of rage in his eyes:

'So even when we try to ally with you...You still try to keep secrets.'

'Ise, huh?!'

Motohama's smile only got larger:

'Good for us…If they don't appear before us we won't be forced to protect them.'

'For some reason…'

'The Supreme Council wants Cao Cao's plan to go through.'

They then looked at the people present here.

'Julio, Griselda, Irina…The Church People, indeed…'

'It seems it's really about the Holy Grail.'

'The Brotherhood's network combined with Roygun's own is already at a stellar level.'

Matsuda's eyes then traversed the room finally landing on the Crimson Princess.

'Quite the Fiery Gaze, she got there..~'

The Tension was electric!!

The Two Saiyans who somehow appeared to have become even more powerful than before, made them even more tense.

The Church Members had suspicion all over their faces. The Sitri Members had a solemn gaze on. The Gremory Peerage had a silent rage brewing.

Yet…This kind of atmosphere may prove to be difficult for normal people. But it was Heaven for Saiyans.

The two silently sat like vicious cobras in a jungle.

Motohama spoke elegantly, his sharp eyes, even sharper, his tongue much glibber than before.

He after all, learned from the best.

"We are sorry for the delay. I suppose there is an emergency."

"If you could be fast. I have duties to attend to in the Agares House."

Azazel at the top nodded, his red eyes, slowly turning more somber as days passed by. He gave the word to Griselda.

The Beautiful seraph had a deep gaze, her eyes flickering between inquiry and suspicion:

"The Holy Grail has been stolen."

Motohama and Matsuda absorbed the words swiftly, without being the least fazed.

Issei was the first to burst into exclamation:

"Who did that? Is it the Khaos Brigade?"

Xenovia and Asia were shocked:

"What? Who would dare…?"

The Devil Peerage were reacting. Yet those of the Heaven's faction, Azazel and the Saiyans were weirdly silent.

The both in a silent stare off. Matsuda and Motohama slightly smiling.

Soon after everyone's reaction, Sitri and Gremory realized that something was silently brewing.

The atmosphere wasn't right.

Griselda, Dulio…The Both of them weren't responding at any questions, only silently looking at the two Saiyans.

The tension could be cut by a knife.

Yet…The two men seemed like a fish in a pond.

Rias Gremory and Souna Sitri realized that something was amiss.

These two weren't summoned to help but to be probed.

Noticing the long haunting the silence, Motohama spoke:

"Is it related to the Khaos Brigade?"

Griselda Quarta spoke silently:

"We can't be completely certain yet…"

"But I hope you will help us find the culprits."

Motohama smiled lightly:

"Of course. Miss Seraph…We've been assigned to deal with the Khaos Brigade, after all."

"You can count on our total cooperation."

The Meaning was clear.

'No Matter how you use us you won't be able to find anything.'

Azazel sighed:

"This event has riled up the Vatican's faction opposing the Alliance."

"Be on alert, these days…"

"I also feel that the 'Khaos Brigade' is up to something."

The Emphasis on 'Khaos Brigade' is clear. Azazel is referencing the faction responsible for this rob.

Matsuda laughed lightly:

"Well…Those are some good words. Azazel-sensei."

Motohama had a sneaky smile on:

"We will be on alert."

"We prefer to not be embarked in the dealings of church, tho…"

And as they were about to leave, Azazel spoke on more time:

"The Indian Faction is getting restless too…"

Motohama snickered, deep mockery in his tone :

"Well…That's such a shame…"

"I wonder why~"

All the members here have heard of the feat of the Emperor Marek Vega…Turning Indra into a Vegetable with one look.

Those that were present there had goosebumps just remembering such a Feat.

Matsuda laughed in response:

"Really…Why are they that restless? Isn't Shiva relieved…?"

"After all…Wasn't he preparing to wage war against him?"

A Super classified information was dropped like it was nothing!!!

Azazel narrowed his eyes, as well as the Seraphs too…

The Members of the Underworld were as surprised as the rest…

Azazel sighed:

"Even if they were going to war…"

"Indra is still a great asset for the Hindu Gods. And a Leader of the Hindu Faction."

Motohama laughed:

"In Other worlds, the Hindu Gods failed to bring him back…."

"How can such incapable people be this arrogant, I wonder?"

Issei tightened his grip:

"Are you really going to act like that?"

"I don't know Indra-sama personally but there must be a lot of people depending on him."

Motohama titled his head:

"So you were approached by some members of the Hindu Faction."

Ise was fazed on the spot. Motohama continued:

"Aren't you quite softhearted?"

Matsuda sighed:

"You don't get it. Hyoudou… "

"Indra attacked the Emperor…"

He had an intense glint in his eyes:

"Do you even know the meaning of that?"

"What is happening to Indra is already a great lenience on our part."

"It is already causing quite the internal division as it is…"

"If this Information is revealed…to the people…"

"Well…War would be inevitable."

Motohama snickered:

"That if you could call what will happen war."

Matsuda looked at Azazel:

"Don't push our buttons too much, Sensei…"

"We may be collaborators…But this is the Emperor you are talking about."

He smiled lightly:

"Either they find a way themselves, like big boys…Or they accept their fate."

The two stood up.

"As always…A pleasure to talk to you."

Just as they were about to live. Julio, who couldn't contain his aversion any longer spoke meaningful words:

"God's mercy and grace is still present in this world."

"The Holy Grail is a symbol of all his teachings and misericord."

"Stealing is insulting the belief of Billions People on the Planet."

Motohama sneered before responding:

"Well….Belief is such a weird thing…"

"Everyone needs to believe in something greater, something surpassing him…Everyone needs to chose someone to rely on."

"Some Chose, Holy Teachings and Prayer."

"Other Chose Power."

Motohama retorted with immense charisma:

"I, myself, chose to belief in the man who wins his wars and loves his people."

He had sneaky smile, without even sparing Dulio a look:

"Such a shame…"

"Others will believe in the Kindness and misericord of an Entity who drove nearly all it's believers to extinction…"

The Seraphs had deep rage in their eyes!! This was a blatant insult!! A retort that couldn't be denied

"Trying to accomplish for Hundred of Years what my Emperor did in two Seconds"

He had a deep and admirative gaze:

"Sadly, for you…You don't know what 'real' kindness is…"

Griselda who couldn't contain her anger:

"Is that so? I hope your Emperor, is there to look after you."

The Both the back against them, the eyes on the door smiled evilly…


Azazel wanted to stop the Seraph but failed to do so in time!!

'Did they find out anything?'

After a short pause…The two advanced, in a normal pace. Yet their brain was in full steamy work!

'It seems…That they are planning a thing after all.'

'It's exactly as 'he' envisioned it.'

'Really…How dumb is this Seraph? Spelling the beans at the slightest provocation…Sigh.'

'She is nowhere as smart as Seekvaira-san.'

'Well she is still gorgeous, tho!!'

The both advanced, and as they got out of the house.. They began to realize something amiss. Their heightened sense detecting that the lifeforce of all the rest of the citizen disapeared.

They looked up in the Sky…Seeing that the color of it…Seemed a Tad artificial.

'It must be LeFay….'

'Really…Their Magic is so convenient.'

Without even being aware of it…They've been transported to an artificial dimension.

They used their Ki sense…

'The Gremory Peerage, the Sitri, the Seraphs and even some others... '

'The rebellious exorsists, I assume… And this Human with great energy...'

'Vasco Strada…Huh?'

Motohama pushed his glass against his head:

'All these people, just to watch…'

'How Honored must we feel?'

The both knew that those weren't the people they will have to face.

No…Those people were 'official' forces.

Attacking them would result in a larger conflicts. Their time spent with Lelouch and Cornelia atleast made them understand that.

They were also briefed about the people, who would most likely try to get information out of them.

Back at the Hyoudou Residence…All the members were watching the happenings live.

Ise spoke:

"Is that really going to be okay?"

Azazel reassured:

"Don't worry..Their lives aren't in danger…We only need to get them to spill information."

The Seraphs narrowed their gaze, Vasco Strada spoke his mind:

"Leaving this to those people…"

Griselda spoke, a complicated expression on:

"We can't risk a diplomatic incident…"

And as they advanced….

Those people's steps resounded in the Dimension…

A Handsome silver haired devil was smiling calmly, as if he was waiting for the both to show up.

By his side…His Trusted comrades who battled thick and thin with him.

A laid back, monkey boy.

Another handsome blond haired swordsman, holding Caliburn and ready to engage.

Matsuda smiled lightly:

'They only bought the big boys, huh…'

Motohama stopped in his tracks:

"Well…That's quite the welcome you've prepared."

He smirked, lightly touching his glasses:

"You know you are researched, don't you?"

"Vali Lucifer."


First of All...If you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!

This is the last Arc before the DBZ Arc....It is quite short(Only 2 Chaps) but had a quite great deal of intensity...

Hope you will enjoy it!!!

Please if you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!

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