Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 103: Ambition

The Sect Ancestor felt the ominous aura she was beginning to exude and calmly responded:

"I got wind of the Saharos Empire's involvement. They were already cutting all your roads back home"

"Your life is much more important, than some two-bit county sized Empire."

"Why don't you understand that?"

Her laugh grew, her beautiful voice filled with derision:

"It's you that don't understand, Master."

"I said…"

Her voice became much colder, her aura already making the wounded Ancestor incapable of movement:

"The One who can Stand in the way of KOSEM VEGA getting to her brother ISN'T BORN YET!!!"

Her voice then calmed down a notch:

"Be it the Saharian Clowns!! Be it the Ancient Gods!! Be it your beloved Sword God!!!"

"Nothing and no one can stop me!!!"

The Master took a deep breath:

"Such a waste of talent."

"You could have ascended by now."

"Yet here you are squabbling with Duchies and Principalities in a Pathetic Drowning Continent."

"The Sword God will welcome you in his ranks anytime."

Kosem sat casually on the ground, a playful smile on:

"So you had another vision, from the Sword God…I see."

The Woman sat in front of her:

"This is the first time the Sword God is this insistent."

"The reason of my presence here in the Astaroth Continent is exactly to find people like you."

"The Sword God isn't an existence any of us can afford to disobey."

Kosem laughed, a defying glare on, with the same Imperial Pride of her brother:

"I spit in the mouth of the Sword God!! No one can tell me what to do!"

The Woman who originated from another Continent….A much, much stronger one, felt her pride challenged:

"I already told you!!"

"This Conitnent have been 'drowning' for Millenials. Since Lorengar's time.."

"The Existence of the King Piece is the only indicator you need to understand that"

"It had completely lost it hooks."

"Even the Saharos Empire is trying to find a way out!"

"All the people here are doomed. You are one of the few chosen who can ascend. Don't anger the Sword God for no reason."

"In little over some decades, it will completely drown."

"Not even the Sword God himself can save it."

As…Super classified information was revealed. Kosem was indifferent, even a little bored. She had heard this speech a thousand times, by now.

Her playful eyes then turned even more feline, like the sultry eyes of a Succubus:

"Why don't you try with your first candidate again?"

The Woman sighed:

"Aeleis Rozankranz is different, Kosem."

"She has backing."

Kosem snickered:

"I thought your Sword God was able to split apart the Great Oceans with one swing."

"How could the tiny Saharos Empire scare him?"

The woman titled her head in negation:

"You already know my response."

She took some water from a cup and threw it in the air.

"But since we are talking about Aeleis…"

The Water transformed into a form of Mental recording only Martial artist are able to perform.

Kosem, saw the image of a flowery strike that reaped apart the Astaroth Continent.

It clashed with a powerful strike from the Orient!!

Kosem's eyes showed a little interest in the Thunder Dragon that clashed with this sword:

"It seems she got over whatever was blocking her progression."

"It will be even more fun when I take her head."

Her yellow and grey eyes brimming with cold bloodlust.

Her Master narrowed her eyes, a scolding tone on:

"Why would you even want to fight that monster?!"

Kosem sneered:

"What are you talking about?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

"Why would I refuse the call of the Sword God?"

"Why would I fight Aeleis?"

Both the colors of her eyes were shining ominously:

"They are all my enemies."

She spoke casually, yet with unmovable belief:

"Malé will unite the whole Primordial Realm, after all."

Her Master seemed to hear the most absurd thing in the world.

As her disciple seemed to finally reveal the reason behind her refusals, behind her weird behavior….

And it seems like words only lunatics would say.

'Not the Astaroth Continent. But the Whole Primordial Realm. Is she sane?!!'

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you know you could be erased from existence just by pronouncing these words?"

Kosem smiled beautifully:

"He will and He can"

She swiftly took her Scimitars from her waist.

"I will make it so that he can."

She played with her beautiful shining blades, casually announcing her deepest aspiration. An aspiration that latter influenced her brother's:

"I will become the Strongest."

Her heterochrome eyes shining in the sunrise like prized gems.

"And I will make him the Emperor of the World."

The Woman took a deep breath:

'The Vega Dynasty people are really as crazy as rumored.'

'Is she really talking about something as absurd as World Conquest?'

Her eyes were brimming with stone cold determination.

"You think I don't know of you purposefully cutting me off the Empire?"

"If I didn't receive the letter from my Sweet Malé"

She had a cruel gaze on her yellow and grey eyes:

"You would be all dead by now."

She sighed, her eyes turning into sad kitten ones, like a those of a tragic actress:

"He is a big boy Emperor now. And I can't even be by his side."

"Who will protect him if I am not there?"

" Huhh??!!! Those stupid Imperial Guards?!!"

She then took a deep breath, calming the worry in her heart:

"The only reason I am back is to honor my pact with you."

"You teach me how to fight."

" I win the International Sect Tournament for you so you can lead the Martial Alliance."

The Woman sighed:

"You like to act stupid, don't you?"

"The Only reason you are back here is because you think that Showing the extent of your Power in a High-Profile Event would deter the Other Countries from attacking your Home Empire."

She grinned:

"I tried to be nice about it. You had to make me look bad."

Then her eyes turned bored again, as she stood up, her beautiful sultry silhouette disappearing in the sunrise:


"I am sacrificing time with my Little Malé…So you need to be grateful anyway."

The Woman sighed again:

'Refusing the call of the Sword God, just to serve this failure of a Prince. Is she a genius or a very stupid woman?'

'Such shame…She is as talented as Aeleis. Or even more…'

'Given that she is only human.'

'Malé Vega.'

She narrowed her eyes:

'It seems I need to take care of him.'

On the other side…Sitting, her short skirt revealing her white crossed legs, she was smiling beautifully, genuinely, her beautiful yellow and grey eyes reading a piece of paper like looking at the most precious thing in the world:

Elder Sister, I thank my fortune today, that I am still able to write you these words.

'I could feel the worry in your previous letter. Worry not, for your dependable brother has ascended to the throne of his Ancestors and saved his people.

I still hear of your feats; you are indeed the pride of our Empire. You have even joined the Headquarters of the Sword Sect and became a privileged disciple there. Yet that doesn't ease the sorrow of your absence from my heart.

I long to see your face everyday the sun rises, and hear your voice everyday the moon lingers. It has been years, I have changed, yet stayed the same.

The Inter-sect Competition will be held in the Lan Empire, I will be attending it in a years' time, I hope you grace my sight there.

To you, My Kosem.'

Her eyes were smiling, yet her mouth was pouting:

'That Brat…Since when did he become that good with words.'


Her smiling eyes turning into raging ones:

'You've been slacking off the previous times, didn't you!!!'

'Do you think you can trick your eldest sister!!'

'I swear I will kill him!!!'

Monster Hunter World.

An Emperor drinking with his generals, suddenly felt his back turn cold.

Feeling genuine fear in his heart!

Something his generals also detected;

Ouki laughed, somehow understanding this kind of expression:

"Kukuku!!! It seems our Emperor also can get in trouble!!"

Ren Pa laughed out loud:

"Good!! Good!! We now found a way around him!!!"

Marek was still too entranced, knowing that there is only one being in the Multiverse that could make him feel fear.

'Dammit!! I knew I shouldn't have sent that letter!!'

And as the atmosphere turned weirdly silent

A Blue Portal opened up.

And from it appeared Two Silver HaIred Saiyans. These Two's Calibre were in no way inferior to the 9 Generals, they were somehow equal.

A sense of respect was sensed immediately from both parties.

People of Caliber easily recognized each other after all.

Zeno and Silva smiled lightly meeting thr gaze of the Powerful Generals. Zeno laughed out:

"It seems you have made quite the good recruits this time…Your Majesty."

Marek nodded, looking at each of one of them:

"We are going to accomplish great things together. I know it."

The then immediately kneeled before the Emperor, behind their backs the enormous amount of Chimera Ants. Silva spoke:

"Sorry for the delay, your Majesty."

Marek smiled:

"No…You came in just in time. Good Job Silva, Zeno."

He then looked rather thrilled at the immobilized little creatures.

He turned to explain to his retainers:

"Those, are the ants, I told you about."

"They are a rather interesting species."

"They reproduce via Phagogenesis."

"Those Queens can absorb the Genetic codes, I just told you about, of the species they eat, and reproduce it in the next generation."

He snickered:

"For example…"

"If one queen only ate Elder Dragons."

"All her offspring will resemble that…"

"And will be probably stronger than Elder Dragons."

"And much more numerous."

He narrowed his eyes:

"Yet to do that."

"They will need to drive the species to near extinction in the process."

He smiled as he extended his arm in front of those Chimera Ants:

"Now…Tell me."

He then made a big cut on his arm as Blood dripped down from it.

"What would happen if they drank the Legendary Super Saiyan's Blood?"

The Generals and the Members of the Zoldyck Family were all flabbergasted as they watched the Emperor carefully pour an equivalent of one Gallon of Blood to each one of the 1000 Chimera Ants Queen Starving Mouths.

Using his Naraka Path's regenerative abilities there was no problem in that.

The Chimera Ants Queens seemed to relish in the most delicious meals to date!!!

Creepy Shrieks of Delight here and there. They were beasts after all!!

He had a large smirk as he casually continued to explain, to the crowd witnessing the Absurdity of the situation:

"It certainly not enough to turn their offspring into Saiyans."

"It's not even enough to turn them into sentient beings."

He had a large evil smile.

"But it is certainly enough to produce an offspring with some pseudo S-Cells, pseudo legendary S-Cells."

He had a big laugh:

"And with S-Cells comes the possibility of attaining Higher Realms."

He then looked at the rest of the world he created:

"And with the help of those S-Cells. They can certainly start hunting around here."

He had a look ressembling that of a mad scientist:

"And with them preying and absorbing the genetical codes of the species."

"We will have much stronger versions of the Monsters of the Monster Hunter World."

"We will also have hybridation between species."

He laughed lightly, as he announced:

"In Practiclly Two Weeks…All the species in this world."

"Will be extinct."

"Giving Place to Hordes and Hordes of unending Chimera Ants Variants…Looking exactly like them."

"Only when the fast train of reproduction grew into an incontrollable rate."

"Will the life and death struggle between the different species happen."

"It will be a beautiful sight to witness."

"Different Kings and Queen fighting out in a unending fight for hegemony."

His smile grew even bigger:

"In about a Month or So."

" The struggle with life and death activating the Monstruous Zenkai Boosts of the Legendary S Cells and the constant cannibalistic behavior, creating even stronger Mutated species and augmenting the number of S-Cells in each of the Monsters."

He laughed lightly:

"Will Make the by then, Billion numbers of Monsters there…."

"Peak even at Galactic Level Powerhouses."

He smiled lightly.

"And Maybe…"

"After Several Years or so…"

"As some powerful Kings and Queen continue to consume the skyrocketing numbers of S-Cells…"

"There maybe even Species reaching the Universal Level."

"They will probably be as scarce as the Elder Dragons."

He smirked:

"But I do look forward to it…"

He then dispersed all the powered up Chimera Ants Queens all over the land!!!

"Give me a good show, dear Chimera Ants."

He sighed.

'The King Piece made those estimations, so they should be accurate.'

'It even gave me an image of potential, new species and their powers.'

'Good…In about two to three weeks it should be ready.'

'The Ultimate training ground.'

He looked at this Generals.

"I will explain the organization of the Training ground."

"A Point System will be created for all the soldiers."

"The point system will rate the soldiers by contribution and feats."

"The rating of the point system will be given by each general to his own men."

"Depending of what you need the most in your army."

"Each General having full authority over the training regime of their army."

"Only one rule is mandatory for all soldiers and Generals alike."

"Each soldier needs to hunt his own armor and to tame his own mount."

"Each Zone will be rated from F-Class to SSS-Class"

"The F-Class to D class will be known as the Beginner Class."

"All the monsters there are from City Level to Country level."

"Those are for the Human Soldiers…Those who just came out from the Rating Game, those from the Vassal States or those from the Altaesian Empire."

"Only the top recruits of each promotion get to turn into Saiyans."

"The D-Class to A-Class Zones…Are Zones from the Continental Level to the Star Level."

"The S Class are Solar System Level colonies."

"The SS Class are Galactic level."

He had an excited smile:

"The SSS Class is for Universal level Colonies."

"The Database of all the Monsters will be updated every day."


First of All...If you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!


More Worldbuilding and work on the army!!!

Please if you want to see this fic higher ranked, please give me your power Stones!!!

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