Chapter 7: Omni-Man is back
The alien tapped the floor. "Pretty sturdy structure." - "Thanks. Now, who are you?" - "I'm an evaluation officer for the Coalition of Planets. I drop my little dirt balls like yours to make sure there's someone capable of defending them against, you know, plant, conquering monsters, things of that nature."
"I wish I could tell you I know what any of that means. But I don't." - "Well, I don't know what to tell you, man. Your planet signed up for the program." He pulled out a device. "See? Request from Urath for evaluation."
"Urath? Who told you this planet was Urath. This is Earth. Earth!" - "Earth?... is that with a E or a U?" - "E! Earth!" - "Oh.. I'm going to me in so much trouble. Well, thanks for letting me know. I'm Allen, by the way." - "Invincible. And hey, your mistake gained you an ally. I might've just met you, but I have a feeling I can trust you." - "Invincible, huh. I faught you. I think you're quite Vincible." - "Give me time. I'll get stronger."
He started to hover. "Well, if I don't get fired. Maybe I will see." - "See you around."
He flew off and I got rid of the platform and hovered in the air.
I closed my locker when I accidentally bumped into someone. I caught whoever I bumped into.
"Are you... oh, Amber."
She stood up. "Thank you for catching me. You got beat up for me, and now you caught me." She laughed as she started to walk away. "My knight in shinning armor."
I put my hand in my pocket and found a paper I didn't have in there before.
I pulled it out. (555-0155. Amber.)
'Well, how about that.'
I watched her walk down the hall. 'I can definitely see what will happen since Eve is with Rex.
My phone rang and I picked it up without looking.
I sighed. 'Another attack.'
I flew down and threw a tank. I grabbed the barrel and threw it towards another.
I formed a blue bolt to throw at another when someone with a huge mech suit went to grab me. I dodged out of the way and threw the bold at him.
I flew to where he landed to try and break the suit.
He grabbed my head and slammed me into the ground.
I went to stand up and got repeatedly hit in the head.
I grabbed his huge metal hand and crushed it.
I was about to fight back and something grabbed it and flew it up.
I looked up fo see dad holding the... 'Oh, that's the guy I slashed.
Noland: "Are You okay, Mark?"
Dad threw him towards the portal and the other attackers shot at him all at once and it did nothing.
Dad flew through the crowd and went through them like ants.
I tried to move but the pain was a lot.
I looked into myself and I pulled out enough energy to heal myself.
I flew back into the battle and found one of them that had a device to open a portal.
I was staring at the device when I seen dad start to fly towards a portal.
I took off to try and stop him but just missed. "Dad!"
Rex: "Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa! Omni Man is your dad?"
I looked down at my lands again and wander why it was like my body was fighting against my there for a moment.
I know I can fly faster then I did. It was like there was something inside me fighting against that.
'I wander why?' (A.N. I thought about having Mark go in with Noland, but seeing him destroy the world would be to early. I can't think it'd turn out good at all.)
I walked into the house and took a deep breath. 'Great. Now I have to tell mom dad went to a different dimension.'
I look forward to seei Mom on her computer.
"Um. Hey, mom?"
She turned towards me. "Yeah? What's up?" - "Dad. He saved us from the Flaxens, but he ended up going into one of their portals. I'm sorry. I tried to get him but..." - "Oh. So he'll be late for dinner?"
'She heard me right. Different dimension, Dad. Yeah, that's what I said.'
Debbie: "I Was worried before because I've never seen your father so badly hurt, but taking on aliens in another dimension? That's just a Tuesday.
I'm sure he's explaining nicely why they should leave us alone."
I hugged mom from behind. "You are stronger then both of us."
She laughed. "Why do you say that?" - "I don't know if I was dating someone like dad, and this happened I could just shrug it off."
She put her arm over mine. "It's just because I'm used to it now. That's all. I know your dad can handle it." - "Still stronger... now, I just got done with a fight. What's for dinner?"
I was eating when the front door opened and dad walked through with a beard. "I need a shower."
I blured and appeared in front of him. "Dad!" I hugged him happy he's back.