Chapter 6: Round 2, and Meeting ET
William: "It's Like your trying to drown any chance you have a dating Eve."
"I'm suprised you even want me to go for her. Don't you and every guy in the school want her?" - "Well, yeah. But you seem to have a in with her. Everyone seen you leave with her yesterday."
I paused for a moment. "Everyone... never mind that doesn't matter. She's with someone. I don't have a chance." - "So? You can be more awesome than him and take his place."
'That's a dick move... Well, he is a.. no. Bad thoughts.'
William: "Why do you seem to be so intimidated by her? Other than she's amazing and you're a nerd."
I looked through the crowd and seen that Eve indicated that I need to follow her.
'They must be back.'
I closed my eyes and took a breath.
"I gotta go."
I stood up.
William: "Go? Go where?"
"Somewhere important. Talk later."
We flew to the top of a building where Rex is standing.
Rex: "Uh. Where are you guys coming from?"
Eve: "Uh, We go to the same high school, Rex." - "Oh, you do, do you?"
"Yeah." I looked at Eve. "Didn't you just say that?"
Rex: "Must be nice. You know who never went to high school? Me."
Eve: "We know. It shows."
'Maybe Williams right. It can't be hard to show I'm better then this guy... no. Bad thoughts.'
Robot: "I'd appreciate everyone's attention on the matter at hand."
I looked to my left and seen Robot and Kate on the edge of the roof.
'Huh, I don't remember seening them. Weird.'
We ran over to them to see the Flaxins coming in, in droves.
Rex: "They're not getting old, robot. Why aren't they getting old?" - "They seem to have discovered a way to resist our time stream." - "In three days?" - "Three days for us. Decades for them."
'Okay. We went over this. He's Absence from schooling is really showing.'
Robot, Kate, and Rex jumped off the building and landed on a hovercraft.
Eve: "Ready for this?"
I looked down at the madness happening and sighed.
'No killing. No killing and I'll be good.'
"Yeah. I'm ready."
We flew down and dodged lazer fire.
They started to bring out weapons to counter the Teen Team so I slowed down and stayed back slightly to try and think of something.
When Eve sent out a wave of Energy and made an opening. I landed at the edge sending out a shockwave to continue number of attackers being downed a little further .
'Okay. Hold back your strength, chest. Not the head.'
I hit maybe 5 enemies when four lasers from the tanks shot at me at once holding me in place.
I gretted me teeth trying to fight the pain.
'I said I could take it as a joke. I didn't want to test it with more then one.'
As soon as they stopped firing, one of my palms started to glow.
I slashed my hand down, and I sent the group coming at me away.
I spun to do it again to give me room when they were quicker and shot something at me, flinging me against one of the tanks.
Whatever they shot at me suddenly got very sticky keeping me in place.
The leader and who seems to be the one I slashed across the face laughed as he walked up to me.
I looked around to see the whole team down.
But what worried me the most is Eve having something attached to her face, blocking her from breathing.
My hands glowed as I was going to break it when I got shocked with electricity.
I stopped for a moment and the leader went and picked up Eve by her hair and held a gun to her head.
"No! No!" Something snapped in me and my whole body turned blue and glowed and everything around me flew away.
I launched towards them to save her. As I flew towards them every gun in the enemies hands flew out of their hand and crumbled into a ball.
I grabbed the leader and flew him into a wall.
I telepathically lifted him up and ripped every piece of armor and cloth off of him.
The I Repeatedly punched him in the face.
Robot: "Invincible!"
That snapped me out of it and I went back to normal and I flew over to Eve and ripped, whatever was on her face off.
"You okay?"
She sat up and gasp loudly for air.
The leader started to rapidly age, which caused him to run back to the portal with everyone else since they had no weapons.
The leader yelled something none of us could understand before he ran through the portal.
Rex: "Right back 'atcha, buddy." He childly Lee stuck at his tongue at the nonexistent portal. "Way The go psycho there, Invincible.
And not, because I'm scared of you, but I take back everything I said about you before, and I said a lot."
"I don't know what happened. I got mad.. and I don't know. I could see everything. Every Atom... every... It was... exhilarating."
Eve look curious about something but didn't say anything.
Rex: "Don't get me wrong, that was amazing, but also the scariest thing I've ever seen. Just don't ever point that at me."
Eve stormed over to Rex. "Don't listen to him. You did... amazing. Great job."
Rex: "That what I said. Eve.
God, my back."
I watched him grab at his back then looked at my hands. 'If I seen myself correctly. I was... Blue. That was weird. I know I can control all Atoms in Living and Non-Living things. But. When I turned blue it amplified my control... even my understanding 1000 fold. Power is all I felt.
Destroying all those weapons was like swatting away a bug.'
I tried to turn blue again, but it wasn't working. 'Huh?'
My phone rang so I answered it in my ear peice.
Debbie: "Hurry. Your dads awake."
Eve: "Everything okay?"
I hung up and looked sorry.
"I need to talk to you, but It can wait. I need to go."
I took off and as soon as I got above the buildings. I broke the sound barrier many times.
I flew through the Pentagon and to dads room.
I ripped off my mask when I seen him. "Dad!" - "Hey son."
I blurred and appeared next to him and hugged him tight.
Noland: "Ow! Ribs."
Debbie: "Careful! You're going to put him in a coma again."
"He's fine. He's dad. You're fine right?"
Debbie: "No he's not. But he's okay enough to come home."
Noland: "Mom says you've been keeping the planet safe for me." - "Moms exaggerating. It's only a few alien invasions and small robberies." - "Tell me about it all."
Later we are walking out of the hospital part of the Pentagon and I went slightly ahead but stopped when I heard dad slightly off when he demanded his suit that he got injured in.
It was tougher then usual. 'Weird. But. I guess, he did just get up from a coma. It'll take a bit for him to get back to himself.'
Later that evening me and dad are in the back yard, in the sky training.
I flew and swung at dad. "What happened? You're slower. Are you even trying?"
I flew at him again and missed another shot. "And now you're trying to hard. What's going on?"
I held up a wrist and showed him the grey band on it. "It's something I finished up while you and mom where... yeah. With it I can use my powers to increase the gravity on myself. It's my way to train.
Not only do I have to increase the gravitational pull on myself, I also have to always slightly hover. Otherwise I'll go through the floor." - "Oh, is that the loud noise I heard?" - "Yeah? I added to much and it caught me by surprise." - "I see. I wouldn't advise using those during our training because you might get hit!" He charged at me. I threw my hands up but mom yelled at us and he stopped right before I got hit.
'Thanks mom. And... Cecil?'
Noland: "Oh, Great."
We went inside and Cecil threw something up on the TV. It was a blur and apparently it's heading towards our earth at a fast pace.
Cecil wanted Dad to go check it out, but Mom refused to stating the fact he's only been healed for a week.
"I'll go then."
Noland: "Okay."
Debbie: "What!?"
Noland: "Why not? He's not that tough Mark can take him." - "Oh, wonderful. That's your solution."
"Just so I get the picture. Could we define. not that tough?" - "Just knock some sense into the guy and throw him back where he came from. Easy." - "Okay. Sounds easy. Now. How exactly do I breathe in space?" - "That's the neat thing. You don't."
Cecil: "12 minutes."
"Yeah, Yeah. Explain."
I flew up and as I got to the edge of the atmosphere, I took a deep breath, then continue the journey up into deep space.
I looked back down on earth is slight amaze when that voice that always seems to be right in the back of my head told me to move.
I moved to the left and seen a orange creature go by where I just was.
I Rotated and kicked him away from me a little.
(A.N. "' '" will indicate Communication in the head.)
Allen: "'Hey, you're Early! And you shaved your mustache.'" - "'Stay way from my planet.'"
I flew to him and grabbed him. I spun us around and flew away from the planet and hit him a few time before hitting him one more time harder but towards a satellite.
He stopped himself before the satellite.
Allen: "'Not bad, But if you're trying to tackle me into something, your moon, is that way!'"
He grabbed the Satellite and Threw it at me.
I grabbed it Telekineticly and threw it back at him.
He dodged and I pause for a moment and had to ask. "'Why Can I hear you in my head?'" - "'Where else do you keep your brain?'"
'That's not what I..'
He went to punch me several times and I dodged before I punched back at his jaw.
"'That's what you call protecting your planet? I am sad for your people'"
'Well, that's never good.'
He punched me in the gut and I coughed out the air I had in my lungs.
Well, I was coughing. He punched me in the face down into the Earth's atmosphere.
I took a deep breath. 'That works I guess. Let's try this.'
I launched up wanting to fly him into the moon but I lost him.
He grab me from behind and flew us towards the Earth.
Allen: "'Are you sure, you are the guy I fought a few years ago.'" - "'No, I'm not that guy.'" - "'Sucks to be you then.'"
I headbutted his one eyed and bursted outwards with energ to get lose then grabbed him and started to fly him towards the moon.
Allen: "Really? You tried this already.. huh?'"
I flew him at the surface of the moon at full speed, causing a huge explosion and dust to fly everywhere.
'That had to do something.'
Allen: "'Ha.'"
'Come on!'
He walked out of the dust. "'Maybe you'll do after all.'"
I flew up to my feet. "'I'm so confused.'"
He ran and tackled me and started to repeatedly punch me in the face
"'Hold... on... I... wanna.'"
I got angry and glowed and shot out a ray of energy throwing him off of me. "'Talk!'"
Allen landed and smiled as he wiped blood from his mouth.
Allen: "'Are you using your timeout?'"
I looked at my hands seeing they are blue, I put that In the back of my mind for a moment and pay attention to the alien in front of me. "'I get a time out? Why do I get a time out?'" - "'I don't make the rules.'" - "'What rules? I don't even know who you are.'" - "'Oh, you don't? Well, let's talk.'"
He went to move a rock.
'He seems nice now.'
"'In the earths atmosphere?'" - "'Why not'"
As we flew back to earth I looked into my self of a atomic level. 'Ever since I activated my Valtramite powers, my other powers haven't been strong enough to effect my body. But it seems I can now. Cool.'
As I flew down it became easier to fly at the speeds the alien is flying. I even increased my power a little. I think.
As we entered the Atmosphere, where I could breathe again I turned back to normal. And I decided to I stopped, then I made a blue platform with two chairs.
"Let's chat here. I don't Want the government involved yet." - "Sure."