Mostly Invincible

Chapter 5: Meeting the Teen Team for real.

After the adrenaline wore off it hit me like a truck that I killed.

I don't kill. I didn't plan on killing, but during the battle, I didn't think. It's like my mind told me it was okay, and I didn't think.

It did help me, and if I'm honest I'm slightly okay with it. They are invaders and killing humans, but... I don't know.

With that Question of if I'm okay with what I did roaming around my head, I was in a daze as I was walking through the halls of school after I went to see mom.

William snapped me out of it. "Whoa. Are you okay?" - "Yea... no." 'What can I say? I know.' "My dad.. he's... he got attacked." - "What? You're kidding... Oh, God, you're not kidding. Is-Is he okay? What happened?" - "He's hospitalized currently. It's bad. He's really hurt." - "Jesus Mark. Did they catch who did it?" - "I wish. But no, not yet." - "I'm here for you Mark. Whatever you need. You wanna talk. I'll listen. You and Debbie need a lasagna, I make a good one."

I chuckled. "For the last time. I'm not going to eat your lasagna." - "It's worth a shot."

A set of red hair caught my attention to the left of William.

"Eve Wilkins.."

William: "What?.. yeah, that's her." - "I need to talk to her. I'll be back."

He laughed. "You, Me, and all the other boys in a ten-mile radius." (A.N. Yes, he's straight, well he's Bi. I'm taking some things from the comic and this is one. I need him to swing both ways.)

He kept talking but I ignored him and walked across the hall to her.

"Eve. Hi, I'm, uh." - "Oh, Hey. Mark. right?" - "Grayson, you got it.

I wanted to say thanks for the help yesterday." - "Yesterday?... Yesterday, Oh! That was you? In the blue and the yellow?" - "Yeah, that was me. I'm." I looked around to make sure no one was looking at us. Then wispered. "Invincible." I chuckled at myself. "Wow. That sounds weird when I say it out loud. It sounded so much better when I picked it." - "It sounds a little optimistic maybe." - "Hey, if you would've let that tank shot hit me you would've found out how invincible I am." - "Well, if that's the case, next time maybe I'll let it hit you." - "Maybe."

She put her hand up to her mouth. "I'm Atom Eve. But the rest of the team calls me Eve. So does everyone else." - "Haven't I heard that your name is like Samantha."

With a serious face. "Don't call me that."

I laughed. "Okay. It's Eve."

The smile vanished and yesterdays fight popped back in my head which I had written all over my face.

Eve: "Do you want to talk about yesterday? You look like you need to talk about yesterday."


We walked to the roof and sat on the edge.

"You know. Until today. I didn't recognize you - "No one does. It's a psychological thing.

If you don't expect to see a superhero in your school, you don't see a superhero in your school." - "Is that why you stopped wearing a mask?" - "My mask. Oh my god. I haven't worn one in ages." - "Yeah, sue me. A gorgeous hero who looks like she's my age. I might of followed her career. I even followed Teen Team on instagram because of you." - "Oh, I should be honored. All because of me?" - "Why else? Maybe I should follow because of Robot?"

She laughed. "Yeah. Robot can really get people moving.

I have to ask because I haven't seen you before. You are new to this right?" - "Yeah. I just got the second half of my powers. That was my first big fight. Does it show?" - "No, you actually weren't to bad." - "Thanks." - "Hey. Don't worry, you'll get used to it." - "It's not that." - "Then what?" - "I killed many of them. I didn't mean to at first, but then, I don't know. I was in a trance." - "They were invading. If that makes you feel better." - "Yeah, I've been telling myself that." - "Isn't like what you see on Tv right." - "Nope.

Thanks for this." - "I charge 250 an hour."

'I know she's kidding. But I'm curious if my blue powers are like hers.'

I pulled a nickel out of my pocket and turned it to Gold.

I put it in her hand. "There you go."

She bust out laughing. "You know I'm joking right?" - "I'd hope so. Not really hero like."

She stood up and grabbed her backpack.

Eve: "What's that blue energy?"

Energy danced around my hand. "This? I don't know. It seems to work like yours." - "Kinda looks like it. You seem to have a pretty good handle on it." - "Yeah, I've had it since I was 4. Just waited till I got my other powers to be a hero."

She walked back to the edge. "I see. You want to come by and see the Teen Team after school?" - "I don't know. I've heard they are only the 4th favorite superhero team." - "Ow. That hurts." She laughed. "Meet me out front after school... Invincible." She jumped off the edge and shot off.

I smiled and jumped off myself. I landed and walked through the front door.


After school, at my locker.

Amber: "Hey, I heard you took a few on the chin for me again."

I closed my locker to see a blonde standing there. (A.N. Again. From the comics.)

"Amber. Yeah, I did. But I barely felt it. Don't worry. Hey, I don't mean to be rude. But I have somewhere to be. I'll see you around."

I met Eve out front, then we hid and changed into our costumes. Once I had my on, we took to the sky's.

Eve: "Try to keep up."

I smiled. "I'd beat you if I knew where the base is." - "Lucky for me."

We played around in the air as we flew through the city then landed ontop of the pillars of a bridge.

I made a ramp to slide on that shot me above Eve. Midair I flipped to a landing.

"Okay. Where do we go now?"

The ground opened up and we fell down. We caught ourselves and landed.

'So cool.'

We walked a bit and seen the rest of the team.

Eve walked up to Rex and started to make out with him.

'Well. Shit. There goes my chance.'

Rex: "Oh, hey. It's blue man."

Eve: "Rex."

Rex: "We couldn't have won that fight without you. Except we did."

"If I remember correctly, I saved your asses?"

Kate: "And they got old, and ran away."

Rex: "I don't remember it going that way."

Robot: "Welcome Invincible. My name is Robot.

Apologies for Rex Splode. He's."

Rex: "Unbelievably awesome."

"A dick."

Robot: "Incorrigible."

Eve: "And rude."

Rex: "And.. now I'm not enjoying this."

Three Kate's walked up to me. "I'm Dupli-Kate." - "Invincible." I looked at all three of them. "Okay. I have to ask. Which one do I look at when I talk?"

Eve: "Hey, Robot, find anything at the site?" - "The Flaxand come from a dimension with a faster temporal rate.

As a result the tachyons they emit spin more rapidly than our own."

'So pretty much, nothing I didn't figure out on the spot. Got it.'

Robot walk down to the lower section near us. "I've created this detector to warn us if they return."

Rex: "Ah, Because we almost missed all the explosions in the screaming and the chaos."

'Total ass.'

Robot: "It should give us a few minutes of early warning. Cecil and the GDA have also requested to call on us for any possible emergencies. since the guardians are apparently indisposed."

'You can say that.'

Robot. Then everyone else looked at me while eating nothing.

"Since you are looking at me. I'm guessing you're going to ask for my help, and sure another round couldn't hurt.

I'll give you my number." A paper with my number on it formed in my hand. I handed it to Eve. "Here."

She smiled and grabbed it.

"So, is there anyway I can get a tour? I'm curious about this base. Inside a bridge. Who's idea?"

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