Chapter 8: New Guardians, and a failed "Date."
After the public funeral then the private one for the Gaurdians.
My nerves were high, and dad ticked me off talking about getting pizza so I went to my room.
I sat up in my bed and pulled out the paper with Ambers number on it.
'I need this... hopefully I get the answer I want.'
I typed the number in my phone, then pressed call.
It rang a few times before it was answered. "Hello?" - "Hey, Uh. This is the guy you bumped into. Mark. Mark Grayson. Smooth by the way." - "Thank you. I was wandering if you were going to call." - "Give yourself some credit. You meant to say when." - "No. if. I can think of a few reasons for, if.
I gave you my Number in a odd way, you have a girlfriend, you're lame, and you don't like chicks who kicks assholes in their balls when they threaten you." - "That last one was hot, I liked it." - "I'm liking this conversation. Keep it going."
I chuckled. "I called, because I was thinking finals are coming up and we're both in Ms. Walker's global issues class. Wanna, Hang out and go over it together." - "A study date? With one of the smartest, hottest kids in school. I'm sure to pass." - "So, is that a yes?" - "Yeah, I'd love to. When and where?" - "My place? Tomorrow? Let's say, around 3?" - "You sure? I have a few hours to decide to back out." - "I think I'll be fine." - "See you then." - "See you then."
I hug up the phone and let out the breath I was holding. 'How did I not stutter. It's like I was a different person.' I smiled and telekineticly pulled my laptop over to me. 'But in glad I was. I aced that call.'
I pulled up a file on a new metal I'm trying to make. I'm calling it Vibranium.
The next morning I went to see the selection for the new Guardians of the Globe.
I was enjoying the fights, but I couldn't help but notice Eve more vicious than usual. She took out a huge muscular man like it was nothing very quickly.
"Huh, I wander what's going on with her?"
Rex quickly spoke. "No idea."
I gave him the side eye. 'Weird. What'd the jerk do now.'
Another interesting fight I seen, was someone who could shrink. She went into her opponent's ear, and made him pass out from within.
'Smart way to utilize her powers.'
As Robot was introducing everyone to the new guardians of the globe Rex had to go and open his mouth when one of them was named monster girl, and she literally was a little girl.
I thought about intervening because making fun of a little girl was just too much, but when she snapped back about his dick size, I figured she had to handled.
I can't lie. I got a little pleasure when he started walking up to her and her arm turned into a humongous green arm.
She punched him through the glass down into the arena.
She jumped down herself and turned into a green monster.
'I must of Missed her audition. Interesting power.'
Rex threw multiple things at her, and I didn't even seem to hurt her in the slightest.
She started to pound on him, and I had to ask. "Is this okay? Should I go down and stop this?"
Eve: "He asked for it."
'Okay. Something had to of happened.'
I let her hit him eight more times and seeing she wasn't stopping, I decided it was enough.
I flew down and grabbed her fist. "Okay, you've done enough." - "Get lost Boy Scout."
She pulled me off my feet, threw me towards a wall.
I used the wall to push of and flew back at her and punched her out of her monster form.
All the other heroes mumbled how I hit a little girl.
I looked up and pointed at her. "She was a big green monster a moment ago... whatever. I looked at her as she got up. "I'm sorry. Did I hit you to hard?" - "Nah, I'm fine. It was my fault anyway." She walk over to me and Rex. "The kid thing sets me off every time. And then it's like, Rah! Beast mode. Sorry about the dick joke. I bet your junk is awesome."
She went to help him up, but she ignored her and stood up by himself.
Seeing he was fine I walked away with monster girl. "So, a greeen monster?" - "Yeah, I got cursed." - "Oh, I don't mean to be rude, but with being called a little girl being a trigger?" - "I'm 24." - "Oh, well, hey, if I ever get my powers under control maybe I can age you up?"
We started to walk up the stairs. "Age me up?" - "Like Atom Eve I can control the atoms around us. But unlike her, I can control them in living as well as non-living things. It's just a lot harder in living things." - "I see. Well, maybe. Thanks for the offer." - "Yeah."
Once We were back up top robot finished his speech and everyone left but Me, Eve, and Rex.
Eve: "Robot." - "No need to thank me. I obviously needed to remain impartial. But I am still Delighted so many members of the Teen Team made the cut." - "I can't Be on the same team as Rex and Kate."
She started to walk away. 'Okay, now my interest is beyond peaked.'
"Why? Hey wait?"
I caught up to her in the sky. "Hey? What's going on?" - "Rex cheated on me." - "What?"
'I should have let him get hit a few more times.'
Eve: "With Dupli-Kate, all three of her."
'Okay. Now it all makes sense.'
She sped up and went ahead of me. I caught up and she continued. "I walked in on them. Rex told her you and me were a thing. Ugh." - "What? That's..." 'That would be awesome.' "Crazy. I didn't wanna say it when you were dating him, out of respect for you, but that guy's... an asshole. Only way I can put it." - "He Wasn't always. But... yeah." - "Well... that totally sucks. I'm sorry you went through that. If you need to talk, you know where I live, or you have my number." - "Thanks."
William: "All this Computer shit has to go, and hide these. You so need new stuff for your walls." - "Hey, she knows I'm smart and maybe she like comics, you never know." - "But I do. Here. I brought you some homework. A little Naomi Klein. A touch of Margaret Atwood." - "I've never heard of these." - "But she has. She's also into Spicy food, stand-up comedy..." - "I love you man. But why do you know so much." - "I just wanted to make sure my friend didn't crash out on his first date." - "It's a study date. Not a first date." - "Mark, whenever You are with her it should always feel like it's the first date."
The doorbell rang.
Debbie: "Mark! Your friend is here!"
I love you man. Thank you for the help. But you need to leave."
I walked out of my room and looked over the railed to see if she's in the door yet. "You're good. Go out the back way." - "You can thank me later, and tell me exactly how it went." - "Just, go."
I stood in my room awkwardly as she walked around. She easily found the books William brought over.
'He left them out behind my back.'
She picked up the top one and showed it to me with a smile.
"Yeah, I'll be straight with you. I've never looked at it. William said I should read it to show you that I'm interested. Which I will. When I have time.
I picked up a comic. "But this right here. This is more my style." - "A honest man. I like that."
'I can't be to honest. Not yet at least.'
Amber: "So you're into comic and tech stuff." - "Am I that Obvious?" - "The collection of comics and the pile of parts gave it away." We both sat on the bed. "I guess it did." - "So, what's your favorite comic?" - "A favorite... I can't pick one... but, I can... Oh." I ran to my comics. "This one. It's about A guy who underwater welder, And he starts seeing ghosts at the bottom of the sea.
Then There is this one about a Jack Russell terrier who's a master of the metaphysical arts."
I picked it up and handed it to her. "I think you might like this one." - "Seance Dog? Cool, mind if I borrow this one? I mean, just to show you that I'm interested."
I chuckled. "Yeah, sure. I don't..." my phone rang and I didn't even look, I just Ignored it.
"Okay. I think we should start with the global issues and then." It rang again. This time I pulled out my phone to see it's an unknown number. I ignored it again.
"Sorry. Scam calls." I turned off the ringer. "This should do." I put it back in my pocket. "Okay. So, Ms. Walker says we should focus on the."
My phone rang again. I pulled it out and glared at it. 'I turned you off!'
Amber: "I'm gonna run and use the bathroom while you deal with that."
"I'm sorry. It's Down the hall on the left."
Amber shut the door as she left and as soon as it shut, a bright light flashed and Cecil appeared.
"So it was you. Can't you see I'm busy." - "You wanna be a superhero, right? Fame, glory, get all the pretty gals?" - "Well, Not only because of those reasons." - "Well, then, The whole concept of personal privacy and me time as a thing of the past. When the world needs you, you answer your goddamn phone!" - "Hey! I don't work for you. Never even asked to." - "And you never will, unless you show a little respect, and decide if you want to be a superhero or not." - "You have to be kidding me. I'm busy." - "We've been over this. Kid." - "Well, this kid is busy." - "Then maybe I'll talk to you again in a few years.
He turned around.
"Fine! Fine. What's going on?"
He turned back around. "Rogue, super villain. Public and danger. Eve's already en route." - "Eve's helping?"
He threw me an earpiece. "Oh, did that sweatin the deal?" - "Of course not... where am I going anyway?" - "Mount Rushmore."
I sighed. "Fine. I'll be there shortly."
As he vanished. "Hurry up."
Amber opened the door. "Who were you talking to?"
I racked my head at what to say and sighed. "It's my Dad. He's in trouble at work and I need to help him. I'm sorry." - "Right now?" - "Yeah." I'm super sorry. I was so looking forward to this. But... he's my dad, and I don't want to make him mad."
She sighed. "I understand."
Mom walked in with a tray. "How's it going in here? I brought snacks."
"Dad needs help at work." - "Now?"
She looked sorry at Amber. "I'm sorry. His dad does this some times." - "It's fine. Maybe we can do this again another time. Thanks for having me over."