Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 74 Arrangements Clearly

Chapter 74 Arrangements Clearly

"A fine dog indeed."

Dumbledore didn't know the complicated feelings in Quirrell's heart at this time. He echoed with a smile, stepped forward and opened the trapdoor on the ground, beckoned to Quirrell and said, "Come on, Quilinus."

After speaking, he jumped down.

Quirrell glanced at Hagrid who was still playing with the three-headed dog. Hagrid noticed his gaze, waved his hand, and said, "I'm here with Lu Wei, so I won't follow, and..."

Hagrid pointed to the opened trapdoor and said with a smile, "That hole is a little bit crowded for me, too."

Seeing the same thing, Quirrell nodded to him, and then jumped into the dark hole.

The cold, damp air whizzed past Quirrell's ears, and he unhurriedly cast a levitation spell on himself, and his falling speed slowed down immediately.

Only then did he have time to look down.

At this time, a ball of white light lit up under the bottomless cave, which should be the lighting technique used by Dumbledore.

After slowly falling to the bottom, Quirrell stepped on a soft mass.

With the light cast by Dumbledore, he found a thick layer of vines under his feet.

Sensing Quirrell's presence, the plant stretched out snake-like tendrils and wrapped them around his ankles.

Quirrell quickly jumped aside, avoiding the vines.

"Demon-devil-devil net."

As a Ravenclaw, Quirrell easily recognized the plant at his feet.

"Yes, Devil's Web, it's from Pomona, interesting isn't it?"

Quirrell nodded, but he was rather disdainful in his heart. The weakness of the devil's net is too obvious. As long as he understands its characteristics, even a little wizard in the first grade can easily deal with it.

But Pomona Sprout is only a professor of herbalism, besides a Hufflepuff with no talent, so she probably can only use this kind of non-public means.

Quirrell thought contemptuously in his heart, but still had that submissive expression on his face.

The two continued to move forward, going down a stone corridor, and came to a brightly lit room. Countless keys with wings were flying around in this room.

"This is the line of defense jointly built by Felius and Rolanda."

Dumbledore led Quirrell through these flying keys, and came to a heavy wooden door, and then he waved to the group of keys above his head, a large silver key with sky blue wings automatically fell into the hands of Dumbledore.

Opening the wooden door with the key in his hand, Dumbledore led Quirrell to the next room.

Quirrell frowned, he had just seen the broom in the corner.

If the devil's net prepared by Professor Sprout before was due to her lack of ability, these magic keys showed the level of Professor Flitwick, but why did they specially prepare broomsticks in the room?

Just to show that Ms. Hooch also contributed to this room?

Puzzled, Quirrell followed Dumbledore across the wooden door and into the second room.

As soon as they entered the room, the originally dark room was immediately lit up, and a huge chessboard was displayed in front of them.

"Minerva's Transfiguration is amazing no matter how many times I see it."

Dumbledore shook his head, then turned to look at Quirrell, "How is it? Quilinus, are you interested in playing a game of chess?"

"No-no, it's more important than-magic-magic."


Dumbledore nodded, and said lightly, then he took out his wand, his lips moved slightly, Quirrell pricked up his ears but couldn't hear what he read, but the black and white pieces on the chessboard immediately gave way. to the sides.

Passing through the huge chessboard in the middle, Dumbledore pushed open the second door and came into an empty room.

"I'll leave this room to you, Quilinus, see how you want to arrange it."

Quirrell looked around and saw that there was another door on the opposite wall. He pondered for a while, then stammered and said to Dumbledore: "Forgive me—forgive me—speaking bluntly. There is—is—is…”

"A bit of a joke?"

Dumbledore took the conversation with a smile, and Quirrell nodded.

"Yes, I actually ordered them to do this on purpose," Dumbledore explained, "The most important thing is to prevent that little fellow Fisher from convincing Lu Wei one day and running down secretly. It was used to make him quit, and according to Hagrid, Lu Wei is not without weaknesses, and if other students inadvertently break in, the barriers ahead are enough to stop them."

【snort!That's exactly what Dumbledore would do. 】

Voldemort's voice suddenly sounded in Quirrell's mind, and he sneered and mocked.

[This hypocritical old thing! 】

Quirrell, who was still skeptical about this place, was relieved when he heard what his master said. He really didn't want to find the location of the Philosopher's Stone again. God knows what situation he will encounter then.

"The only way to really defend against thieves is Lu Wei, Severus and me," Dumbledore smiled, "Of course, and you, the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, I think you won't let me Be disappointed, Quilinus."

"D-d-of course, just-just-leave it to me!"

Professor Quirrell quickly patted his chest and replied, although he didn't know what level Snape and Dumbledore were preparing for, but Quirrell was not too worried.

After all, behind his head, there is still the greatest Dark Lord in history parasitic, no matter what kind of magic trap, it is impossible to stop his master.

Quirrell, who has been completely bewitched, is full of confidence in Voldemort, and seems to have completely forgotten that he was beaten up by an 11-year-old Animagus a week ago.

"So, what level are you preparing for?" Dumbledore's voice woke up Quirrell, and he pushed down the door to make way for Quirrell, "Hurry up and finish the layout, let's leave, I still want to Take a good bath before going to bed."


Quirrell took out a small jar about twelve inches from his robe, and poured out a small figure from it. Immediately afterwards, Quirrell took out his wand and cast an expansion spell on the little figure.

"Get bigger fast!"

The little man instantly swelled into a figure bigger than Hagrid, but he was in a coma at this time, and he had been lying on the ground without moving since Quirrell poured him out.

"Oh... troll..."

Dumbledore covered his crooked nose with his hand, and said in a low voice.

When Quirrell returned the troll to its original size, a disgusting stench spread, which was much worse than the smell of Quirrell's own hand.

"Yes-yes-yes, in my class-lesson-lesson, I-used-used trolls, and I-I was-was-prepared exactly two-two ends."

Quirrell stammered, and exited the room with Dumbledore.

After closing the door to isolate the stench from the troll inside, the two returned along the same route.

However, when they were about to return to the ground, they encountered a small problem-the trap door was closed by someone at some point, and Dumbledore tried to push it twice, but it didn't move at all.

"Hagrid! Are you up there?"

Dumbledore knocked on the trapdoor and asked loudly.

Then Quirrell heard a voice from above that made him hate it——

"Even a bad old man can go down, why can't I!" (●ΦДΦ●)

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 In the original book, it is very unreasonable for Quirrell and Voldemort to have no doubts about the child's play levels in front of them. They don't say anything else. They even put a broomstick in the room for the key finding level. People come to break through, not to protect important items.

  So I always thought that everything that Harry experienced in the first year of school was arranged by Dumbledore from beginning to end. The next few years should be guided by the situation, but the first year is definitely carefully arranged. Voldemort and Quirrell are A tool man who gave Harry experience.


  Tomorrow is Zhongyuan Festival, Zhongyuan is finally one year old! ……perhaps.

  When I picked up the Zhongyuan, the doctor said it had been about a week. According to the time, it should be born around the Zhongyuan Festival...

  Anyway, tomorrow is Xiao Zhongyuan's first birthday, and it's been almost a year since I adopted's really not easy.

  And recently it seems to be yearning for the outside world, every time I come back from the outside, it rushes out the door, and then stands at the stairs and looks at me...

  I tried to take it downstairs, and it fled back home... It's hard to guess what the little cat is thinking.


  Thanks for the rewards of the sudden-faced reckless man, book friend 1, and reader 9527.

(End of this chapter)

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