Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 73 Qi Luo: I want to write a big miserable word (MD sent it to the wrong place)

Chapter 73 Qi Luo: I want to write a big miserable word (MD sent it to the wrong place)
Just as Fisch used the newly awakened rejuvenation technique to completely heal his injuries, Voldemort, who was seriously exhausted on the other side, chose to return control of his body to Quirrell, and then he fell into a deep sleep on his own.

And Quirrell dragged his scarred body and fled Hogwarts.

With his current state, he didn't dare to stay at Hogwarts for a long time. At least he had to recover from his injuries outside until he couldn't see the clues before he could come back.

There was a burst of bitterness in Quirrell's heart, because he wanted to hang his life for Voldemort, he had been using his savings to buy various potions outside for the Dark Lord to take, and now he had to heal himself, the money on Quirrell had already Not much left.

Although Voldemort had given him a few addresses, which contained some valuable things, but if those things were used, the Dark Lord's evaluation of himself would definitely be lowered.

At this time, Quirrell was still imagining what kind of rewards Voldemort could give him after his resurrection, so he would never use the Dark Lord's private collection unless it was a last resort.

Although there are unicorns in the Forbidden Forest, Quirrell would not dare to attack them before making a plan to capture the Sorcerer's Stone, so he can only use his savings to bear it now.

The only good thing is that he didn't inform anyone of his return to school this time, so he didn't have to ask for leave from Dumbledore anymore.

Quirrell went away as quietly as he came...

It will be a week before Quirrell recovers from his injuries outside and returns to Hogwarts.

"Quirinas, you are finally back."

When Quirrell returned to school, Dumbledore took the initiative to find him, "I have something to do and I need your help."

"Is-is-is there anything I can do-for-for you?"

Quirrell reverted to his stammering cowardly self.

"It's actually like this..." Behind the half-moon lenses, the pair of blue eyes shone with inexplicable meaning, "I have something that needs to be hidden in Hogwarts, and I want to ask you, the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Is there any good way to prevent others from stealing it."

"Can I-I-can I ask, what is-something?"

Quirrell's heart jumped suddenly, he forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked cautiously.

"Oh, of course, there is nothing to hide." Dumbledore lowered his eyes slightly, hiding the regret in his eyes, and replied, "I don't know if you still remember the news that Gringotts was stolen before school started. It's that thing to protect—the Philosopher's Stone that Nick Flamel entrusted to me for safekeeping."

Dumbledore paused for a moment, as if waiting for Quirrell to digest the news, before continuing: "Actually, I wanted to find you two weeks ago, but you suddenly asked for leave, and it has been delayed until now."

"Is-is it? That-that-that is really no-no-no coincidence..."

Quirrell forced a smile, and said with gritted teeth.

At the same time, he roared loudly in his heart——then what is the reason for the suffering I have suffered in the past ten days? ! !
"It's okay." Dumbledore didn't know what Quirrell had experienced in the past two weeks. He smiled and said, "The other professors also contributed, so the Sorcerer's Stone is still safe now."

"That-that-that's good, this-such a treasure-treasure-treasure, you have to look-look-look at it."

It took a lot of effort for Quirrell to suppress the grief and indignation in his heart, he responded casually, and then asked the most concerned question: "Where is the magic-magic-sorcerer's stone now-in-at-in-in? Need me-me-what do I do?"

"Is it a treasure? Maybe..."

Dumbledore didn't answer Quirrell's question right away, but paid more attention to what he said casually.

After feeling a lot, he replied slowly: "I need you to prepare a plan for me to protect the Philosopher's Stone, it can be some kind of magic trap, or some kind of powerful spell, or some kind of magic stone that is good at seeing. The magical creatures at the gate... In short, as long as you can stop those pathetic guys who are coveting the Philosopher's Stone, let me know when you are ready, and I will take you to the scene to set it up."

【Humph! 】

Hearing what Dumbledore said, Voldemort sneered disdainfully in Quirrell's mind.

"I-I-I know."

Chilo, who didn't dare to reveal the slightest abnormality, nodded firmly, and at the same time made a decision in his heart, but in order not to reveal the urgency in his heart, he planned to reply to Dumbledore in a few days.


Three days later, Quirrell found Dumbledore and told him that he had prepared the means to protect the Philosopher's Stone.

"Thank you, Quilinus," Dumbledore stared through the half-moon-shaped lens, lingering on Quirrell's face for a moment, and then said, "At nine o'clock tonight, I will wait for you in the hall. "

Quirrell nodded, turned and left the principal's office.

As the sky gradually darkened, the time soon came to nine o'clock in the evening, and the students who were still wandering outside all returned to their dormitories one after another, while Filch took his cat and began to wander around the castle.

Quirrell walked out of his office and walked to the foyer on the first floor. In order to show that he didn't care about the Philosopher's Stone, he waited until after nine o'clock before going out.

"B-sorry, I'm-come-late."

Quirrell, who deliberately came late, found that besides Dumbledore, there was Rubeus Hagrid, the gamekeeper of Hogwarts, standing in the hall.

"Good evening-on-on, Ha-Hagrid."

Although he didn't know why Hagrid was here, Quirrell greeted him.

"Good evening, Professor Quirrell."

Hagrid nodded cheerfully, and responded.

"Good evening, Quilinus, let us go."

Dumbledore greeted with a smile, and then took the lead upstairs, followed by Hagrid and Quirrell.

Both Dumbledore and Hagrid were tall and walked with long strides. The relatively short Quirrell had to trot to keep up with them, but he was eager to know the exact location of the Philosopher's Stone. Naturally, there will be no complaints.

The three of them soon came to the end of the right corridor on the fourth floor. Quirrell looked at the familiar wooden door with mixed feelings in his heart.

Although he had already guessed that the Sorcerer's Stone was probably hidden behind this door, but after confirming it, Quirrell was not happy at all. Recalling the crimes he had suffered before, he felt like a fool. Do some useless work.

Fortunately, now that he has confirmed the whereabouts of the Philosopher's Stone, he just needs to find a way to sneak in.

Quirrell suppressed the complicated thoughts in his heart, and silently recorded Dumbledore's method to open the wooden door.


When Dumbledore opened the wooden door and walked in, there was a low growl from Lu Wei immediately.

"Hey! Lu Wei! Good boy, it's me!"

Hagrid quickly squeezed through the door to calm the huge three-headed dog.

Seeing Hagrid's appearance, Lu Wei calmed down, leaned to his side, licked and sniffed.

"Oh hehehe, good boy, good boy."

Hagrid stroked Lu Wei's three heads in turn, and praised cheerfully, not caring about the saliva on his face being licked.

"This is the watchdog that Hagrid helped prepare," Dumbledore said to Quirrell who came in last, "You can also see that even if it is me, Lu Wei doesn't give any face, it only recognizes Hagrid."

"And Fish."

Hagrid, who was interacting with Lu Wei, suddenly turned his head and said a name that made Quirrell hate it.

"Oh, yes, there is also Fish," Dumbledore suddenly smiled wrinkled at the mention of Fish, "that child's affinity is really incredible, but Lu Wei is still very conscientious in guarding, Fish thought several times Anyone trying to get through that trapdoor was stopped."

Dumbledore pointed to the trapdoor under Lu Wei's feet, and added.

He was mainly worried that Quirrell would go against Fish in order to pass Lu Wei's guards, so he simply informed him in advance.

It's just that it was too late when Dumbledore said this. Quirrell had already approached Fish and suffered a big loss in his hands.

"Y-y-yes? That's a--a good--a-good dog."

Quirrell praised with a strong smile, but only he knew the desolation in his heart.


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 In the original book, the unicorn was attacked very late. When Harry and the others were locked up, it was already a few weeks after the Christmas holiday, at least it was the end of January and the beginning of February.

  And what Hagrid said to Harry at the time was "This is the second time in a week. I found one dead last Wednesday." and "I've never heard of a unicorn being harmed before."

  With how friendly Hagrid was to the animals of the Forbidden Forest, he couldn't have waited months for Voldemort to attack unicorns before he found out.

  So it should be that Quirrell and Voldemort started to drink the unicorn blood in the Forbidden Forest after they had finished the whole plan to snatch the Sorcerer's Stone.

  In addition, the letter that lured Dumbledore away in the original book should have been made by them, and Dumbledore should have deliberately cooperated to leave, or pretended to leave.


  Inexplicably posted to the public chapter... 屮!

(End of this chapter)

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