Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 75 You are embarrassing me, Feixu!

Chapter 75 You are embarrassing me, Feixu!

As usual, Fish was ready to start a new day of patrolling the territory after everyone returned to the dormitory during the curfew time.

In the past, he would pester Gryffindor who went back to the dormitory to continue doing homework for a while, but after Fish did his homework for a few days, he stopped bothering everyone to catch up with homework.

Writing is horrible!

Fish originally didn't like those densely packed text books, and those fairy tale books with moving images were more interesting in comparison, but after trying to write his own homework, he suddenly became interested in those books full of text. A feeling of reverence.

The people who wrote those books were really amazing. Not only did they write so many words, each word was about the same size, what's even more frightening was that they wrote more than one book!
Fisch, who knew nothing about printing at all, had a wonderful misunderstanding here.

Of course, although I admire those books full of words, it is still impossible for Fish to read them obediently. His little head hurts badly when he sees those densely packed words, so Fish should not continue to suffer from this. Sin, anyway, he doesn't need to turn himself into a toy now.

Glancing at the Gryffindors who were writing in the common room, Fish sympathized with them from the bottom of his heart, and then jumped into the hole in the wall and slipped out of the dormitory.

Fish's first stop was the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor with the entrance to the Gryffindor dormitory.

Since the fight with the black-robed weirdo a week ago, Fish has been going to the Room of Requirement every night to see if he can still run into him.

Although his injuries have already recovered under the effect of the rejuvenation technique, cats are very vengeful creatures. Fish now only wants to find that strange man in black robe, and then bite off his neck.

Unlike Minerva, Fish felt that his chances of defeating the black-robed man were still very high. If he hadn't suddenly used the spell that hurt both sides last time, Fish would have won.

What's more, he has also learned the rejuvenation technique now, even if the opponent uses that defeating blow again, Fisher will not be afraid.

[A room with a lot of toys...and a place to grind your claws. 】

As before, Fisch silently requested to walk three times in front of the tapestry, pushed open the smooth door, and walked into the room with a large number of cat climbing frames and cat toys.

The damage Fish had wrought in this room during his battle with Voldemort had been restored by the time he entered the next day.

After going around the room and checking all the hidden corners, Fisher still couldn't find any trace of the man in black this time, but he wasn't disappointed either. , Isn't it common sense to avoid the owner of the territory?

Now in Fisher's understanding, the black-robed weirdo was a guy who wanted to rob him of the site of the House of Requirement. Prevent the other party from sneaking back to grab their own territory.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the cat society. Sometimes cats can stalemate for a few months or even a whole year for a place with food... Unless the food is abundant, cats will coexist peacefully.

There is no food in the Room of Requirement, and there are enough toys, so Fisher actually doesn’t mind sharing the territory with other people, and he can’t understand why the black-robed monster would attack him, but since the other party started the war on his own initiative, then Fisher I won't give up either.

But from the current point of view, it seems that the opponent is the one who admits cowardice.

He didn't meet the black-robed monster, and Fish didn't leave in a hurry. He released the snitch, flopped around in the Room of Requirement for a while, and stretched his muscles.

After consuming some energy, Fish put away the Golden Snitch and left the Room of Requirement.

After exercising, it's natural to take a break, and while the cat litter in the Room of Requirement looks nice, Fisher prefers to sleep in those golden trophies.

When he came to the trophy showroom on the fourth floor, Fish found a beautiful cup and got into it. After a good night's sleep, he went to the kitchen in the basement after waking up, and had a meal under the warm welcome of all the house-elves. After midnight snack, load a lot of meat, and prepare to go back to the fourth floor to visit Lu Wei.

When Fish bounced to the end of the corridor on the fourth floor, and was about to remove the door as usual, he suddenly heard the voice of a big Hagrid coming from inside.

"Meow? Big guy? Are you meowing inside?"

Fish tapped on the door twice, and asked loudly inside.

And the wooden door in front of him opened slowly under his slap, and Fisher realized that the wooden door was not locked today.

He walked in without hesitation, and sure enough, he saw the big man standing with Lu Wei, and the trap door that Lu Wei had been refusing him to enter was now wide open.

"Fish, why are you here?"

"Wow!" ×3
Hagrid came forward with a smile, and greeted Fish, and Lu Wei's three heads also leaned over at the same time.

However, Fish ignored the two guys at all, jumped forward, changed into a cat form in mid-air, and rushed towards the trap door. (=ω=)

"Wait! You can't go down!"

Only then did Hagrid react, and quickly shouted at Fish, and at the same time stretched out his hand to fish for Fish, trying to stop him.

It's just that compared to the dexterous Fish, Hagrid's movements were too clumsy. He couldn't even touch a cat hair, and could only watch as Fish jumped to the hole under the trapdoor.


At the critical moment, Lu Wei was reliable. He raised his big paws, blocked Fish, and closed the trap door again with his paws, then sat on it without giving Fish a little bit Opportunity.

"Meow!" (=`Д=)

Fish was so angry that he bit and scratched at Lu Wei's paw.

Lu Wei didn't fight back, just lying on the trapdoor like that, allowing Fish to attack, since it wouldn't let go anyway.

"Okay, Fish, don't make things difficult for Lu Wei," Hagrid walked over and hugged Fish, "It's his job to guard this door, and it's not a fun place down here, why don't we How about a game of catch?"

As Hagrid spoke, he took out a ball made of rags from his pocket and shook it in front of Fish. Fish's kitten had a disgusted expression on its face.

Fang's tooth marks and the stench of its saliva are everywhere on this rag ball, Fish is not interested in playing with such a ball.

Turning around and turning into a human form, Fish skillfully climbed onto Hagrid's shoulder and sat down, took out his golden snitch from his pocket, "Fish has better cats!" (●ΦωΦ●)
"Oh fine……"

Hagrid looked at the shiny golden Snitch in Fish's hand, then at his tattered cloth ball, and took it back embarrassingly.

Just when he was racking his brains to dispel the idea of ​​Fish breaking into the trapdoor, Lu Wei suddenly heard a knocking sound of "Tuk Tuk Tuk" from under Lu Wei's buttocks, followed by Dumbledore's slightly dull voice. A voice called out: "Hagrid! Are you up there?"

Fish and Hagrid glanced at the trapdoor under Lu Wei at the same time, and then looked at each other again.

"Even a bad old man can go down, why can't I!" (●ΦДΦ●)
Fish grabbed Hagrid's beard and asked loudly.

"Ouch..." Hagrid quickly tilted his head to relieve the pain from his chin, Lian Sheng begged for mercy, "Take it easy, take it easy, Dumbledore is the headmaster, he can go wherever he wants."


Fish tugged twice before letting go, and then he tilted his head, as if the bad old man had said before that he wanted to be the principal, and that the Sorting Hat would be his if he became the principal.

"That Fish is going to be the headmaster, meow!"

"Hehehe, if Little Fisher wants to be the principal, he will have to wait for you to graduate."

At this time, Dumbledore had already climbed up from under the trapdoor, and happened to hear Fisher's speech, so he spoke with a smile.

"Meow! It's so troublesome? Then I'm wrong!"

Fisher knew the concept of graduation. Minerva once said that after staying at Hogwarts for seven years, he could graduate. When he thought about how long he would have to wait to become the headmaster, Fisher immediately lost interest. .

Suddenly, Fish wrinkled his little nose and twitched a few times, and looked at Professor Quirrell who was climbing up from behind, and said with a slightly puzzled expression: "Professor Smelly seems to have become more stinky, meow, the bad old man is also It smells a bit..."

But these are not important, the important thing is...

"Professor Smelly has gone down too! He's not the principal either! You're trying to embarrass me on purpose!" (●ΦДΦ●)

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 Happy birthday to Zhongyuan Festival!ヽ(°▽°)ノ
  The fan title has been decided to be [Maomao Virtue], so it should not be changed again, but it seems that there are only 10 places per month... It depends on how the operation officer operates, and it is still early to have a fan title, so don't worry.


  When I wake up, I will send out a Zhongyuan easter egg chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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