Malevolent Warlock: Sin Of Eternity

Chapter 146: Request

The level 5 mage of miracle.

After the ordeal with the special flower, she went from being a level 0 mage to a peak existence at level 5.

Of course at the beginning no one knew how powerful she was, but as time went own she kept on showing displays of unmatched strength making her prominent until she set up the kingdom of eldoria and helmed over it for hundreds of years.

"Lillian is her name" Leon thought to himself with his hand on his chin. If anyone were to find out that the mage of which the duan royal family used as backing was not even a member of their family.....they would go bonkers.

Their whole claim to this Palace was born from the kindness of a mage whom they didn’t even have blood ties with.


"Hmm" Leon didn’t care much about this though. He was more concerned about what the flower that gave Lillian all this power was.

It was the purple heart eternal flower.

"I have to get it" Leon looked into the darkness and began walking forward once again.

If this was a test, Leon would have to go through it no matter what. He had to get what he wanted.


"Winner....." a few hours later Inside the outter Palace area. An old man with braided hair announced the winner of a match with a look of nonchalance in his voice.

Apart from a few matches worth speculating. The fights that were between those not on the top 30 sky talents were unamusing at best.

These guys were mostly random fighters who met the minimum requirements to be in the tournaments. They didn’t have as much talent.

But the few that did were very impressive. For example, there Was a kid with a visibly noticeable wide smile on his face. He looked spontaneous and was exactly that.....spontaneous, and fast. Incredibly fast.

Every move he made was like watching a jet engine move take off. The sonic boom were surprisingly strong...this kid went against the conventional fast and silent narrative that was usually spread amongst talents in the kingdom.

He was truly unique.

But he wasn’t the only one.

There was someone from the waterway family with an incredible talent for spell usage..he was something of a prodigy that even the royals could feel some jealousy from his talent.

There was a young lady with a poisonous touch amongst them also....though she didn’t really look a local of duan city.

"10 of you have made it to this point from your unrelenting hardwork and talent, you should all be proud"

The great elder praised looking down at those whom had qualified for the next step of the competition.

"But before we move on with the next level of the tortunment, we will go through another level of elimination"

"Naturally, this won’t be a battle, we will just have some of you step down. If you’ve Any requests of the royalty of eldoria please state them and they will be fulfilled."

"Mind you, a fulfilled request means a forfeit of your opportunity to Challange the 30 sky talents"

The man explained.

The last round of elimination would be voluntary. Anyone who sought any form of reward from the royalty would recieve them at the cost of them relinquishing their rights to participate in the following match.

This not only severed to gift them as a well done for coming this far, it also helped reduce the burden of the top 30 sky fighting against too many people before their main battles

However, most didn’t take this chance. The allure of being ranked in the top 30 sky was too much.

But, this time was different.

"I would like to request something" from amongst those in the top 10, a young man raised his hand forward indicating that he would like to forfeit his position for a reward.

This was not common and was in fact very surprising....because this person was from a Noble family.

It was the waterway boy.

"Hmmmm let me hear your request" the great elder looked down at carlson and inquired.

The waterway family had all it needed in terms of weapons and power and spells. Was there really something a talent from the family couldn’t get by just requesting?

"As you might know, our waterway way family has recently allied with the faceless mercenary company. They are like brothers to us and we would do anything for them"

"I few weeks ago, the head of the faceless mercenary company threw a feat and destroyed several blocks in the central City and was arrested. He feels deeply sorry about this transgression....."

"So i and my family would like to request from the royalty....that the leader of the faceless mercenary company be released..the damages to the central City will be fixed by us if need be" Carlson stepped forward and requested

Immediately his words were met with a massive frown from the royalty.

Free Damien? A level 4 mage who had defied them? Was this even possible? How dare this boy even ask them such an absurd thing?.

But of course this was tricky. The request from the Challangers was sacred and to be taken with all seriousness.

"I’m afraid I won’t be able to grant this request. This man has committed a grievous crime..we can not release him until his time has been severed" the braided elder was direct and straightforward.

There was no way in hell that they would release Damien, at least not now. They hadn’t even been able to get his daughter from the dalriss could they release him in this situation?

"Then I would like to change My request" carlson seeing that the royals weren’t ready to concede in this regard decided to change his request.

"Good, what will you change it too" the elder sighed in relief and looked at calrson with approval.

The kid knew not to push it. This was a character befitting of a noble.

"A few weeks ago.....the daughter of the faceless mercenary company’s leader sire Damien was kidnapped by the marquee cane. I And my waterway family would like her back immediately" Carlson’s request resounded in the crowd causing the whole place to quite down as a chill gradually spread in the air.

The marquee cane of the dalriss family had kidnapped someone daughter? What kind of an accusation was this? Was he so Despicable?

The crowd began to speculate. They hadn’t heard this news before, but for this guy to say it in front of the royalty and the marquee himself. There had to be some truth to it.

"This request....." The braided great elder frowned.

Why was this kid being such as asshole? They had already come to an agreement with the faceless mercenary company. Wasn’t bringing this here counter intuitive?

Of course, no matter how angry the great elder was, he couldn’t be more annoyed that the marquee himself, who knew for a fact that he didn’t kidnap anyone.

In fact, the marquee was boiling in his chair from anger.

"This request, we can’t grant it at the moment as we aren’t sure if this event truly occurred" the great elder said with a blank look on his face and sat back into his seat.

"Well then, if that’s the case, I will retain my position on the list" carlson stepped back without struggle.

There was no need to struggle right now.

"Hmm, is there anyone else?" Seeing carlson finally step back the elder nodded and looked at the top 15 one more time.

It was embarrassing that he couldn’t fulfilled the kids request, especially the kidnapping one. Normally, the public would take such a matter seriously.....

"Hmmm, that’s deplorable"

"Aii, the marquee is a pervert?"

The murmers In the crowd ran wild not long after. They wanted to know the circumstances of the situation. But they couldn’t ask. It still bugged them though.

"Yes sire, I have a request" all of a sudden another figure stepped forward and made it known that he had a request.

This brought a smile to the face of the great elder. Previously he was unable to grant the request of the waterway boy because of circumstances.

This would reduced the trust the citizens had in the request ceremony they held usually.

Who would give requests when they couldn’t be fulfilled? It was stupid. But with this guy requesting something he was confident that he could salvage the situation.

1 wish not granted another granted..the crowd would understand that his hands were tied at least.

"Sire, I am a member of the faceless mercenary company and I can confirm that they dalriss family kidnapped the daughter of our organisation head..please I would like to request that she be returned immediately!!"

The great elder didn’t expect that the next request would be a mirror of the other request. Plus This one seemed to have been a witness to the kidnapping?

What was this?

"Hm? A witness? Great!! I’m sure the great elder would do something now"

"Yeah, he needed evidence so there it is....that deplorable marquee will get punishment" the crowd didn’t take long to get riled up.

"I see what is happening here" sinking back into his chair the great elder rubbed his bread with a looked of annoyance.

The faceless mercenary company was making a move to force his hand.

In the top 15, there were memeber of the company littered amongst them

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