Chapter 147: Tournament
"I see what’s going on"
With a looked of annoyance, the great elder looked at those in the top 15. He was trying to decent who and who among them was from the faceless mercenary company.
"Titch, this is on you" the braided elder commented.
He was of the opinion that they should support the marquee no matter what he did and had even suggested that Leon and the leader of the faceless mercenary company be ambushed and killed in the dead of night.
But his counter part was against such an act. To him the death of the leader of the faceless mercenary company’s leadership would only create more enemies.
Despite his carefulness though, the faceless mercenary company was Still pulling such a stunt.
Instead of the great elder Titch to agree with him though he raised his hand up forcing the crowd to grow silent.
"We have heard your pleas, and we assure you that the matter is under strict investigation. If the marquee’s family is found to be guilty we will punish whomsoever was responsible regardless of status" the great elder Titch stood up and spoke to the crowd.
He wasn’t like the braided elder who was prone to anger half the time. He understood the logic of crowd control. He would consider their complaint with utmost "attention"
This was the only way to remove the resentment than to solve the problem.
After the other great elder spoke the crowd Dialed down with their grumbles and the members of the faceless mercenary company in the top 15 didn’t distrupt either.
"Good, since there are no other requests...let’s begin the main event" with a look if relief painted on his face the great elder Titch announced.
"Let the sky festival competition begin!!"
Immediately the crowd went wild, the show that had happened before them previously was but a it was time for the main course.
From behind the crowd a host of horse men run down towards the platform. An audacious and dangerous move in such a tight environment. A single misstep could cause panic and ultimately lead to the death of those around.
But shockingly, this troop of men made it through the crowd like water flowing down a stream. SKILL, their hourse riding skills were impeccable....these guys were well trained.
"The first contender....ranked 30th of the top 30 sky talents of eldoria Vincent Alradrun" the great elder Titch introduced.
At the very front of this troop of men was a bulky youth with pure white amour as smooth as Jade. He looked and dressed like one of the medieval knights of Leon’s old world.
This was because he was from an organisation called the white Knight calvary.
An elite organisation completely loyal to the royalty. These guys weren’t based in duan city.....but their reach was far and wide taking on the most difficult tasks of royalty.
"Hmmm" the man at the forefront of the calvary slowly got off his horse and slowly made his way to the edge right underneath the platform.
He went down in the crouching position and jumped onto the platform causing it to tilt slightly to the side.
"Who wishes to enter the top 30 sky ? Come up and test your strength"
Resounding from Vincent’s amour, a voice that carried a terrifying authority resounded.
It was one thing yo qualify to challenge foe the position of top 30 sky, it was a completely different thing to actually win against a member.
These were the cream of the crop of the kingdom and during the past few years of them being on the top 30 sky, most had done nothing but improve. One would need to work extra hard to even have the chance to fight against a sky talent talkless of win.
Not everyone had the talent of Leon.
"I’ll go first" among the top 15 during the previously tournament, a man just as bulky as Knight Vincent stepped forward.
And went up the stairs to level with Vincent . Jumping onto the stage was but a show of strength, there was no need for that.
"State your name and your organisation" Vincent said to the man infront of him.
He didn’t like that this set of Challangers didn’t give a single request to the great elder. The great elder gave them the opportunity to forfeit but they chose not to meant one thing.
They thought they could beat the top 30 sky, it meant that they thought they could beat him.
As he was ranked 30th he would need to fight off whomsoever wanted to join the top 30. At the same time it meant that anyone willing to challenge was just not afraid of going up against him.
"Don’t bother with a name, as for organisation? I don’t have one either." The bulky man said to Vincent.
He unlike Vincent didn’t have any amour on. In fact all he had on were commoner clothes. They were dirty and torn. It was a wonder how this nobody entered this competition.
"Fuck him up brother!!!"
"Yeahhhhh make us proud"
"These nobles have nothing on you, you can even shift a mountain"
From the crowd several unknown figures bellowed in support of the bulky man with rag clothes.
He wasn’t young, nor had he known fact him being a level 2 mage was quite shocking to the village....when they found out.
According to him, he was merely working his normal job as a lumber jack and didn’t even know he was a mage talk less of whether he could use magic or least that was until the village chief took notice of him.
Coincidentally, this discovery and the announcement of the sky festival wasn’t too far apart so the village head decided to use him.
They were from a poor village they wanted to use him to gain the favor of the powers of duan city. But in the last minute the guy didn’t ask for anything.....apparently he wanted to fight more than he wanted to give back to the village.
"Pompous!!! Looks like you need to be taught a valuable lesson" hearing the response of the man in front of him and the cheering for the crowd Vincent pulled out a poleax and faced the man in front of him.
He could kill this guy and nothing would happen to him. This guy didn’t know what was good for him.
Not wasting anytime, the great elder announced for the fight to begin.
Like the wind push behind them, both parties went rushing towards each other with no regard.
One with a massive poleax, the other with his bare knuckles.
Surprisingly the first person to land a hit was not actually was the bulky commoner.
He threw a punch directly at the side of Vincent hoping to wound him.
Bur of course this didn’t work. Vincent’s Amour was made from the strongest metals in all of eldoria. They were a troop under the royalty.....their equipment was the best of the best. Especially now in times of war..
The royalty made sure they were always stacked with the best weapons and amour.
However, even though the amour didn’t break. The impact was massive forcing Vincent to slide to the side.
"Hmp!!" Vincent’s eyes widened in shock for a brief moment. This guys strength could overwhelm him?.
What was this?
Before he could pull himself together though, another punch came flying towards him from the side.
"Hmp!!! Not this time" Vincent wouldn’t take it, he swayed to the side and dodged the attack. The he responded with a kick to the gut, and punch to the face.
The metal amour Vincent had on only served to futher amplify his strength. With a single strike he placed the commoner in a disadvantageous situation.
"Hehe, you think battles are only about throwing punches?" Vincent mocked as he saw the bruised face of the bulky commoner.
It gave him a sense of relief, at least the guy wasn’t so good that he could dodge his attacks..
"Is that so? Then tell me what is it about?" Contrary to what Vincent expected . The man asked him a genuine question.
It didn’t carry an air of mockery of disdain..the man wanted to learn. But did Vincent want to teach him?
Absolutely not!!
"You wouldn’t understand, you are but a mere commoner" Vincent spat to the floor and swung his poleax at the commoner hoping to cut of his head execution style
"I forfeit"
Unexpectedly, half-way through his swing Vincent heard the voice of the old....he was forfeiting ? Did he just fight him to gudage his strength? This fool thought his was a game!!!!
In a split second these thoughts went through Vincent’s mind and mid swing he decided against stopping.
He wanted to teach this guy a lesson. This was no game he would make such he understood it.
"Fuck, that’s ruthless"
"The guy already forfeited"
"Damn, a whole arm.....that’s too much, why are these nobles so deplorable?"
The crowd watched as Vincent took the left arm of the commoner man right before their very eyes.
To them it was ruthless, but to Vincent he was sending a message....if anyone wanted to enter the top 30 sky, they had to be ready to lose an arm
A gift a day keep writers block away