Malevolent Warlock: Sin Of Eternity

Chapter 134: All out battle


With a sudden snap of the eyes Lucian woke up from his daze. Effectively breaking through the illusionary spell.

It felt like he had been there for more that 3 days. It was terrifying and made him very sick. However, he couldn’t remember how he broke out...there was nothing in there but a black expanse of time and space...the only way to break an illusionary spell was to understand what it was and prove it was fake then the mind would automatically pull you out.

But there was nothing in Leon’s spell. This meant there was no way out. But here he was.

"Despicable!!" From right in front of him a voice resounded forcing Lucian to finally observe his surroundings.

His uncle Alaric was right in front of him and the entire Area was tensed up.

"Hehe, it’s a match, what were you expecting me to do? Not attack him?" On the other side of the stage Leon questioned.

Actually, Lucian had been stuck in Leon’s spell for a total of 5 seconds. Because immediately after he fell into it, Leon dashed towards him and threatened to peirce through his heart.

If not for Alaric, Lucian would probably be dead at the moment.

"An attempt of the hiers life is a declaration of war on the dalriss family household. We won’t let it go unless the culprit is handed over immediately" Alaric said coldly to Leon.

Actually he didn’t care much for Lucian anymore, but the way Leon spoke was particularly annoying to him. He wanted to capture the brat.

"That’s going too far, you came to participate in a match. You family status has no weight here, if you wanted him safe you shouldn’t have come here in the first place" Jade immediately defended Leon.

The dalriss family was trying to bully Leon into submission because he beat their young master in their most precious fighting style illusionary battles. She wouldn’t have such happen under her watch.

"Dirty bitch!! Shut your mouth" Lucian spoke out "when we’re done with him you will be next, but don’t worry I’ll let you keep my bed warm so you won’t go through torture"

Lucian continued. He and jade had a history, not as lovers or anything. Jade once had a member of her team that offended Lucian and because of that they had clashed severally. Leading them to dislike each other.

"Can you place your life where you mouth is?" Jade’s tone became chilly as she walked towards Leon with. Underneath her vail her face was ugly.

She wanted nothing more that to maim this little bastard.

"Enough banter, he’s coming with me" Alaric saw what was about to happen so he interceded. A fight between jade and Lucian could only end in Lucian losing and in turn the family losing face.

He didn’t care as much because of how they treated him, but right now it was too much of a hassle.

"And what makes you think I will come with you?" Leon asked. There was noway he would go anywhere with Alaric.

Especially him, Alaric was the only person who could possibly identify who he really was. It would be a disaster if he went with him.

"You don’t have a choice" Alaric stretched out his hand and all of a sudden a magnetic pull surfaced from out of nowhere and pulled Leon by his clothes.


"You must think I’m invisible"

He wouldn’t succeed. Because, standing between Leon and Alaric was the newly arrived figure of half moon.

(Hehe, this escalated quickly)

Leon smirked. An attempt of Lucians life had brought out thw big guns. Alaric and Half-moon, the two other peak level 3 mages had appeared.

"Do you really want to offend us?" Alaric asked Half-moon. Their family had a marquee, no power in the kingdom would think it sane to offend them. Especially in a time of war like this.

"Don’t be silly" Half-moon responded with a sneer.

The Dalriss family interfering in their struggle for power was already the same as them shedding all cordiality. They were enemies through and through.

"Then we’ll have to fight" Alaric said calmly.

"I guess so" Half-moon didn’t shy away, the fight was going to happen either way.

"Let’s not hurry brother Half-moon, the dalriss family is a very noble one. We shoulder consider negotiations." Just as they were about to fight, old zaki interrupted.

Before now, they all believed that this was an internal conflict. However, with the involvement of the Dalriss family...he came to understand there was something deeper at play.

"There’s no negotiations, the gia faction has sold the faceless mercenary company out to the royalty. We can only fight and win or die trying."

"I understand if you do not want to participate....but don’t fight on their side" Half-moon said to old zaki.

Even though this old man was a pain in the ass and thought himself the rightful person to lead the faceless mercenary company. HALF-MOON didn’t believe him to be a traitor.

"No, I’m afraid this is a mistake. The dalriss Household won’t do something like this for no reason, we should listen to them first"

Half moon was wrong. The dalriss family was too much pressure for him. A level 4 mage and a marquee....he bad to give In to avoid extermination.

"I see, then don’t blame me" Half-moon shook his head and said before pulling out two curved berserker swords.

"You can’t take both of use on" old zaki said with pity in his eyes. Half-moon was a loyal dog to Damian until Damien betrayed him.

Yet he was still here defending Damians concepts. It was shameful. But once a dog always a dog.

"I’m not alone" looking to his left, a figure with a sword for a hand could be seen standing in an alleyway facing old zaki.

"You got him to participate? That’s so...." with a frown on his face old zaki said.

Elder Swordhand of the waterway family was here to help the vertan faction? This guy was the most cowardly person old zaki had ever interacted with.

The old man didn’t like to interfere in anything with someone stronger than him even dodging Mere conversations and negotiations. What was he doing here? In a battle where the interests of a level 4 mage was?

"Accompany me" the elder swordhand said to old zaki and proceeded to walk back through the alleyway.

At this point the rain had gone down by alot . But apparently another storm was brewing, this one between powers of unimaginable strength.

"You guys ready?" Leon spoke from the side to Arian and the rest.

Once the battle began it would quickly escalate from just being a peak level 3 fight into the other levels.

Leon would need to fight, Arian would need to fight. In fact ghost face too would need to fight.

Naturally Leon had a few tricks under his sleeve.

It would soonn turn to a brutal conflict.

"Die" the first person to make a move was Alaric. He drew out a massive great sword and launched at half moon with all his strength.

"Hmp!!" Half-moon blocked with his curved blades but was pushed into the sky in no time.




"I remember you"

As they fought in the skies. A voice sounded as an old man approached Arian.

Gadorn, Unlike the other Leaders of the fractions was only at the middle stages of level 3. He couldn’t engage in their battles. So he decided to pick on the weaker ones

"Oh yeah, it’s you" Arian answered with lazy eyes. Gardon and her had a brief past

She had nearly killed one of his students in battle. This drove him to cruelty making him who he was now. Now she was in front of him, there was no way he wouldn’t get his revenge.

He would capture and torture her to his satisfaction.

"You can handle him right?" Leon noticed the leader of the gardon faction approach. So he asked Arian if she could handle him.

She was still at the Beginner stages of level 3 after all. Even though she could beat a middle stage level 3 was still wise to take repercussions

" don’t worry about me you have bigger fish to fry" Arian said then pulled out her sword.

Arian was a battle maniac. Leon might have forgotten how much fighting she had gotten into when they were at the camps. But she would soon give him a reminder of what she could really do.

"You take care of him and him, leave the rest to me" Leon directed like he was the leader.

"If we take care of them who will take care of the rest?" Jade asked subconsciously.

Leon pointed out people of their level to fight. But they were still out numbered they would need to fight more people if they wanted to have a chance of winning

Don’t worry about that I have it all under control" Leon smirked and walked forward.

"Badurs gates: kaga puppet "

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