Mafia Deadline

Chapter 108: Chapter 107 Barrier

Taran held onto Jacobs back, and Jacob stabbed Taran in the side of the neck. Only for him to be stopped by Taran kicking him off, Taran glanced at Jacob before hearing Ally beside him Tarab picked up the knife Jacob dropped with his foot and lung twords where he thought Ally would be, Ally moved away from th knife stabbing Taran in the neck again, Ally tried to pull through knife away but us stopped,

"The neck again?"

Taran grabbed Ally by the arm, twisting it. Ally let out a shout and tried to kick him off her, Taran kept his grip on her while taking the knife out of her hand and out of his neck.

"You don't notice it, don't you?" Tarna asked

Ally looked at him, feeling the sering pain from her arm. Taran stares at her blankly. He kept his grip on her holding her up, Ally bit her lip holding a pained grunt from leaving, Taran pointed to the wound and said,

"Watch the wound, for that you will know that there is no what to kill me,"

Ally glared at him but saw that the wound stopped bleeding. It was healing. Not fast, but enough where the stab wound wouldn't affect him. Ally stared at Taran gaze, he glared down at her seething. He tightened his grip,

"Now you see it. It's pointless to fight against me,"

Taran wiped her into the wall next to him, Ally let out a crie feeling her arm being crushed against the wall, she fell onto the floor next to the body, Taran looked down at her, emotionless.

"You will end up as them that went against us before." Taran told her

Taran moved closer to Ally, lifting the knife he had in his other hand, Ally cradled her arm, having her back to him. Taran lunged at her with the knife. Anothor knife went into his hand, stopping him. Taran stares at her, and Ally gives him a grin,

"I'm more willing than the ones before,"

The knife explodes. Taran sent through the table and then into the wall, Ally went back, hitting the wall behind her, and she held back a pained yell and stared at Taran. Taran let out a pained grunt. He felt his sides move forword, his breathing was getting worse, and a pain in his abdomen, it's excruciating.

"Your apart of the old gangs," Ally muttered

She stood back up with the help of the wall, Ally leaned on her good on staring at Taran. He looked down, not showing his face. He wasn't holding himself up. Ally kept his gaze at him and picked up her knife. He still didn't move. He was breathing heavily but didn't make an effort to move,

"They were ruthless. Known their thought through gang violence, but the underbelly of the citys dealings was their mantel." Ally told him,

Ally moved towards Taran while keeping her gaze on him, Taran tried to move but couldn't. The pain was much. Ally stopped a few feet from him and aimed her knife at him,

"He hasn't made an effort to move."

Ally watched him and threw her knife at him, Taran got out of the hole and ran at Ally taking her arm, Taran heard a voice cone from the knife when it passed him. the knife missed him and went into the wood of the wall behind him, Taran turned Ally around placing her infont of him, Ally stared at him frightened tried to get out of his grip, Taran gave her a fake smile as she scratched and clawed at his arm,

"You will face..."

A strong hand grabbed his arm and yanked it off of Ally. Jacob pulled Taran twords him, and Taran stared at him frustrated,

"No, you will face it,"

Jacob has his gun pointed at Tarans stomach and pulled the trigger. Taran pulled his head back to head butt him, Jacob moved his head and emptied the magazine of bullet into his stomach. Taran glared down at him spitting his blood onto him, Jacob unloaded the magazine and dropped the gun to his side, Taran punched him, Jacob went back but didn't let go of him, Taran spat out more blood he glanced down at his stomach seeing that his woulds where not healing as fast at it was. Taran moved his head to the side. Jacob gave him a punch of his own. Then kicked him back sending Taran back to the wall, where the knife is placed, Taran grabbed the wall touching the knife, Taran looked at it before the knife explodes, Jacob covered Ally from it, Taran turned his face away and was thrown from the blast. he felt the wood chip go into his body with the heat that it made burned his arm. He went through the wall and landed outside of the house.

"He took the bait," Ally grunts

Ally looked up at Jacob, his blood lands on her. Ally tried to sit up, but Jacob fell onto his side next to her. He grunted at the pain, Ally sat up, cradling her arm, and she saw Jacob's clothes tartare on the back.


Ally grabs his shoulder and moves to look at his back, Jacob grabs her hand. Ally glanced at him and saw him trying to hide how much pain hes in. Ally looked at his back, its cover in wood splinters and slight burns.

"It's not terrible,"

Jacob tried to get up but stopped feeling his back burn. He hissed shifting his weitgh into his arm, Ally watched him seething in pain, Ally kept her grip on him and made Jacob look at her, he stare into her gaze, she is stoic with her gaze was brazen. Ally moved her broken arm, grabbing him,

"Get up,"

Ally places her for on the ground getting of her knees. She stood up and stared at him, offering her hand,

"We are not finished with him yet." Ally said

Jacob grabbed her hand, and Ally pulled him up, Jacob almost felt, but Ally caught him. She felt her arm throbbing. Jacob got off of her and held onto her shoulder, Ally saw that his eyes were heavy. Jacob was at the point where he could faint,

"You right," Jacob let out

Jacob let go of her, and Ally let out a pained chuckle,

"Ain't i always?"

"Dont get."

They heard a crash from beside them, and they turned to Taran, holding onto a wooden beam staring at the with spite. His had blood dripping from his stomach along with the bullet falling out. His neack is heal only left with dried blood in its place. He has a cut above his right eye, Taran walks through the wall fixing his jacket,

"That was rough. But I've been through worse," Taran let out

Ally snarled at him and said, "What are you, bub?"

"Why should i awnser you?"

Taran walks to them stopping to grab his knife from the rubble, Jacob grabbed his pistol and shot Tarans hand, Taran turned to him,

"I thought it was unloaded," Taran said

"It was,"

Jacob kept the pistol aimed at him and Ally to pull out one of her knives, but it was a dagger. Taran noticed the dagger looked nothing like he had seen before.

"Where's the mayor. You have been waisting my time dealing with you," Taran said

Taran stood up and ran at them, Jacob shot at him and Taran took it, he grabbed Jacob the throat and went to grab Ally but she stabbed into his stomach, he dropped Jacod and pulled on a chain in his hand.


Taran cut into Ally's arm with his blade. Ally glanced at her arms but went to Taran, she swings the dagger at him, he moved away from her and wiped the blade to Jacob, Jacob has the knife cut into his arm, Taran pulled the chain but Jacob grabbed a hold of it.


Jacob pulled the chain back. Taran didnt move. He twirled the chain around his bicep holding it tight,

"Let go." Taran seethes

"I need to keep you still."

Jacob girned at him, Taran saw Ally from the corner in of his eye, Ally ran to Taran raising the dagger, Ally went to stab his chest but Taran lifts his letting the dagger sink into his arm, he could see it read the other side kf his arm, Taran looked up at Ally, she stared at him with a mischiefs look in her eyes. Taran felt a tug on the chain and Ally kicked his legs from underneath him. Taran lost his balance landing his back,

"Now!" Ally yelled

Jacob yanked the chain, Taran kept a hold of th chain stitting up pulling on the chain, Ally got behind Taran raised the dagger in the air, Taran went to grab it bit Ally kicked it away slaming the butt of the dagger to the back of his head, Taran let out a shocked grunt. His vison turned black and he could barly hear Ally yell for Jacob. He lifts his arm with the chain,

"Uffern fawr yn disgyn arnoch chi,"

Taran fell to the groun with his grip not failing him. Ally and Jacob stared at him waiting to see if he was knocked out, Ally tapped her foot against his arm, he didn't flich but his chain started to glow,

"Get away from him!" Jacob yelled

Jacob let go of the chain and ran to her, Ally watched the chain glow brighter, it lifts up with the glow of the chain went around him, Jacob pulled Ally away before it could hit her. They land away from Taran on Allys back, Ally seeth with Jacob getting off her, he looked at Taran,

"What did he do," Jack let out

Ally sat up and saw Taran glowed. Jacob stood up staring at him, perplexed. How was he able to do that? He shouldn't have an angel. Jacob took a step toward him, he kicked Taran arm, Jacob couldn't hit him.

"Its a barrier," Ally let out

Ally stood by him the glow rippled from Jacob kicking it again, Ally glanced at Jacob, he looked at her,

"It is, how could he do that?"

"I'm not sure but this might be similar Avalon,"

They stare at Taran with contemplation, how would they move him when they can not touch him. But a loud crash came from the back of the house. They turned to it seeing the house shake,

"Thats must have been them," Jacob said

They hear shouting coning from the back and Jacob started to run twords the back but Ally grabbed his arm, he turnes to her questionable stare,

"We cant leave him here,"

"I dont think we can move him until he wakes ups Ally, they have found the mayor, they need more help." Jacob told her

Ally looked at Taran behind her, the barrier still around him, knocked out. Ally let go of Jacob walking to to the back,

"Your right... come on,"

Jacob followed her to the back, Ally pulled open the door running out to the yard, she saw the bodies of the security guards laid on the lawn, Ally heard gunshots coming from the alleyway,

"That near the car,"

Jacob moved out from behind her running to the alleyway, Ally followed behind him grabbing one of her knives that happened to have an explosive in it, Ally turned to the side and saw that Jacob aiming his pistol at a woman, she held Luke by his neck, Liz sat inside of the car, bleeding from her head with Janet knocked out in the back. Jacob shot her arm making her drop Luke, the woman held her arm glaring at Jacob,

"You got past him?"

She pulled away from her arm grabbing her gun, Ally threw her knife, stopping her. She hiss with the knife in her hand.

"Luke get up!"

Ally grabbed multiple knives throwing them at the woman, She went behind the car missing all the knives, Jacob ran to Luke grabbed him helped him up,

"Liz was hit in the head and the ear. The mayor is knocked out," Luke let out

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