Chapter 109: Chapter 108 When there's smoke
Luke walked behind them, watching them from behind walking down the staircase, then they hear a large discharge from beside them, Janet fell into the wall from the impact, Liz tried to catch her but is knocked into the wall, with her arm around Janet, Luke placed his hand on the wall catching himself, he looked at Janet and Liz, theyer getting up with Liz steadying her,
"That was Ally," Liz let out
Liz glanced behind her at Luke. He stepped closer to having a hand on Liz's back,
"We need to leave quickly,"
He said, They started to walk again to the bottom of the staircase with exit in site, they heard another impacted that cased the wall to cave in, the dust in the air didn't stop Janet from reaching the door with Liz behind her, Luke stayed behind staring at the caved in wall, he saw gray and black hair peaking thought the cracks, Luke saw that his head is moving and ducked, Luck could see his eyes looking for them before laying back breathing heavily, Luke saw that there is a short way out behind him, Luke took a step towards it and watched Taran not moving, Luke took another stepping into the small opening, He watched Taran moved his head towards him Luke went to a blind point, behind the bent wall. Behind him. Luke watch his eyes scan where he was before he head Ally and Jacob's voice, it's muffled, but he knew it's them, He felt a hand grab him pulling him out, Luke walked past the small opening barely, he ripped his pants as he rushed to get out, Luke looked at Liz who helped him get out, she let go of him and pointed a the door, Luke nodded following Liz out the room where Janet waited looking out the door with her gun in her hands, Janet looked at the hearing them approach her,
"Good, you got him thought that,"
Janet muttered softly, glancing out the door. She looked undeterred, but Luke noticed that she held her gun tightly. He glanced down at Liz, but she was next to Janet looking out. She flinched, turning her gaze to Luke,
"They were here," Liz said
Luke went to there side, he saw the bodies of the guards littered on the ground, grass turned red by their blood, Luke looked around the door and saw nothing, he walked out of the door saying,
He pointed ahead at the gate, Luke walked ahead of them holding his gun, Janet looked over his shoulder, her gaze went past the dead to a shine in front of them, She touched Lues shoulder gaining his attention,
"Is that the car?"
Luke looked at where she was pointing at, there's a shine, he didn't know if it's the car, they walked closer to the gate and Luke saw the car, it was broken into, It's as they left it. Luke opened the gate looking at Liz and Janet, Janet is behind him but Liz was looking for something on the body, she grabbed what it was and placed it in one of her pocket, Liz stood back up seeing them staring at her,
"Liz, you got her back?" Luke inquired
Liz went to Janet's back and held her gun. They walked through the gate and looked around the corner. It looked safe. Luke duck looked under the car. He didn't see anyone.
"There no one go,"
They ran to the car and made it to the front, Luke opened the side door for Janet and said,
"Get in,"
Luke has a bullet miss him, leaving a light cut on his neck. Luke fell onto his back holding his neck, he looked at who shot him seeing a tall woman with a brown bob, piercing brown gaze glaring at him with her skin glowing in the sun, she kept her gun on him with her gaze shifts to Janet, her eyes widden when Janet shot at her, she fell onto her knees staring up at the door, Luke stood back grabbing his gun but stopped when the woman pointed hers back at him, she glares at him and went to stand, a bullet went next to her leg, she fumbled landing on her back rolling away, Luke glanced to the front of the car at Liz, she pointed her gun to where the women hid, Luke notices his gun is far from him to the wall watched to the gate,
"You're the mayor,"
The woman stood up behind the car and shot at the mayor. It felt too fast Janet saw the bullet heading towards her. But it stopped by another shot. Janet could hear her ears ring but is still intact, she fell in to the driver seat and the woman shot at Liz, she barley missed the bullet above her head, it starts to bleed and Luke moved closer to the woman, she saw this unloading her gun at him, Luke felt one of the bullet move past his head. The bullet missed him hitting the end of the car,
"He didn't say you have to live,"
The woman said, looking at the mayor, her eyes blacken reloading her gun, but Liz shot the magazine, getting it out of her hand, taking one of her fingers with it. The woman screamed glaringly down at her hand, snarling. Liz ran to the end of the car, turning to her and pointing the gun at her, The woman turned to Liz, Her eyes were black. Liz shot at her, and she tilted her head away from the bullet, not bothered by it and picked up her gun. She shot at Liz. It has black around it. Liz moved away, feeling it gaze her ear. Liz moved back beside the car but the woman followed her, she kepted her gun on Liz, she's holding her earing hearing ring not knowing that the woman stood next to her, her gun next to Liz head,
"You're the scientists,"
The woman snarled again and went to pull the trigger. The bullet went into her hand. The woman let out a growl at the pain and stared at Janet, she pointed the gun at Janet pulling the triger, but the gun felt out of her hand, she felt the sting from it being shot out of her hand. She bends down, trying to grab her gun, but it's kicked away, she stared at Luke holding his gun to her head, and he breathes heavily, glaring at her,
"Stop, and we will..."
Janet shot at her and hit her in the shoulder, she fell into Luke leg making him stuble, Luke glanced at Janet, She holding Liz up holding her head wipping away the blood pouring from her head, Liz is in a daze holding on to her consciousness, Luke looked down at where she was but couldn't see her, he backed away from the car keeping his gun close,
"Janet, take..."
Luke looked to Janet and saw Janets eyes widden. He felt a wind blow behind him with the gun placed behind his head. It felt slow to him seeing there horrified expressions, Luke didnt wait moving his head aside hearing her pulled the triger, Luke felt his the air move past his head and moved to face her, holding his gun infront of him, shoting his gun unlouding it, She stares at him shocked but tried to move, she felt the bullet pierce throught her leg. She held in a pained cried and crawled to behind the car, Luke went to follow her but he stopped hearing a pained scream from behind him, He turned to them and saw Janet holding Liz to her side with Liz holding her arm bleeding, Janet looked up at him and said,
"She's fine. Take her out,"
Luke is cut off being pulled under the car, he kepted his grip on his gun aiming it the woman, he shot at her and she let go of him, the bulet missed her cutting into her arm. Luke pulled himself out, standing away from the car. He glanced at them seeing Janet move Liz away from the car with her gun thrown to him, Luke grabbed it, giving Janet a nod,
"Stay out of her reach,"
Janet muttered under her breath aggeering with him, Luke walked to the back of the car and saw a blood trail from under the car to the side, he walked to the side and the woman grabbed his gun pulling it out of his hand, she gabbed the back of Lukes head into the car window, Luke placed his foot on the car pushing her off of him. Luke went back hitting her with his elbow knocking her to the side holding her head, Luke saw his gun layed next to the woman feet, Luke rushed to it and grabbed it but the woman kicked him under his chin, Luke tasted blood, the woman went to grab the gun but Luke didnt let go of it, he pointed at her hea and puled the trigger, her head flew back with the bullet hitting her head, she fell onto the ground not moving, Luke stared at her shocked pulling down his gun, He sat up looking away from her to Janet, she held up Liz carrying her around the car,
"You killed her?" Janet asked
"I did,"
"Then you had no choice,"Janet told him
Luke picked himself up and almost fell but able to place his hand on the wall catching him, He looked at Janet with a sheepish smile,
"My bad,"
Luke walked towards Janet, taking her other side, Janet glanced down at the woman, seeing that there wasn't any blood pouring from her head. Janet felt a tug on her other side, and Luke moved twords the car. He looked to Janet, saying,
"Let's get out of here before we have to deal with someone like her,"
Janet stared at the woman still and felt Luke pull again, Janet walked with Luke to the car, not before kicking the woman's leg on the way. It moved to the side, not twitching. Luke opened the door to the side holding onto Liz, Janet looked at him confused, and Luke noticed this, saying,
"You get in first. You are our priority,"
"I get it,"
Janet got into the car, looking back at the woman, she hasn't moved. Janet turned her gaze to Luke and saw that he's walking to the passenger side, Janet saw something behind him clothed in black, Janet shot up yelling,
"She alive,"
The woman looked at Janet, stopping her, Janet stopped feeling her body not reacting. she starts to see back. Fainting, Luke looked to Janet, shocked seeing her unconscious he felt a gust of wind behind him. Luke moved away from where he was with Liz in his grip,
"You made me use his blessing."
The woman let out, filled with anger. She glared at him with a blank expression, and she pushed up her glasses with her wrist, Luke stared as her uncertain holding tightly to Liz's side, The woman took a step towards Luke and Liz,
"Do you have any idea what i had to do?"
She pointed the gun at them, and the gun had smoked from it, wrapping it around the gun. Luke tried to get up, but she kept him there,
"Stay there,"
She glared at him tightling her grip on the trigger, Luke held onto Liz's side and she rushed to him pulling the trigger, Luke moved and took a gun from Liz's side, Luke shot at her, he helt cuts on his side, he missed the bullet but the woman felt the bullet Luke shot at her rip throught her arm, she grunted in pain glairkng at where he is, she saw anothor bullet hit her head, she backed away holding her head Luke took Liz to the drivers seat opening the door,
"You van stay here while i deal with her."
Luke closed the door, staring at Liz. He felt a hand grab his throat, stopping his airways. Luke satared at her and saw her eyes held no remorse,
"This is pointless,"
The woman sethed healing from the bullet wounds, and the bullets fell onto the ground, making a sound. Luke grabbed onto her arm, trying to breathe,
"After i rip out you're thoat, i will go for there's,"
Luke felt her hand dig into his throat hindering him from breathing, he could see her glaring at him with his surrounding turning black, he hear her scream dropping him, Luke takes a deep breath in and had someone pull them away, Luke saw the ground below him and whos holding him,
"Liz was hit in the head. The mayor is knocked out,"
Luke kept his hold on Jacob and looked towards the car,