Mafia Deadline

Chapter 107: Chapter 106 In the Smoke

"I have witnessed his crimes in the envelope."

Janet got up from the chair heading towards a desk. Next to the door near Liz and Jacob, Janet pulled out a key fro, her pocket and placed the key in the drawer lock, it clicked and Janet pulled the drawer out, it is still there. Covered in dust, Janet took the envelope checking if there were any deformities. It was intact, not even a scratch on it. Janet turned to Jacob, giving him it. He took it and saw that it was already opened with the wax stamp still attached. It was Blake's family crest. He hasn't seen that in a while. Jacob took out the letter glancing up at Janet,

"It was from someone very close to him, Martha Mordred,"

Jacob read the letter, it says of what Blake has done when she was working with him, from blackmailing the powers in the city. To the experiments he had done, it's all in there. Jacob placed the note on Liz's lap, Liz picked it up, reading it for herself,

"This is what you have on him?"

Janet went to Liz waiting for her to be done reading the letter, she looked at Jacob and held her hand out to take the letter back, Liz placed it in her hand, Janet walked to Ally and Luke showing them the letter, Ally read it asking,

"Is this all you have?"

"Not entirely, but this would be enough to get the city involved, on our side at least,"

Janet took it from Luke placing the letter back in the envelope, walking back to her seat setting it on the table next to her, Janet turned to them staring at them with thinking of what they might say. Luke glanced at them. That can't be the only reason. If so, what will she do with this envelope with Martha's written testimony. Luke gaze went Janet, and she looked back at him. He wanted to know what she would do?

"You have something in mind with this information?"

"I do, I still have some connection from my mayor days. I could get them to see this and act on it." Janet told them

Luke stared at her dumbfounded. That was her plan... it could work. If she was able to pull those strings, they would be able to dismantle their gangs. It would be slow, but if they had that kind of help, it would be done. Luke wasn't staring at Janet he was looking at the envelope. Janet smiled at them,

"You get it now, don't you?"

"You take them apart by the judicial while we take the offencive taking the gangs apart." Luke uttered

"It's close, but yes, I will try and get them to help you, but if they are reluctant, I can persuade them,"

"Persuade them? You're not going to blackmail them like they have done,"

"You haven't been in the political landscape. It is a very dark place filled with that kind of shit," Janet explained

"I trie to stay out of it,"Luke said

"That's why it's new to you. You decided to stay away from it, I don't blame you, but that is how they run there, either with blackmailing or blind corruption,"

Janet's gaze went with dark talking about her past, it was more of a reality to her back then, but she can pull it back and turn it against itself last, but first to help them take this choke hold on the city.

"This is what I have for you, the written testimony of his dead right hand and my own help." Janet continued

They went quiet, they knew why Salvatore sent them there for them, and they got what he wanted and a bit more than that. She is willing to go out of her way to help them and wants the same thing as them. Luke glanced at Ally, who was pondering the same. Ally gaze went to Janet, and she had thought it over. Salvatore would want this to happen,

"Janet, you have our support, and I hope we ha..."

The house shook violently. Janet held onto her chair and Ally got up to her, Ally stood infront of her watching the dust fall from the ceiling and the room stopped shaking, Jacob got up with Liz standing beside her, Luke followed them holding his gun in hand and Ally heard her ear piece start to ring, Ally awnsered it.

"What happened?"

She hears crashes and gunfire in the back round with voice shouting,

"That has gotten through...."

Anothor scream came throught the ear piece making her cradle her ear, Liz went to her asking what was the problem, but Ally couldn't hear her, Ally heard the piece drop on to the ground, Ally looked at Jacob,

"They have broken through the barriers,"

"We knew they would. For now, we should stay in place and see what they will do,"

"No, that would be too dangerous for Janet," Liz told him,

"If it all gos to hell, we can take Janet out of the house and into the car," Jacob said

"Then what do we do now?" Luke let out

Ally stared at the door with her hand still on her ear, hearing what was happening outside, but it stopped. The gun fired, the voices, calling out to each other. It all stopped at once.

"It stopped,"

"What?" Jacob let out

"It all stopped," Ally told him

"There were three hundred out there. How did they get through them?" Luke asked

"That doesn't matter," Janet cut in,

They turned to her, Janet pulled a gun from under her table and looked at the gun, then at them,

"What you choose, I will follow, but my safety is in your hands,"

Janet got out of her chair not before grabbing her wine drinking the rest of it, She stood behind Ally with a stoice gaze, Ally heard footsteps in the ear piece, the grabbed it from what Ally could her. Ally raised her hand, making Jacob and Liz pull out there wepons at her signal, she hears heavy breathing on the other end,

"You have her in the room, Ally,"

Ally shiver up her spine they sent the left of Lugh, Taran Salvo the llachar onslaught, Ally glared at the ear piece and motioned for Jacob to take her place, Jacob moved where she stood, Ally walked to the door while Taran talks to her,

"You're upstairs with her,"

"That's none of your business,"

"I believe that you are up there,"

"You got past the barricades, and you're worried about us?"

"I'm worried about what you know, but not what you are with,"

Ally stood at the door with her pistol. On the other hand, Ally glanced at Jacob, motioning him to follow her, Jacob glanced at Liz, who gave him a nod and went to Ally,

"You're on the second floor with the mayor in the third room,"

"That is not it,"

"Are you sure? I have them crying out to me every detail. You have her there, and I will deal with what he wants,"

Ally heard him crush the ear piece, Ally looked to them,

"He took out the barricades and is heading toward us, Jacob and i are going to distract him,"

She ripped out her earpiece, giving it to Liz, and she caught it looking for any signs of damage. There was none, Ally pulled out her knives and looked at Janet,

"You leave with them, don't come back go straight to the hidout, don't look for us. We will go to you," Ally continued

Ally hears Jacob pull out his guns, placing them on his hips, and then going to attach his rifle to his back.

"I will try to connect to Salvatore," Liz said

"Do that, we will need it. Do you have another way out of this room?" Ally asked

Janet went past Liz going to her wall that had a picture with her next to her father, she tilled it to the right making it open, it hissed pushing into the wall, Janet turned to them,

"This leads to the back," Janet told them

Ally gave her a nod and then looked at the other two,

"You have the order. Take her out of here," Ally said

Liz went in front of Janet, glancing at Jacob. Before walking into a stairway, Luke looked at them,

"Don't die on us, right?"

Luke followed after them, hearing Ally awsner him,

"I can't promise you anything,"

They both watched the door close behind them, Jacob looked to Ally with his eyes, holding determination in them.

"You told them to watch out for him to change target's?"

"Yes, he would have figured us out by now and would be going to the back,"

Ally went to the door with him opening it, and they went out of the room hearing the fighting under them,

"Do you think he is under us?"

Ally glanced at the floor, hearing a body hit a wall, She looked ahead, saying,

"I don't think so, but i wouldn't be surprised,"

They made it down the staircase, hearing the violence on the other side of the door, Ally placed her hand on her knife while Jacob grabbed one of his pistols, and Ally opened the door,

"You decided to come find me?"

Taran stood up from a body hanging on the wall, and he glanced at them seeing Ally.

"You were feared Ally, you where respected in the industry,"

Taran turned to her slowly pulling out his knife from the body, it fell on the ground with a splat leaving a trall of blood on the wall, Ally looked at him unbothered by the body behind him, Taran tilted his head staring at Jacob beside her, he remember him as well.

"You were from her reign," Taran let out

Ally threw her knife at him, and Taran caught it. He glanced at the knife, seeing that it wasn't the knife she used. Taran throws it back at her. However, it exploded on its way towards her, the smoke other in the room making it hard to see, Taran looked around him hearing movement in the smoke,

"You were a part of Mórrígan's gang before she turned to ash," Taran said

A knife came for his left, and Taran saw a chain attached to it, brought up his arm, talking the knife into his arm, grabbing the chain, pulling it. Taran didn't feel a pull on the other side of the chain and looked to where it came from,

"She left it there, how stran..."

A gun fire from beside him, Taran pulled the knife out of his arm,moving the knife to his other side, cutting the bullet in half away from him. Taran threw the knife at where the gunshot came from, and a mutter came out of the smoke.


Taran saw the blood drip down on to the floor, He can see an outline of Jacob holding into the end of the knife glaring at him, Taran qwickly pulled Jacob closer to him, Jacob held onto the knife digging his feet in to the ground, feeling the hook of the knife dig into his muscle.

"If you dont let go, it will tear your muscle out of the bone,"

Taran pulled the chain again, making Jacob grunt in pain. He felt a harsh pull on his muscle. Taran heard something from beside him, Ally jabbed her knife into his side, Taran sweeped her legs, trying to knock her out,

"This is how you kill of your former enemies, Ally,"

Ally stayed on her feet and grabbed her harpoon knife from his side, Ally took it and went for his neck but Taran grabbed her by the arm, Ally trys to over power him, pushing down, Taran stared at her unimpressed,

"All you have is to aim for my vitals? I thought you were.."

Taran felt the chain tug in him grip, he turned away from her and saw Jacob run at him, the knife in his hand, pushing Taran into the wall,

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