Chapter 106: Chapter 105 Former Mayor
"Who's going to talk to Janet?" Luke asked
He looked at Ally and saw that she pressed the doorbell, Ally glanced at Liz, she was talking to Jacob on the detail for security. Ally turned back to Luke saying,
"I can talk to her unless Liz or Jacob have something to ask her then they may,"
"Seem like a good way to ap..."
Luke wanted to say more, but the door opened showing a forty year old woman with an eye path laid on her left eye, her brown hair wisps with Silver streaks falling into a loose bun. Her brown eyes stared at the two with curiosity, until she glanced behind them seeing Liz and Jacob, her eyes dimmed looking back at them and asked,
"You are with Shepard?"
Luke glanced at Ally seeing her already staring at him, Ally nudged his side making him incoherently he knew what she meant, you talk first, he glared at her before turning to the woman and saw that she was looking at him patiently,
"Yes, we are and you Janet's security?" Luke inquired
The woman is taken a bit back by him and shakes her head, Luke turns to Ally having the same extraction that the woman has, Ally lays a hand on Luke's arm and bows her head at the woman,
"Luke this is the former mayor, sorry Miss Ronnie,"
Luke bowed his head and muttered an apology, Janet looked behind them and saw that the two behind them were walking toward them, Janet turned to Ally and Luke,
"Don't worry about it, I believe a long time ago I would have done the same thing," Janet told him
Luke and Ally stood back up with Liz and Jacob now standing beside them, Ally walked closer to Janet and pulled out her phone, Janet took it looking at what was written on it, it was all that Salvatore had promised her. Janet tried to keep a smile off her face and was able to send that to her phone, Ally cleared her throat, catching Janet's attention,
"I don't mean to interrupt you but we will need to come in the house Miss Ronnie,"
"Yes, sure,"
Janet moved aside letting Ally in first, Ally looked around the room seeing that her guards were at every door, window, and stair, Jacob was doing the same thing seeing that one of them had been watching holding his radio telling them of their arrival, Janet went over the files that Salvatore had and turned to Ally reach out for her to take back her phone, Ally looked to her,
"You sent it to your phone?" Ally asked
Ally took her phone, placing it back into her pocket,
"It should be there," Janet told her,
Janet glanced at the four of them, is this your plan? Take them over by not just force, but through governmental actions. That's smart of you, Salvatore, She might just help see to it. Jacob and Liz noticed a frame with Janet holding a trophy with the head of a well known government politician.
"Jacob that is from,"
"Two years ago, the president came in after the disaster of the warehouse in Clover Field, he gave some supplies and some government spy agencies looked into it but nothing came of it other than a gang orientated problem."
Jacob glanced at Liz, seeing her scan through the wall, pitchers filled with her family, but some had her accomplishment, Other than the one they looked at first the others showed her campaign to the end of her run for mayor, Liz felt a hand on her elbow turning her gaze to Jacob, he gave her a soft smile and tell her,
"You have something on your mind?"
"Yes I do but if it's right then."
Liz stopped by Janet and clapped her hand gaining their attention, Janet glanced at the four before turning to one of the guards,
"We will be heading upstairs, get us if anything looks out of the ordinary," Janet told him,
He agreed with her watching over them, Janet turned to them and motioned to follow her, Luke glanced at Ally finding her already following Janet, he followed along with Liz and Jacob, they walked up the stairs seeing that the interior was darker than the other room,
"Salvatore told me about some of your plans," Janet said
There was a door that Janet opened, She let Ally, Luke, Liz, and Jacob walk into the room, the room was filled with dark rich colors, with black wood furniture, Janet moved to her chair and sat down, She offered,
"Sit down so we can start negotiating,"
"Negotiating?" Luke uttered
Luke sat down on her couch with Ally sitting afar off from him, Liz and Jacob sat down in a love seat, Janet picked up a glass beside her and the wine she had left on the table, she started to open it and said,
"Anyone wants some vintage The Nightmare, F.B,"
Janet looked up at them, Luke shook his head no, it didn't seem to be the appropriate time... Jacob held up his hand but Liz put his hand back down, she gave his a glare and he sheepishly placed it back down muttering an affirmation under his breath, Ally glanced at the wine and notice that it looked like it was from an old Swedish film, Janet placed back the wine and placed her glass down,
"What I mean by that, is your boss has asked for an exchange,"
"Of what?" Ally inquired
"Of information,"
Janet took a sip of her wine, Ally and Luke glanced at each other, they only heard from Salvatore to come and watch over Janet, if so ask her about the time in Blake's containment. Janet noticed their confusion and stated,
"He must have told you little but gave you most of the information, but i for what you have given me,"
Janet pointed at Ally,
"I will tell what I know and what I tried to do."
"Tied to do?" Jacob let out,
Janet turned to him with a glint in her eye, Jacob watched as she turned back looking at them all before letting out,
"You know what happened after they found me?"
They went quiet, Luke didn't know what happened after she was freed, Liz glanced at Jacob who was holding her leg tightly, and Jacob looked at her discerning. He knew what happened after that, she was in the hospital before going back to her mayorship, she did her means by the law taking the small gangs at first having leads, she went after bigger people in the gangs at the time, but that is all that her could recall. He was a part of that team looking into the gangs, finding that it was her taking them in, at first it was fine. But then Jacob got pulled into helping them,
"I remember you being there," Janet said, pointing at him
Janet turned to Ally, wasn't she there with Jacob helping in their effort, yes she was, Slavtore put her on that project. As the head of it even, Janet pointed at her and asked,
"You were there?" Janet asked
Ally turned her gaze to Janet, she already knew she was there but wanted more validation, maybe, she just wanted an answer,
"I was there," Ally answered
"Do you know what happened after we were successful?"
Ally stopped, and they were successful in their plan, however, Ally faintly remembers what Janet did, she was looking for something. But couldn't recall why she had done it. Ally didn't notice that she looked away from Janet and said,
"You went after someone afterwords, but after that, I can't recall,"
Janet let out a hum, bringing her wine to her lips, she stared at Ally letting out,
"I did go after someone,"
Taking a sip while the other four listened intently to her, Luke stared between the two, apparently Ally was right, he didn't have to say much and let them talk for him, they waited for Janet to continue, and they didn't need to wait long, Janet set her wine aside, glancing over at each of them,
"After Salvatore decided to help us in our efforts to take the gangs apart. That helped tremendously, it was able to be done in a month, but then there was one that had gotten away," Janet explained
"One got away? That's not right Janet, we have gotten them all," Ally let out
"No there was one that was missing,"
"Who was it?" Liz asked
Janet turned her gaze to Liz, she could see the distraught in Janet's eyes, it was little but Liz could recognize it, Liz had been thought it before at this point what does it mean for what she had done or what she had tried to do. Janet stared at her watching her movements. Liz wasn't fidgeting but mumbling under her breath, before she looked back up at Janet,
"Him, yes,"
Liz observed Janet, she didn't flinch nor glare at her, but she stared at her sternly, Janet remembered Salvatore explaining to her that he was gone, she took his word for it but went to see if there was anything left behind,
"You two know what Salvatore had told me of his demise but afterwords, I went there seeing if there was anything else,"
Janet remembers walking to the broken apart warehouse with the people dismantling it, Janet walked through what was the entrance to find it empty, Janet walked in noticing something red from under the rubble, she went over to the rubble bends down to pick it up, but it wouldn't move.
"I must find out what under..."
Janet heard someone behind her, she turned to them, finding that it was Salvatore, He glanced at her bewildered,
"Janet didn't think I would see you here again," Salvatore said
Janet stood up and Salvatore stood next to her, He stared at her before looking down at the rubble she was trying to move, Salvatore didn't notice the red wax seal under the rubble but he turned to her asking,
"You need help moving that piece of cement?"
Janet stared at him unsure, but she wasn't able to take it off herself, Janet wanted to see what was under it, for it to have a wax seal it must have been for Blake,
"I would like your help,"
Salvatore bent down and went to lift it off, but Janet took the other side helping him take it off of the note, Janet quickly took it, thinking that Salvatore didn't see it, Salvatore looked at where the piece of rubble and saw nothing,
"Doesn't seem like there is nothing there," Salvatore let out
Janet stood back looking at Salvatore with confusion,
"I thought there was something there," Janet let out
"It's fine Janet just next time you visit here tell the company, we don't want you to be hurt in this place,"
Salvatore heard someone call for him and he looked back at Janet saying,
"Looks like I am needed elsewhere, I will catch up with you later,"
"I will try to find you before I leave, there have been more developments," Janet said
Salvatore took a moment before giving her a nod, having the person calling him again Salvatore left Janet in the remnants of the warehouse, she made sure Salvatore was gone, Janet took the velvet envelop, and she saw the symbol on the envelop, it was black clouds with initials,
"You found one of his envelopes at the site?" Luke asked
Janet was looking at her hand before turning to Luke, he was staring at her with a questionable gaze,
"You can't just have the envelope, there has to be more than this for Salvatore to go to such lengths just for this," Luke said
"You are right I do have more than that, it's just a part of what I have on him," Janet told him
Her voice turned from kind to strict very quickly, Luke stiffened from her tone as Ally got off the couch and walked to her,
"Then tell us what you have,"