Loosing you

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

So, we were just going to pretend like nothing happened, I see. I then sent her my location and before I knew it she was already outside so I went to her car and she was alone this time. I got in, greeted her and kept quiet, I wasn't in the mood to talk.

At that moment

Naomi- I'm sorry,

Angie - Oh, I didn't know,

Naomi- I'm serious honey, I was just busy with something and I didn't have time to talk,

Angie - You didn't have time to talk to me, babe your own girlfriend. I'm the first person you call when there's something like this but no, you ....

Naomi- I know, I understand, I just didn't want to stress you out, my company was just trying to fix the issue and I didn't want to involve you in it, honey please,

Angie- Eyes on the road please,

Said I as she started to place her hand on my tight. I knew we would end up doing something else other than driving to work. She did stop and drove me to work. We just kept on talking and she asked me to come back home blah blah blah. I wasn't that happy with the offer but it's babe after all, and I loved her. After a while we arrived at my workplace and before getting out she gave me a smooch which almost all my co-workers noticed because my door was open, but that didn't matter. I then went in and all eyes were on me.

Don't forget I work at a place that deals with gossips so yah, I was now the subject but it was okay. It's not like it was a lie. By the time I sat down my desk was filled with curious faces, they were all asking me about Naomi. No one really knew that she dated women till now. I was asked if I wanted to make her actress of the week and I wasn't really sure and I told them that I had to talk to her first. So I gave her a call and asked her if she wanted to be actress of the week, it was going to boost her status since she was the highest trending actress at the moment, she agreed so I went to talk with the rest of the team just like that, she became actress of the week. I told myself that doing it would strengthen our relationship because it was slowly dying. I just wanted to do something to show that I cared. After work I went straight to her place and I totally forgot that today was her audition day, but she was already back.

I found her with some other people I didn't know celebrating and by the looks of it, she had gotten the role. I went to greet them, gave her a cheek smooch and I went to freshen up in the bathroom. After I was done I went to the kitchen to make something to eat and there I found Tim. I asked him what babe was celebrating and he said thanks to making babe artist of the week, she got the role since everyone supported the idea. So yah, I guess I made it. She was now going to get the role she has always wanted for an entire year. I was really proud of her, this was a very huge achievement and she deserved it. After my chat with Tim I made myself a cereal and then I went to to bed. As I was sleeping I was woken by babe as she came to bed, we haven't been together for days, two , so yah we had to chat before going to bed .

At that moment

Naomi-Did I wake you?

Angie-It's okay, I was actually waiting for you to come so it's fine

Naomi- Honey I got the role, thanks to you for making me artist of the week,

Angie-Oh, that, anything for you babe, so when are y'all starting the filming stuff,

Naomi- In a month we will start going to workshops and stuff,

Said babe as she kept on telling me about stuff I didn't even understand. She confused me when she told me that if people found out that I worked where I worked and I was the reason she got the artist of the week thing, her image would be damaged so I had to loose my job in order for her to be safe. It seemed like I had no choice left, babe was serious, she said it would just be for a while but I didn't believe her. So after that day I went to resign from work, I also told Becky about it and she did warn me. But I was doing something for someone I loved so I didn't mind the risk. I mean, it was Naomi after all and for her I would do anything. Before I knew it, a month had already passed and she went on to meet with that partner of hers since they were going to start workshops as she told me.

She was hardly at home. Always had to meet with the lady, I didn't even know who she was and that's when I noticed that babe and I were no longer spending time as were supposed to. She left early in the morning and came back late when I was already asleep. And when I talked to her about it she always told me that I wouldn't understand. So she was on a mission to make the fans believe that she along with her new partner had good chemistry to a point of dating. I mean, that's what the fans wanted but she had a girlfriend still and they knew it. In the few weeks that passed we always argued. She was hardly home, sometimes she would sleep somewhere I didn't even know. So I decided to leave and go back to my place, I wasn't homeless after all. I was very tired and just wanted to take a break, not break up. I told her in a text since she wouldn't answer my calls, I told her that it was better if the both of us took a break and talk after everything was fine. I actually expected to have a heartfelt conversation with her discussing the whole situation but she just said okay. That same day I got a call from Becky telling me that Naomi along with her new partner were having a press conference and she wanted me to watch it so I did. They kinda looked good together if you ask me. They weren't asked anything I wanted to hear, just questions about their ship and stuff. But someone ended up asking her what I wanted to hear, they asked her if she was still together with the girl from before and her answer was something I've never thought to hear from her, like I was shocked to death, not really I wouldn't kill myself for a relationship.

This is what she said." About that, you see that was a one night thing, a mistake on top of that. It wasn't meant to be out in the first place. She was just one of the mistakes I've encountered in life but not to worry, we learn from our mistakes and I did. And as for now, I'm focused on my work and I fans who truly support me " Yep, that's what babe said about me, I was busted. She insulted me with everyone watching, I should've known. I'm not one to cry but this time I did, I just didn't get why she would say that, she should've just said we broke up, don't really have to call me a mistake and stuff like that. It really did hurt. I was afraid to even go out because people knew me, I didn't want to be looked at or laughed at. So after that event I just locked myself up in my apartment, I didn't get out. I wasn't even in the mood to meet Becky, Naomi was her favourite after all so she would still find a way to side with her. And I wasn't in the mood to hear her suggestions. I just didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment, but theres only one person I wanted to talk to, and that was my mother. I wasn't in the mood to go home since my dad would make a huge deal out of the situation so I asked her to come to my place. Being the rich lady she was I knew she would have something to say about my apartment but I didn't care.

I gave her a call and told her about the situation she already knew. It was all over the internet and she was always online. She told me that she would come to my place as soon as possible so I sent her my address and before I knew it she came. Well it was actually two days after I called her, she also came with her husband which was something I didn't want. But father wasn't actually as bad as I made it sound. He just wanted to have a grandchild that's it. I was woken by a very loud knock on my door and I ran out of bed to see who it was. I was actually a mess, but I didn't care. As I opened the door I found my parents, and my mother nearly fainted after seeing me. As for my dad he just passed us by and went inside. My place was pretty clean so he went to my refrigerator and there was no food in it. I forgot to stock up. There was only water and judging by the look on my dad's face, he really felt bad for me.

At that moment

My dad- Daughter, are you eating well?

Angie- I'm out of food father,

My dad- you should've called us, Angie you are our only daughter and we will not stand seeing you like this, it will be better if you come home with us,

Angie-No father, I do not want to go home, I'm good here,

My dad- Did you take your time and see the place you stay in, no . I will not let my daughter stay in such conditions,I've got friends, what will they say huh!

Said my dad as he got worked up for nothing. I wasn't in the mood to go home with him, and I didn't want him here in the first place. I wanted my mother because I knew she would understand, not him. Thankfully my mom managed to talk him out of it by suggesting they buy me a house in a very peaceful town. So they forced me to get ready and then off to look for houses we went. My father wanted a mansion,I don't know why since I was going to stay on my own. So my mom and I ended up looking for a normal house, six rooms. It had three bedrooms which had bathrooms and open closets.

It had a very huge kitchen, a dining room and a living room. And on top of that , it was away from many houses. It was surrounded by many trees. I think it was perfect,well they were paying so yah, no matter how expensive it was. They didn't care. All I knew is that they were going to tell their friends that I bought it by myself with the money I worked hard for, how funny. They weren't joking as they purchased the house the same day and forced me to move in.

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