Chapter 6: chapter 6
We left in the same car even though I suggested that I request an Uber, babe said it was fine. So off to the event we went, we parked at the VIP parking lot and this time there were news reporters and Tim told me to act normal and when they ask me who I was I just had to say a personal manager. So that was it, personal manager it was. The exact moment we got out of the car there were security guards ready to escort us in, but first it was photos time.
My girlfriend really liked that category,she wouldn't stop posing and there I was with Tim behind her minding our very own business. And the questions did come, I thought they weren't gonna ask but they did. At first they talked about the huge role all the top notch actresses wanted ,which was the one babe was also looking for,not only did it offer a huge pay, it was also a way to pave ones success in the business. .
One of the reporters asked Naomi if she was up for auditions and she told him that she was indeed going to get the role and they also asked who I was, I heard someone asking if I was her girlfriend but we all denied that, I was a personal manager after all. We were then escorted inside the building and the first place we went to was the bathroom,I don't know,out of nowhere babe was having a panic attack so I had to find a way to calm her down. I didn't know what to do but as soon as we arrived in the bathroom I found a way.
At that moment
( I embraced Naomi as tight as I could)
Angie - What's going on?
Naomi-That's too tight I can't breathe,( I let her loose but I still embraced her)
Angie-Tell me what's going on, you need to calm down before going out there or you might collapse on the stage
Naomi-I have to audition for the role in a few days and almost all of us here are looking for it and they keep asking me about it and .... I just, I can't .....
Angie-It's okay,
Said I as I gave her a kiss, as we were kissing I heard the door close, so we stopped and I ran to check who it was but I didn't see anyone so I was the first one to get out and I went to find Becky, as always and as for babe, she went to get ready to go to the stage. Becky was in the front obviously, and she looked kinda happy today. I know I haven't been talking to her in a while but I could tell that something did happen. I went to embrace her and I sat down, she then asked me why I had a lipsticks stain on my lips and I told her that I got it from my girlfriend,well I wouldn't just lie to her. She gave me that ' tell me who she is ' look but I didn't dare open my lips.
I just said she was also at the event, and I would find the right time to tell her about her. The event began, with the two stars of the show appearing first, greeting us and talking about their experience while in the show , blah blah, oh and that's when I noticed that the lead lady was on the cover of an article I helped write at work, she was kinda famous. Oh, and my babe lost to her, again. After the lead couple finished talking the rest of the cast walked and there she was, looking pretty as always. I forgot to keep my cool and I wouldn't stop looking at her which made Becky give me a light slap asking me if I was fine. Even babe was blushing at the moment. During the event Becky grabbed me by my hand and took me to the bathroom where she asked me why I had the same ring as Naomi, like I thought nobody would ever notice.
At that moment
Becky - Are you hiding something from me?
Angie - Um, I would never do such a thing a thing you know
Becky- You're lying, I know it , are you dating Naomi, I mean I'm not angry,
Angie - Why do you think I'm dating her, she is an actress,don't you think she would want to date someone with the same status,
Becky-Okay, not only are you two wearing the same couple rings, you had the same lipsticks stain as the one she has on her lips. And the both of you keep on smiling at each other so please don't lie to me,
Angie - Okay , I'm dating her, I wanted to tell you but I just didn't think you would find out this easily, we just wanted to keep it low-key you know, since she wants to get this new role, so we are just being careful.
Becky - Do you think I could get an autograph though,I mean, I want one
Yep that's my friend, the only thing she wanted from Becky was an autograph and I promised to make that happen. How, I went to find Tim and introduced the two of them and then I asked him if it was possible for my friend to get an autograph and he said it was up to Naomi so we just went to chill in the car at the VIP section while waiting for the show to end. But unfortunately babe had to attend a so called party with her co-workers so we had to leave without her. I went to a nearby restaurant with Becky, and there I noticed that something was a little off. After every passing minute I would catch someone looking at us, me of course ,they were even pointing at me for some reason and being the psycho she was, Becky went to a group of teen girls that were also looking and talking about us and asked them what was the matter. I saw them showing her something on their phone and she came running towards me, it was a picture of me and Naomi back at the events bathroom, pictures of me going in and out of her apartment and stuff like that so yah, someone was following us.
I quickly gave babe a call but she didn't pick up. I rushed back to our place but the door was locked. I tried calling her again but I still couldn't get through so I called Tim, the only person I never thought I would ever call. He picked up the phone and told me that they were on their way back and I just had to wait for quite a while. So I did and they finally came back, and there babe was, it seemed she had been crying and she didn't even look at me . Tim then unlocked the door and we got in the apartment, she went straight to our room and I followed her and asked her if she was okay and she said no. I knew she wasn't ,I mean you could tell by just looking at her, I went on to give her a hug but she pushed me away and told me that her management team was soon coming and I had to leave her place because somehow this was my fault. You know, I did understand that she was scared but she didn't have to do that, like chasing me away when there was a problem instead of us staying strong for each other. I wasn't in the mood to quarrel so I just took some of my clothes and I left the place. I wasn't planning to be alone at the moment, so I went to Becky's place.
And there she was with her husband, her daughter wasn't there for some reason.They said something about her being with her maternal grandmother so the two were just there with no kids. I bet they were planning to make another one. Just kidding. The moment I arrived Becky embraced me as if I was mourning a dead person. She then asked me how I was coping and I told her that I just got kicked out of the house and I didn't want to be by myself hence I was there. I honestly didn't know why Naomi had to do that, it's not like chasing me away would change anything. But there was nothing I could do so I went to take a shower, changed my clothes and then I went to bed before anyone in the house. I wasn't in the mood to talk anymore, my day was ruined. As the morning arrived I woke up and got ready for the day and went to make myself something to eat. It was Saturday so I didn't have to go to work. I had actually planned to go out with babe but I highly doubt if it was still possible but I had to try. I'm not one to give up in relationships. So, I called her but she didn't answer my call. I texted her, she saw the text but she still didn't care to respond so I called Tim, he was the only person whom I knew would answer my calls so yah. And he did. I then asked him how babe was and he told me that she was fine, just a bit busy. Turns out the leaked stuff were making her gain more recognition, I went to check it out for myself and many people's comments were saying she was supposed to take on the lead role because she had the experience of being with a woman, no one even disagreed with that. So she was just ignoring me for no reason.
After the call I went back to lay down, I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, and that's how I spend my weekend, in bed and not eating. I wasn't in the mood. Who would after a silent breakup, well babe and I were together for an entire year so you cannot blame me, I totally thought she was the one, like we were going to last but no, it didn't work out. She should've atleast spoken to me or something. As Monday arrived I woke up and got ready for work before anyone in the house and before I could request a ride I got a text from babe asking me if I wanted her to pick me up.