Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Vol 2 Chapter 409: eldest and younger

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The last remnant of the cold in winter is still hovering over Hogwarts Castle.

Sherlock put on the thick trench coat again, thinking that this time would be the last time he would wear it in the first half of the year.

Draco has become very self-conscious now. From the beginning, he resisted buying him that set of Muggle clothes, but now he has taken the initiative to take off his wizard robes on the day he goes out and change his clothes, just in the castle. Sherlock was waiting at the door.

He was still a thin-skinned man, and he was embarrassed to show himself in the castle dressed like this in public, because it would easily be regarded as an alien by his fellow Slytherin classmates, and would definitely be laughed at by Harry and Ron.

"Have you brought your things?"

Sherlock looked down at Draco and asked.

Draco still had that stinky expression on his face, he didn't say anything, just nodded.

"Then let's go."

He used Apparition directly outside the castle, and brought Draco to the small city that they were already very familiar with.

They found a fruit shop on the side of the street, and Draco took out a few pound notes from his pocket.

These were earned by Sherlock doing a day job with him the last time they went out (Draco hasn't turned 16 yet, Sherlock uses a little Confusion Charm.)

Originally, Master Malfoy was very resistant to this, but when Sherlock himself started to help the vulgar Muggle farmer clear the cowshed on the farm without any magic, Draco had no choice but to keep going. I was stunned by the side, and could only say with a stinky face, "I'm not working for Muggles, but sharing the labor for the professors of the magic school." While cleaning up the cow dung.

They ended up working a day, and they got a decent paycheck.

The money Sherlock had Draco save for himself, and it came in handy today.

In the fruit shop, he spent all the pounds to buy seasonal fruits, and then took a taxi with Sherlock and arrived at the familiar orphanage.

This morning, the children of the orphanage were moving freely in the yard. They were far away, and they saw Sherlock and Draco walking by.

A little girl with a broken tooth and a leaky voice ran to the wooden fence and shouted excitedly.


Of course the boss wasn't calling Sherlock.

Draco, who was holding two bags of fruit in his hand, slashed in disdain, but from the soothing corners of his brows, it could be seen that he actually used the title very well.

This is not the second time they have come to this orphanage to do volunteer work. After the volunteer experience that ended last Christmas, Harry's Occlumency teaching ended every week, Sherlock would come out with Draco to continue Come and spend time with these children at this orphanage.

Draco was naturally very reluctant at first, but after a long time coming every week, he had formed a habit of it himself.

And when he came here for the third time, he became one with that Trish who used to trick him into a lot of tricks.

This is not how smart Draco became later, showing his domineering air, but after being played by a little girl half his age several times in a row, he finally couldn't help using it in private. Trixie was shocked by a little trick that was not even a magic spell.

Sherlock turned a blind eye to this. After all, it was just some little spells that could be explained by magic, and they didn't have the power to hurt anyone at all. Draco didn't want to scare the little girl, he just wanted to get rid of it. She received adoring eyes there.

Sure enough, this trick worked very well. Although her mind was much more mature than children her age, Trish was still a child who had not seen much of the world and grew up in an orphanage.

She immediately regarded Draco as a master of magic, worshipped the mountain directly, and regarded Draco as the boss, calling herself the younger brother.

The other older kids, including Haley and Mrs Chriss, didn't care much about Draco's little magic tricks, and Draco himself took advantage of it.

Even if it's just a little girl, the sound of the boss and the boss still makes him very flirtatious.

In other respects Draco was really uneducated before, but when it came to his little brother, he was just fine.

The week after Trish visited the boss, when he and Sherlock came back, they brought some candy with less obvious magical effects from Hogwarts to Beatrice, so that the little girl could enjoy it in the orphanage. Countless envious glances.

This clever little girl is not stupid at all. It seems that she has become a younger brother and let Draco be brought under his command, but she is actually taken care of.

However, she never eats alone. The candy that Draco gave her is shared by her and children who are younger or about the same age as herself. Sometimes the amount of candy is not enough. With a child younger than her, she has the demeanor of a young lady in an orphanage.

Draco saw this too, and didn't say anything at the time, but next time, he brought enough.

This time the fruit was the same, he bought enough for an entire orphanage (only a dozen children in total).

Mrs. Chris had already become acquainted with them, and when she saw them, she opened the door with a smile and let them in.

Sherlock and Draco handed over the fruits they bought to her and Haley, and then took over their jobs, watching the children in the yard move freely, while they cleaned the two of them. Here comes the fruit.

"Boss, you are so generous. You brought so many fruits this time!"

Tracy seemed to have shining stars in her eyes, expressing her admiration for Draco.

Draco seemed to fold his arms around his chest indifferently, but the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily, revealing his true mood at the moment.

"Hmph, these are all trivialities."

He said this lightly, as if he had completely forgotten the pain of being mad at the stinky cow dung when Sherlock was forbidden to use magic when he was in the cowshed.

"Of course, boss, you are a great magician!"

Draco took a peek at Sherlock and saw that he was helping a little boy who had just fallen to the ground and got up by himself, slapping the dust on his body, not paying attention to their side, and then he said very reservedly .

"Didn't I tell you, to hide my identity, these words can't be said to others."

"I was wrong, boss." Trish immediately admitted her mistake, "I'll pay attention later."

Draco waved his hand generously.

"It's okay, who told you not to be too smart, you call me boss, I should take care of you."

Sherlock, who seemed to have paid no attention to Draco's side after brushing off the dust on the little boy, had a smile on his face.

Obviously, he actually listened clearly to the conversation between the eldest and the younger brother.

In fact, Draco didn't even realize that his mentality at this time had changed a lot compared to when he first came to this orphanage just after Christmas.

If in the past, let alone a Trish calling him the boss, he relied on his own labor to get paid to buy fruit for the children of an orphanage, even if a little Muggle girl stood in front of him, he probably would have retreated in disgust. Two steps, afraid that she will pollute the air around him.

The orphanage's lunch at noon today was quite rich compared to usual, and each child received a fresh apple after the meal.

Draco and Trish were eating at the same table with disdain on their faces. In fact, they were enjoying listening to the little girl's compliments. Sherlock, after eating the last bite of food on the plate, looked at him with disdain. Mrs Chris said.

"I'm going out for a walk around."

Then he walked out of the orphanage alone. The place is very remote. After all, Mrs. Chris didn't have much money to buy a large yard in a good location when the orphanage was established.

Therefore, you can describe the surrounding environment as a good environment and fresh air, or you can say that this is a place where birds don't shit.

Sherlock didn't really want to hang out here either. He walked straight out of the orphanage's yard, then turned to the path on the right, and after a few steps, he came to an old house that seemed to be abandoned.

He didn't reach out and knock on the door, the old wooden door opened by itself, and behind the door was Moody's old but upright figure.

"Sherlock, are you here today?"

Sherlock nodded and walked into the room.

"I still came with Lucius' son, how is it, did you find anything during this time?"

Not only Moody was alone in the room, but Lupin and Sirius were also here.

After Sherlock brought Draco to the orphanage for the first time, the three of them began to squat around here.

After Draco took the initiative to contact him at Hogwarts, Sherlock did not give up to let this child turn his back on the right path, nor did he let go of his defenses.

After all, no one can be sure that such teaching by words and deeds can really make a difference to this young master who has been pampered since childhood and received pure-blood education.

Just in case, Draco had any malicious intentions, and it was also considered to ensure the safety of these children in the orphanage, Sherlock had Moody and the others stationed here early in the morning.

Now the Death Eaters have obviously shrunk their power compared to before. There is no large-scale conflict between Aurors and Death Eaters in the magical world. There are only some small-scale frictions, which has made him retired from the Auror Command. Moody, and Lupin and Sirius, who had nothing to do, were completely idlers.

However, anyone with a little vision can see that the current calm in the magic world does not mean peace, but a moment of tranquility before the next storm.

No one knows what Voldemort is secretly planning now, no matter the Order of the Phoenix or the Ministry of Magic, they can only prepare early.

"Everything is still normal here. I also followed what you said last time, and asked Kingsley, who is working in the ministry, to use his privileges to designate this area as a key monitoring point for Apparition and Floo Network. If there is something wrong here If there is any change, they will inform us as soon as possible."

Sirius was a little irritable.

"If you want me to say, I should just tie up that little brat from the Malfoys, and feed him Veritaserum, use Legilimency, and get out of his mind all about his father and the Death Eaters. If the information is not good, why make it so troublesome as it is now."

Before Sherlock could speak, Lupin said calmly.

"He's still just an uneducated child, Sirius, and nothing else, just using Veritaserum and Dementia on an underage child is illegal in itself."

"Now is a special period, and it is normal to use some special means." Sirius said.

"It's despicable at any age to do something like this to a child," Lupin said, "and you don't think if You-Know-Who really wanted the Malfoy boy to do something, he wouldn't have thought of that. Since he is assured to let the boy do things for him, and he is not afraid that we will spy on his memory, he must have his own backing."

These words of Lupin had already made Sirius speechless.

Although they are both members of the small group of Harry's father James, Lupin and Sirius have completely different personalities. In contrast, Sherlock admires Lupin more. Sirius can't say bad, only say He's a rather extreme Gryffindor.

"Judging from the current situation, it's not that there is no way for Draco to correct him." Sherlock said softly, "He can get along well with the children in the orphanage now, which means that he has not completely accepted it. The pure blood theory of Lucius. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Sirius shrugged.

"Well, since you've all said so, of course I don't have any more opinions."

According to his character, he is naturally not so honest under normal circumstances, but Sherlock has now completely established a leadership position below Dumbledore in the Order of the Phoenix, and this position was created by himself, so that every Everyone is convinced, even Sirius, a character who can be called a thorn no matter where he is.

Sherlock nodded. With Moody guarding here, he didn't have to worry about anything. He was just here to take a look.

After having a few words with the three of them, I learned about the current situation at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, when Sherlock was about to leave.

In the old house, a green fire suddenly rose from the dusty fireplace.

Tonks' head appeared in the fireplace, she didn't say hello, but said in a fast tone.

"Kingsley asked me to report the news. He said that six consecutive Apparition fluctuations were detected near you, and the location was behind the orphanage!"

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