Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Vol 2 Chapter 410: bait

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Bella appeared at the back wall of the orphanage with five Death Eaters, including Lucius.

Being able to Apparate here proves that they have already been here for reconnaissance.

Bella didn't seem to be affected by her husband's arrest. Not only did she not have the slightest intention to rescue Rodolphus, who didn't know where she was being held at the moment, she even acted in front of a group of Death Eaters and Voldemort's face, mocking his incompetence.

It can be said that after becoming a die-hard fan of Voldemort, Bella has no place in Rodolphe's heart at all.

The two said they were husband and wife, but in fact, it is only in name now.

"I hope no one is wrong today."

Bella stared at the Death Eaters beside her, and said in a sharp and stern voice.

"Master has waited until now, just to wait for this opportunity, since we appeared here, I don't want a fly to escape!"

The other four nodded and said yes, and only Lucius looked pale. He stared at Bella and said with trembling lips.

"We will complete all the tasks assigned by the master, but please also remember that Bella, the master also said that the safety of my son must be guaranteed!"

Bella's mouth curled into a sneer of disdain, as if she was very contemptuous of Lucius' words, but she still said it.

"Of course I know this is also the master's order."

Hearing her promise, Lucius' face didn't improve much. He hurried away with two of the Death Eaters, while Bella took the other two Death Eaters to the other direction.

At the same time, inside Hogwarts.

Snape walked quickly into the headmaster's room with a face that had never been so ugly.

Dumbledore was looking at an official document sent by the International Federation of Magicians, and when he saw Snape coming in, he couldn't help sitting up straight.

"The black devil is very wrong during this time. He seems to be avoiding me on purpose and planning something with the people under him."

Hearing Snape's words, Dumbledore frowned instantly.

"Any more news?"

Snape took a deep breath.

"Lucius found me with Floo powder this morning, he looked panicked and stressed countless times, hoping I could protect his son."

"Draco Malfoy?"

"Yes, and three days ago, Narcissa forced me to be his son's godfather, because the Dark Lord gave me instructions to stay at Hogwarts and not to go anywhere, so I used this as an excuse to not go anywhere. promise."

Dumbledore's royal blue eyes were thinking.

"We always knew what special assignment Draco had received from him. At first, Sherlock and I thought he was probably just using Sherlock as a springboard, but the ultimate goal was me. After all, His biggest threat is me."

Snape's face was solemn.

"But what Sherlock did in the summer vacation made his reputation in the magic world not as good as before. With his character, it is very likely that Sherlock will be the first target, and he will still kill him with his own hands. This will restore his lost reputation."

Dumbledore murmured.

"The goal is Harry's words, if he succeeds, he can break the long-standing prophecy in the magic world. If the goal is mine, he can directly solve the only person in the magic world who can confront him head-on. And whether it is I'm still Harry, and he can also gain great popularity, and if you choose Sherlock, in addition to restoring his lost notoriety to the past, he will also have the opportunity to completely get rid of Sally's long-standing hidden in his soul. Soul...but why is he so sure he can kill Sherlock?"

Snape didn't see the slightest impatience in Dumbledore. If according to the current situation, Sherlock was taking Draco outside of Hogwarts, and Voldemort's long-planned dormancy was probably in the This time to besiege him.

"Sherlock told me that he doesn't actually have the ability to fight against the Dark Lord at all. The last time he was able to do that was purely due to some poor information, plus a lot of luck." Snape's tone was clearly anxious.

Dumbledore still had a smile on his face at this time.

"That was Sherlock last June."

Snape didn't understand what Dumbledore meant when he said this. In less than a year from last June to now, how advanced can Sherlock's magic be?

How could even a genius be able to confront Voldemort in such a short period of time?

Dumbledore didn't explain anything to Snape, he turned his head and said softly to a portrait on the wall.

"Doris, can you help me with a trip to the Ministry of Magic? Tell Minister Scrimgeour that I have something important to talk to him about, and I'll be going to the Minister's office soon, so he must make time."

A benevolent witch nodded in response, and disappeared into the frame the next second.

"Phineas." He called out the name of another portrait. "Help me call Minerva and make her walk faster."

In the past, the portrait of the thin old man who would complain when he went out and shouted, without a word of nonsense at this time, he shuttled directly through the portrait, and also left the principal's room.

After doing these two things, Dumbledore seemed to sense Snape's anxiety and smiled slightly. He also knew that although he and Sherlock often hurt each other and neither agreed with the other, the actual relationship between them very nice.

"Don't worry about it, Severus, Sherlock and I are not fools, we all know that the Death Eaters must have a plan for the recent hibernation, and such a plan must be between me, Harry and Sherlock. "

Snape said blankly.

"I'm not worried, I just want to know, since you've all been alerted in advance, why let Sherlock and Draco go out so easily?"

Dumbledore crossed his arms and placed his arms on the desk, the crescent-shaped mirror reflecting white light.

"Voldemort is looking for an opportunity to get rid of the three knots in his heart. Are we not the same as we are struggling to find their hidden stronghold?"

Snape's face suddenly froze, and Dumbledore's words did not end.

"He thinks you are still useful, but he is still vigilant and doesn't give you very much trust. He has always let you stay at Hogwarts, and seldom let you participate in large-scale Death Eater gatherings."

"Does Sherlock take Draco out on purpose every week? Just to use himself as bait to lure the Dark Lord out?"

"He went out with Draco just because he thought the child could be saved." Dumbledore said calmly, "According to what he thought at the beginning, if Draco still had that little conscience in his heart, he wouldn't put himself in every position. Chow and Sherlock went to volunteer at a Muggle orphanage to speak up, and if Draco really has gotten to the point of hopelessness..."

He didn't go on, but even if he didn't, Snape knew what would happen if Draco was really hopeless.

And the current state of affairs is developing towards this situation.


Sherlock reacted immediately after receiving the news from the broken house where Moody and the others were stationed.

"Immediately send Dobby and Kreacher to the orphanage, pick up all the children in it, and let everyone who is on standby in the Order of the Phoenix come over as we prepared in advance."

Faced with the sudden situation, Moody and Lupin's faces were solemn, while Sirius was excited.

He looked like he had been waiting for this day.

At the same time as Sherlock's voice fell, an invisible magic force gathered inward from all directions, and soon it was like a big hood, covering the area within three kilometers with the orphanage as the center.

For this magic, each of the four here is familiar.

Anti-Apparition Magic!

The six wizards who came here immediately blocked this space, obviously with hostility.

Up to now, even if the identity of these six wizards is not certain to be Death Eaters, Sherlock and the others will estimate according to the worst situation.

Immediately, Sherlock and Moody and Sirius did not stay in place. They rushed out of the broken house and ran towards the orphanage, leaving only Lupin to use the special method prepared before to contact Kreacher and More than.

The atmosphere in the orphanage was still very peaceful, and the Muggles couldn't feel the fluctuation of magic power at all. Mrs. Chris was a little surprised, but she wasn't too flustered out of her trust in Sherlock.

"Mr. Forrest, are these two... your friends?"

Sherlock didn't have time to introduce the identities of Moody and Sirius to him, because at this time, with the sound of "Peng", two house-elves, Dobby and Kreacher, had appeared between them.

For these two non-human creatures that appeared out of thin air, except for some children who were still young and did not have a clear understanding of the world, most of the other children felt frightened, and even Mrs. Chris and Haley also fell. With a jump, they subconsciously protected the child in the middle.

"Dobby reports to you, sir."

Dobby, who was wearing decent clothes, bowed to Sherlock, while the older Kreacher gave Sirius a cowardly and disgusting look, and bowed and shouted.

"Master Sirius."

Sherlock instructed the two elves, each with a few children, to leave the orphanage by Apparition.

Even if Mrs. Chris trusts Sherlock again, she will not easily follow his words and do things in the face of such a situation. Sherlock can only use a Confusion Charm first, so that she does not subconsciously feel that there is nothing wrong with it.

But just when all the children were about to leave, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

"What about Draco and Tracy?"

Mrs. Chris, who was under the Confusion Charm, told the truth.

"They went out from the cafeteria together after eating, and now I don't know which classroom they are in."

Sherlock frowned, his control magic enveloped the entire orphanage, and they were soon found on the side of the orphanage near the wall.

"Dobby, you and Kreacher take them with you and come back."

"Dobby got it."

The next moment, Dobby and Kreacher left with the orphanage children.

Sirius looked at Sherlock.

"It was that Malfoy kid who told the Death Eaters your location? And now he's taking a little Muggle girl hostage?"

This is the most reasonable inference, but Sherlock thinks it is not the case.

If Draco had really planned to report their location to Voldemort in the first place, why did he go to the farm with him doing odd jobs?

Acting to numb yourself?

Sherlock didn't think Draco would have such flawless acting skills, otherwise he wouldn't have been so nervous when he took the initiative to come to his desk for the first time in Hogwarts.

"Let's go find those two children first."

Sherlock said, and ran towards where he perceived Draco and Trish.


Draco and Tracey walked out of the canteen together five minutes after Sherlock left the orphanage.

Trish wanted to watch the magic trick Draco performed for him last time, but Draco agreed "reluctantly", but only agreed to show her alone.

"Where did the boss learn magic? Did Mom and Dad teach it?"

Tracey asked, blinking, apparently always curious about the little tricks Draco showed her.

Although Draco has not yet graduated from Hogwarts, he is also well aware of the strength of the Ministry of Magic's enforcement of secrecy laws under the influence of his family environment.

Hogwarts students are not allowed to use magic outside of school. All he dares to use in front of Trish is because he knows that the traces that the Ministry of Magic uses to monitor little wizards cannot accurately locate the individual casting the spell~ www.NovelMTL.com~ With Sherlock, the grown-up wizard, around him, there will be no trouble.

But even an arrogant like Draco would not dare to reveal magic and the existence of Hogwarts directly to a Muggle, even if the other party was only a six or seven year old child.

Whether it's magic or magic in English is "magic", and Draco doesn't need to specifically correct Trish's name.

"Like you said, like the magic masters I saw in the newspaper, of course, I also passed it down from my family. It's just that these things I know are not the same as those people, like circus monkeys. others see it."

While they were talking, they had come to a corner of the courtyard of the orphanage. After lunch, it was lunch break. Few children would come here. If it wasn't for Draco, Mrs. Chris would not let Cui Akane wandered around in the yard alone.

Just as Draco pulled out his wand with a little smugness on his face, he was about to perform an even more magical transfiguration for his little brother Tracy this time.

The wall around them suddenly exploded!

A woman with black curly hair and a playful look in her eyes, followed by two men in black robes with iron masks, appeared in front of them.

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