Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Vol 2 Chapter 408: Grapp

They kept going deep in the forbidden forest. After about an hour, they finally walked out of the dense forest and came to a wide field of vision.

When they got here, Sherlock could already hear a strange sound, like the whistle of a train, which could be heard from far away. It was loud, but it was intermittent, and it stopped intermittently like breathing.

Hagrid scratched his head with some redness on his face.

"He slept well at night."

"It's really good." Sherlock complained, "but the creatures who originally lived here are going to be out of luck, at least they have to move to a place a kilometer away."

While they were talking, there was a rustling sound in the bushes not far away from them. Hagrid looked in that direction with some vigilance, but Sherlock's expression remained unchanged.

After entering the Forbidden Forest, he deployed his own magic control, so even if people hadn't appeared before their eyes, Sherlock knew that this was not the enemy.

Two centaurs stepped out from behind the bushes, one of them had a handsome face, pale blond hair, and his bare upper body did not have as much hair as the other centaurs.

After seeing the person coming, Hagrid's expression was a little embarrassed, but he still greeted him.

"Firenze, it's already so late, you haven't rested yet?"

The centaur named Firenze looked at Hagrid, his expression was kind, but he could see the helplessness in it.

"It's hard to sleep, Hagrid, he's so loud, the whole tribe can't stand it, and he's trying to get close to our territory during the day. Fence is curious."

The centaurs around Firenze were not as polite as him, he said directly and loudly.

"You have to let him go! In this way, we have no way to rest normally, and he has shown aggression. No one can guarantee that he will rush into our tribe one day!"

Hagrid was even more embarrassed, he explained with a lack of confidence.

"Glopp is still a child... Now he's just not very sensible. I will teach him. I believe I can teach him well."

"Before we can teach him well, we will probably be demolished by him as a toy!" said the rough horseman angrily, "We are not discussing this with you, Hagrid! The leader has already said, if you If you don't want him to move out, then we will use violence to evict him!"

Hagrid waved his hands in a panic.

"Oh no no no, Eric, he's my younger brother, there's only such an open space next to your ministry in the entire Forbidden Forest, I can go to your place and explain to the other centaurs, and promise to be disciplined within three days. good he..."

Before Hagrid could finish speaking, Sherlock interrupted him.

"We will find a new habitat for Grapp. That's why I came to the Forbidden Forest tonight, so don't worry, he won't bother you again in the future."

Firenze and Eric only turned their attention to Sherlock at this time. Because of Grapp's problem and Sherlock standing behind Hagrid, most of them were blocked by his broad figure, so they didn't. Didn't notice him.

"You are... Professor Forrest in that school." Firenze's face was a little surprised, as if he knew Sherlock's name.

Sherlock raised his eyebrows, and being able to call out his name meant that the centaurs who had been living in the Forbidden Forest were not completely isolated from the outside world, and they also had access to information.

"I'm Sherlock Forrest, and Dumbledore made a special trip for me to come to the Forbidden Forest today to deal with Grapp's affairs."

Eric and Firenze glanced at each other, and then they bowed their heads to Sherlock together to show their respect.

"Since you have dealt with it, we are willing to follow your arrangement." Firenze said softly, "May the stars guide you, Mr. Forrest."

After speaking, the two centaurs went back the same way in front of them and disappeared into the bushes.

Sherlock stared at Hagrid.

"When did the centaurs become so good at talking?"

Hagrid also looked bewildered.

"I don't know either. Normally, centaurs should be very disgusted and look down on wizards, but they always talk about it, maybe they saw some prophecy in the starry sky."

Sherlock touched his chin in confusion.

He doesn't think it's just because of his current reputation in the wizarding world that the centaurs have such an attitude. Harry's fame was bigger than him before. Listening to their stories about his first grade, the centaurs didn't either. So respectful.

Before Sherlock came back to his senses, Hagrid asked worriedly.

"How are we going to find a new open space for Grapp, other places are also occupied by magical animals, and there is still this open space next to the centaur tribe."

"The Forbidden Forest is so big, even if there is no open space, we can't create an open space?" Sherlock continued to walk in the direction where the snoring came from, "What about the previous eight-eyed spider's territory? I remember that the place was quite big. , your brother is a pure-blooded giant again, even if the stature and stature in the giant tribe are not as strong as other giants, pulling a few trees is not much more difficult than pulling weeds for us, right?"

Hagrid had an embarrassed look on his face.

"It's not that I haven't thought about letting him clear out an open space by himself, but he... um, doesn't listen to me very much."

Sherlock turned his head and glanced at Hagrid, who still had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and couldn't help but smack his lips, knowing that the relationship between their brothers was "deep".

"Disobedient bear boy? If you can't discipline me, then let me come."

When they were talking, they had already arrived at the open space where Hagrid's younger brother Grapp lived temporarily.

The giants of this century are not as big as mountains when they move, as in other fantasy stories. The average height of giants is about 20 feet, which is more than 6 meters.

The height is equivalent to a two-story building, and Hagrid's half-brother Grapp is a small man among the giants, only 16 feet (more than 4 meters), and it is precisely because of this willingness that he Hagrid, who had been bullied in the giant clan before, found him on this trip to find the giant and brought him back to Hogwarts.

But the Forbidden Forest is not Hagrid's private property after all. This forest still belongs to Hogwarts in name. Whether it is public or private, Dumbledore should know about it.

And on the first day Hagrid came back, he found Dumbledore and got permission from him.

But even "Small" Grapp was a giant. Of course, Dumbledore, who knew Hagrid's character, didn't leave this matter to himself so relieved, so he asked Sherlock to help him this afternoon. Take a look.

Grapp was sleeping on the comfortable grass at this time, and his snoring was so loud that the closer he got, the more it made his ears ringing.

"I can't wake him up!"

Hagrid, who stood in front of him like a dwarf, slammed Glop with his fists with great effort, but as he said, his brother slept well and was not bitten by mosquitoes like this. Feeling like waking up.

Of course, this was also the reason why Hagrid obviously didn't want to hit hard. Sherlock waved at Hagrid, motioning him to step back, and then snapped his fingers at Grapp.

The next second, Grapp's upper body seemed to be suddenly pushed up by some huge force, and he sat up from the ground like this.

If he doesn't wake up like this, then he shouldn't be called a giant, just a giant pig.

The snoring came to an abrupt end, and Grapp opened his pierced eyes in confusion and looked down at Sherlock and Hagrid.

It took five or six seconds for him to react, and he roared with dissatisfaction and irritability, then raised his fist and smashed it to the ground.

Fortunately, he still saved Hagrid a little bit of face, he just thumped to vent his anger when he got up, and had no intention of attacking Sherlock and the others.

The distance from the ground shook twice, and although it was not to the extent that the ground was shaking, it also made the soles of the feet tremble.

Sherlock frowned at the child-like, mentally unsound Grapp in front of him.

"Can he communicate?"

Hagrid said, "You can communicate, but he doesn't usually want to communicate with me. I've been trying to teach him English since I brought him to the Forbidden Forest."

Sherlock nodded.

"As long as you can communicate, then tell him now and let him go to the former territory of the eight-eyed giant spider, clean it up by himself, and live there in the future."

"He probably won't be able to agree. He was very satisfied when I brought him here." Hagrid said hesitantly.

"Just do what I say first."

According to Sherlock, Hagrid tried to communicate with Grapp and told him the general idea.

But in the end, as he said, Grapp didn't seem very happy. He shook his big head and said something Sherlock couldn't understand, but even if he guessed, he could guess that he was refusing. .

Hagrid shook his head helplessly at Sherlock, but Sherlock didn't show any disappointment on his face. He grabbed a lot of wands from his pocket, and the last two hundred wands were all suspended in the grid. Around Loop, the tip of the staff was aimed at him.

Hagrid paled in shock.

"Sherlock, he still has help!"

"Don't be nervous." Sherlock comforted Hagrid, "I'll take care of my senses, I won't hurt him, just let him know what it means to be obedient."

Grapp is a giant, but giants are not fools. With so many wands facing him, he naturally felt Sherlock's hostility.

He stood up from the ground, roared, and waved his big hand, like driving away mosquitoes, trying to drive away the magic wands floating around him.

But just before he made his move, hundreds of wands were picked one by one!

The next moment, Grapp floated into the air.

He looked extremely flustered. The feeling of being in the air without being able to touch the ground made him feel no sense of security in his heart. He struggled desperately in mid-air, but in vain.

Hagrid opened his mouth wide and watched Sherlock subdue Grapp so easily. He could imagine that Sherlock would be very strong, but it was a bit exaggerated to make a giant unable to fight back.

After all, although the giants are not very good at using their brains, and their bodies are huge, their reactions are very slow, and they are easily hit by magic spells, but they also have magic resistance no less than that of fire dragons.

Spells like the Floating Spell, without one hundred and eighty wizards casting the spell together, would hardly be able to take effect on giants.

And now Hagrid is the first time he has seen Sherlock's method of casting spells with multiple wands.

Sherlock didn't care about Hagrid's shocked gaze. In the past, even if he used the Levitation Charm with two hundred wands, he couldn't control the giants. It wasn't because the giants were too heavy, but because they were too heavy. magic resistance is too high.

It was not until recently that he completed the third soul stitching with the remnant soul in the locket. The magic power was greatly strengthened, and the control of magic was far better than before, so that the spell can be enhanced to this level.

He directly led Grapp towards the eight-eyed spider's territory. Grabb was of course dishonest along the way. He kept struggling and roaring like a drowning man, but it was all in vain.

Hagrid just followed Sherlock's side, and the two took Grapp to the territory of the once-eight-eyed giant spider.

This place has been burnt to a white field more than three years ago, but recently, some new plants have grown up relying on the nutrients left by the grass and tree ash.

The reason why Hagrid didn't choose this place at first is because the terrain here is not flat, there are potholes everywhere, and there are many roots of trees that have not been completely burnt, which is very troublesome to take care of.

Sherlock directly threw Grapp, who had basically given up his struggle, into a big pit.

Grapp, who had regained his freedom, felt that he could stand up again. He thought that before Sherlock could control it, it was purely his sneak attack. As long as he was prepared in his heart, he would definitely not be subdued so easily.

Grapp roared and wanted to rush up from the big pit, and stretched out his hand in Sherlock's direction, as if he was going to grab him.

Sherlock just waved his hand expressionlessly, and moved with hundreds of wands beside him, casting a repelling spell.

An incomparably huge force collided with Grapp, who wanted to rush out of the big pit, and directly turned the person he hit on his back, like a meat ball, and rolled back under the pit.

Grapp shook the dirt from his hair, his brain only had one tendon, and rushed towards Sherlock again.

No accident, he was knocked to the ground again, and after repeating this five times in a row, each time he fell to the ground, the magnitude of the fall became bigger and bigger, and the fifth time he even sat on the ground and slid back seven or eight meters before it was completed. After stopping, Grapp was finally honest, and he bowed his head in acknowledgment.

The rules in the giant group are like this, whoever has the bigger fist has the right to speak.

"Tell him about it now. If you want to live here, just sort out an open space for yourself."

Hagrid calmly repeated Sherlock's words.

In this way, one of them is the black face and the other is the white face, and they are obedient to Grapp's rectification, at least now they can listen to what Hagrid said to him.

At the beginning, it didn't think that it needed to use a weapon in the face of such an opponent, but at this moment it had to take out the weapon, otherwise, it would have been unable to resist. Rebirth from the ashes will continue to consume, and once the power of one's own bloodline is consumed excessively, it will also damage the source.

"I have to say, you exceeded my expectations. But now I have to use all my strength." Following Cao Yuwei's words, the Phoenix True Flame converged towards it like a sea of ​​rivers, and actually took back the Phoenix True Flame Domain. .

The blazing phoenix real fire condensed and formed around its body, turning into a magnificent golden-red armor covering the whole body. Holding a sword, it stared at Young Master Mei like a demon.

Young Master Mei did not pursue, but stood in the distance, slightly calming down his agitated mood. Although this battle did not last long, her emotions were becoming more and more excited.

Before she really faced the undead phoenix at the level of the Great Demon King, she didn't know if she could really resist. Her confidence all came from what Tang San gave before. And as the battle continued, when she really began to suppress her opponent, and she also protected herself from the Phoenix True Fire with the help of the Seven-Colored Sky Fire Liquid, she knew that she could really do it.

Over the past hundred years, Tang San has instructed her on many fighting skills, all of which are most suitable for her to use. Just like the previous Nether Thorn, Nether Hundred Claws. There is also the sword Xinghan who just stabbed Cao Yuwei's finger for the first time. According to Tang San, these are all real magical skills, and they were taught to Young Master Mei after his slight changes, and they were all the most suitable for her to use.

The more he used these abilities, the more Young Master Mei couldn't help subduing Tang San's heart. When Tang San first told her that these belonged to the category of divine skills, she still had some doubts in her heart. However, at this time, she can continuously traumatize and oppress her opponents. If it is not a magical skill, how can she do it under the gap of cultivation?

At this moment, all the emperors standing above the Emperor Tianzhu were all impressed by this little girl. When the Phoenix True Flame Domain appeared, what they were thinking about was how long Young Master Mei could last in this domain. The White Tiger Demon Emperor and the Jingfeng Demon Emperor were even ready to come to the rescue. However, as the battle continued, they were stunned to see that Young Master Mei had actually suppressed a great demon king of the undead Huofeng clan, in a real sense, and even forced him to be reborn from the ashes. how incredible

Just as Cao Yuwei thought in his heart, the great demon king of the first-level bloodline is not the same thing as the ordinary great demon king! Not to mention the descendants of the top three powerful races in the Tianyu Empire. In terms of profound background, it is not impossible that the undead Huofeng lineage is the strongest in the Tianyu Empire. After all, the Tianhu tribe is not good at fighting.

But that's how it was, he was actually suppressed by the beautiful young master who was one rank lower. The peacock demon clan doesn't even have an emperor now! Young Master Mei was still a ninth-rank existence more than half a year ago, and he was still participating in the Ancestral Court Elite Tournament. And today, after more than half a year, she can actually compete with the Great Demon King, then give her a few more years, how strong will she be? How long does it take for her to become an emperor? The emperors present all felt a little unbelievable at this time, because the strength displayed by the beautiful son was really beyond their expectations!

The Great Demon Emperor Tianhu frowned slightly, his eyes narrowed, not knowing what he was thinking.

From his point of view, everything he wants to do is for the better continuation of the monster clan and the monster clan, and for the fairy land to always exist as the core of the entire plane.

The reason why he targeted this little girl was because when she won the championship, he had felt something unusual in her, and also felt a stronger threat from her companion. Even as an emperor, he can feel this threat, and the threat is not himself, but the one he guards.

That's why he secretly led the Dark Demon King to hunt down Tang San and Young Master Mei.

After the Dark Demon King returned, he said that there was a power similar to the Sea God blocking him, but he had already eliminated him, and that kid named Shura was completely wiped out. The Heavenly Fox Demon Emperor really couldn't feel the luck that belonged to Shura anymore.

So, as long as the little girl in front of you needs to be strangled in the cradle, or at least interrupt her luck, then the threat should disappear.

However, even the Heavenly Fox Demon Emperor himself did not expect that Young Master Mei's growth rate could be so fast. In just over half a year, not only has he succeeded in transcending the calamity, he has also been able to compete with the first-level bloodline powerhouses at the level of the Great Demon King. The stronger the ability she shows, the more the Heavenly Fox Demon Emperor will naturally be able to feel the threat from her. And the threat has risen to a new level.

The sword in Cao Yuwei's hand flashed a dazzling golden-red light, and his whole body was murderous. Taking a step forward, the sword was cut out. The sky suddenly twisted violently. The blazing sword intent shrouded Mikoko's body directly.

It's still tricky.

Young Master Mei's expression did not change, he took the initiative to take a step forward, and another mysterious circle of the sky swayed out.

The incomparably powerful blow of the battle knife was once again thrown aside. There are top-level powerhouses present, and they can all see that the skill that Young Master Mei is using now is definitely a divine skill among divine skills. UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com The opponent's strength is obviously much stronger than hers, but it just can't break her super defense.

But no one doubts the origin of this ability. After all, the best talent of the Peacock Monster Clan is to move the stars. Her skills are in the same way as the stars.

After defusing Cao Yuwei's attack this time, Young Master Mei did not rush to attack, but just stood still.

Cao Yuwei frowned slightly, is this little girl's perception so sharp? After he turned his armor into flames, he had other means. If Young Master Mei kept up with the attack, then he would be sure to use this means to restrain her. But Young Master Mei didn't step forward, so his ability to be ready to go had to be interrupted.

The battle sword was cut out again, and the powerful sword intent was a bit stronger than before. Cao Yuwei also followed the sword.

The secret ling in the hand of Young Master Mei was once again the profound circle of the sky, and with a teleportation, he switched his position. While resolving the opponent's attack, it also resolves the opponent's lock. And the next moment, she was already on the other side. The golden-red light on Cao Yuwei's body flashed away, if it wasn't for her dodging quickly, another ability would undoubtedly have come.

Fight for consumption! It seems that she is going to fight with Cao Yuwei to consume.


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