
Chapter 24: Change

Ever since the birth the birth of the four elemental laws, the world has changed. The world was divided into four direction. East, west, north, and south. And depending on the type of pillar, many changes happened.

Like in the north, the land become ice and icebergs were form. In the south, a lot of volcanoes was born, the land there also became hotter than the other parts of the world. In the east, many islands came out of the sea and a huge continent was form. In the west, a lot of mountains came to existence.

Other than that, four subworld/plane was born. The fire plane, the earth plane, the water plane, and the wind plane. In each of these plane, race known as elemental spirits who have the elements as their bodies was born. The intelligence of the four elemental spirit varies, with the stronger they are, the smarter they became. The most interesting if them all is the fire plane which has many divine power in them. It seem that Hephaestus/Vulcan's creation of many diffrent fire have been imprinted in the laws of fire, causing different fires to be born naturally in the world which inturn cause the fire plane to have a lot of diffrent fire.

The animals and plants in the world have also expience some changes. Some of them gain special properteties. There are trees that have fire as their leaf and grew fruits that can guve mortals the power of fire. There are beast as big as a mountain. There are giant turtles that grew an island on their back. There are birds that can create ice. There are flowers that create gust of winds with it's petals. There are even lizards that grew wings. To differentiate them, Gaia name the beast that gained special abilities monsters while the one that doesn't will be called animals. Demeter also called these plants that gained special abilities, spirit plants.

Some new gods have also been born. Apolo the the third god of the sun and Artemis the second goddess of the moon was born from the affair of Zeus and Leto a titan. When Hera Found out that Leto was pregnant with Zeus's children, she became very angry. She use a favour from Posieden to make Leto unable to give birth at sea and to drown any island that Leto step on. Hera also sent her pet pyton to terrorize Leto. So Leto in pain due to unable to give birth ran accross the world, trying to find a safe place to give birth in. Luckily she found Hephaestus who led Leto to his island, Limmos. Posieden unwilling to offend Hephaestus, pretended that he lost her. And so Apolo and Artemis was born. Due to Leto will to protect her children and guve birth to them, she was guven the priesthood of motherhood making her the goddess of motherhood.

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