Chapter 25: The Meeting
It's been a while since I gain the divine Craftman Position. During this time, I was summoned by Zeus to Olympus with the reason that I have replaced Vulcan as one of the twelve gods of Olympus. In olympus I had a meeting with the other gods. It was quite awkward.
Flash back
On a room with twelve thrones stand twelve gods.
Zeus the god of heaven
Posieden the god of the sea
Hephaestus the Divine Craftman.
Ares the god of war
Aphodite the goddess of love
Athena the goddess of wisdom
Demeter the goddess of plants
Hera the goddess of marriage
Helios the god of the sun
Selene the goddess of the moon
Themis the goddess of order
Prometheus the god of knowledge
Zeus "So what should we call you divine Craftman? Vulcan ?"
Hephaestus "Just call me Hephaestus. Although Vulcan is me, he is also not me. After all, he has his own wisdom."
Ares "Well helooooo Brother"
Helios "So.. Hephaestus I've been wanting an innate weapon.. can you make it for me ?"
Selene "Me too I want an innate weapon too."
Themis "I also would like a weapon"
Hephaestus "Fine I'll make it but you have to prepare the materials"
Aphrodite "Well I have to say I'm a bit dissapointed. You're not as handsome as your Vulcan clone"
Hephaestus "Well that's not very polite"
Aphrodite "Love is anything but polite"
Zeus "ENOUGH!! Let's not forget the goal of this meeting. Hephaestus... now that you are a god of Olympus I have a job for you. I would Like you to renovate heaven and make it have it's own defence system. As the divine craftman you be able to do it."
Hephaestus "Hmmm I don't see why I should Listen to you ?"
Hephaestus " I'm not a god though.... after all a god is beings that have priesthood and I sacrifice my priesthood to gain the Divine Craftman Position. But ai suppose I can do your job as long as the materials Ihave been prepared"
Zeus "GOOD!!! Don't worry, I have prepared a lot of materials"
Hephaestus "Good, when will we begin ?"
Flashback End
After the meeting I took the material that Zeus prepared and started renovating.
I split Heaven into twelve part with each part having a temple that us also an innate weapon. I also created a formation connecting these temples. If needed, the twelve temple can be connected to create a barrier that protects Heaven. These temple are also hom to the twelve gods of Olympus. I also created other residence for other gods.
Note : most of the gods lived in heaven, mount olympus is just the gate way to heaven.