Chapter 23: Aftermath (not that important)
Due to the birth of the four primordials, a lot of things happened.
First, other than dividing the world into four direction; east, west, south, and north. The birth of the four primordials also led to the birth of the four seasons ehead of time. And as compensation for some of the gods who had their authority taken, the world gave them the newly born four seasons authority. With Helios who got his fire authority taken from him gaining the authority of summer and Demeter who got her earth authority taken from her gaining the authority of spring
Other than that, due to Oceanus and Tethys fusing into Neptune and regaining their water priesthood. Their old priesthood was broken which allowed the last part of sea priesthood that Posieden needed to go to the great god rank just like his brothers to appear. Which allowed Posieden to finally condence all the authority of the sea and fuse his priesthood with his divine body thus becoming the incarnation of the sea.
Not only that the birth of the innate weapon system also cause a bit of an aftermath. Due to it's birth many innate weapons was born.
[The ranking of innate weapons are : low grade innate weapons -> middle grade innate weapons -> high grade innate weapons -> ultimate grade innate weapons]
Weapons such as zeus's lighting bolt, Hades's helmet, and Posieden's tritent automaticly became an ultimate grade innate weapon. Other than those three, the eye of the world that was sacrifice to the will of the world is also in this rank.
Hestia's lantern that was given by Hephaestus to her to house her fire of purification also became a high grade weapon. A scythe that was made from the fragmant of a weapon used by Kronus to kill his father is also in this grade. Along with the gate of Hephaestus and some other weapons.
After Hephaestus appeared, Zeus also realize that Hephaestus and Vulcan is the same person/god. So when Vulcan became a primordial thus no longger able to hold a seat in the councel olympus, Zeus made Hephaestus his replacement.
Other than that due to the birth of the four primordials, Gaia's bond with the world is weaken since the four elements replace her as the foundation of the world.