Chapter 12: Gaia and Hephaestus's talk
Hephaestus POV
It's been a while since I talked with Gaia. During this time I have been busy trying to create fires that can accomadate diffrent laws. I have also been collecting the materials needed to make the pillars. Speaking of pillars, me and gaia also talked about the gods who will fuse with the pillars later.
Gaia : I see... do you any candidate for the other three pillars ?
Hephaestus : Well I have one. Atlas. Although he is the god of strength, it is known that he has quiet a bit of wind authority that he use a lot in battles. Not only that, he currently have the position of carier of the sky. So if he fuse with one if the piller, the piller will be able to gain this position thus making the replacement much more easier.
Gaia : hmm I see, a good choice. For the earth pillar, I'm thinking of Uria.
Hephaestus : Uria ? Isn't he dead ?
Gaia : Well technicaly. See when Uria was killed. Uranus put his devine personality and divine soul in a gem and gave it to me. And after cointless years, I have mastered his soul making it so that even if he rivives he will always be my subordanate. Currently he is still sleeping in the gem.
Hephaestus : Well great I guess ? We have a ready candidate then. Do you have any recommendation on the god of water ?
Gaia : Yes actually... Neptune
Hephaestus : Neptune ? Whose that ?
Gaia : Well he is oceanus and tethys before they become them.
Hephaestus : excuse me ?
Gaia : Well, when Uranus killed Pontus. Although he manage to destroy Pontus devine body and personality, he wasn't able to destroy Pontus divine soul. So as a back up plan, in case Pontus ressurect, Uranus fed Pontus divine body to one of my children, Neptune the god if water. This causes Neptune to split into two beings, Oceanus and Tethys.
Hephaestus : I see but how will you convince them to become one again ?
Gaia : I don't need too. Ever since the Titan war, they have been looking for a way to fuse with each other. However the pontus authority have polluted them, making it impossible to fuse. And you said, the world will probably help the gods that fuse with the piller to primordial level. So the world will probably help them take out the pollution, giving them a chance to become one again.
Hephaestus : Why would they want to become one anyway ?
Gaia : Because if they don't they will die. See posieden have been trying to take back his authority. And currently he has already started his plan by making oceanus and tethys children his subordinate. If they don't give Posieden his authority back, Posieden will do anything to make sure they die. After all, withput their authority, Posieden won't be able to breakthrough to great god just like his brothers.
Hephaestus : what do you mean guve back ?
Gaia : Didn't I tell you Posieden was Pontus.
Hephaestus : huh ?!?
Flashback End
Ever since then, I've been preparing for it.
Luckily Gaia said that she will be the one to convince Atlas, Oceanus, and Tethys of the plan. So I don't have to worry that much about it. I just have to continue strengthening myself.