
Chapter 11: The four Elements Theory

Hephaestus POV

The four elements theory. This theory was from one of my reincarnation who lives in a world where humans can control one of the four elements of fire, water, earth, and wind.

Similar to most world, humans were the domanant creature of that world. These humans are devided into four groups. The fire tribe, water tribe, earth tribe, and wind tribe.

My reincarnation was born in the earth tribe and unfortunately he didn't have the power of the earth. This causes him to research these powers. Similar to me, he use his past life memories to gain power. From it he gain the power to control chi.

He made himself famous by becoming a doctor who traveled the world and saved many people. But secreatly he is an 3xplorer who seek the truth. Everytime he treats his patient, he would scan their body using chi and record them.

He then discovered the origin of power of four elements. He discovered that his world was made of four elements namely fire, water earth, and wind. Litterly. Like everything is made of these four elements. Even the human there is just a combanation of four elements given form. Their blood is made of water element, their bones were made of the earth element, their organs were made of a weird combanation between four elements.

From this, he discovered how to use his chi to control the four elements and spread it everywhere causing him to be revered as the Four elements Patriarch. He created the four elements Theory that states that everything is made of fire, water, earth, and wind or a weird fusion of it.

And this is what I want to do.

I want to create a connection between the four elements in this world similar that world and make these elements replace gaia as the foundation of the world.

Of course I didn't want to do this by the goodness of my hearth. I plan to go through nirvana during the replacement.

I will forge four pillars. Each representing the four elements. These pillars will be staitioned in four different direction of the world and will be use to replace Atlas.

During the replacement, four gods with each representing one of the four elements will fuse with the pillar and forcebly connect the pillar with each other. This will create some sort of formation that will divide the world into four diraction; east, west, north, and south. The east will be rich in earth elements. The west will be rich in wind elements. The north will be rich in water elements and the south will be rich in fire elements.

Not only that these gods that fuse with the pillars will become the spirit of the pillar and become one with the world. And if my theory is right, the world will forcebly help these gods collect all authority representing the four elements making the go to rank of great gods. Then the connection of the four elements will help promote each other causing them to become primordials. Or what I would call primordial spirit.

See from what gaia told me about the primordials. I divided them into three.

The the primordial gods which are gaia, erebus, and nyx since they have wisdom and a devine body.

The aspect primordial which are primordials that doesn't have wisdom but technicaly have a body but it can't be used since they don't have wisdom like uranus, tartatus, moira.

Then a new one that I will call the primordial spirits. Unlike the other two, this type of primordials will have their body fuse into the world. They litterly are one with the world but they still have wisdom.

I (Hephaestus) will be one of the the gods that will 'sacrifice' themself. But I will first condence the Vulcan seed that will replace my devine soul as the wisdom of primordial fire spirit. Then during the sacrifice I will cut part of my divine personality that represent the god of fire. Letting them and my body fuse into the pillars. After that during the connection period my newly born vulcan clone will use his authority to send me to a new body so that I can be revived. Then I will shed my ugly body and get a new one while getting the craftman priesthood. After all, I will forge the pillars of the world. I should be able to become the god of craft with this achievement.

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