
Chapter 13: Traveling

As the moon and sun continue hanging in the sky together, the sound of a hammer striking something can be heard.

Clang clang Clang clang Clang

It was Hephaestus forging what looked like a spear with an edge that glow blue and an body that emits cold.

"Done ! It works ! I can infuse the fire I made into weapons. Now what should I call you... you were made of rocks that was born near Erebus, wood from a nymph, and infuse with a different fire that I made with the laws of ice.


Note : In this novel, darkness is the one that cover the world from things outside so what he means is that these are rocks that from the outside world that was caught by Erebus.

As he finnish his forging, Hephaestus continued travelling experimenting with his flame priesthood. Trying to create new flames.

He went to the dept of the earth and created the earth fire which are fires that have a great ability to temper rocks and metals.

He went to the a mountain that is ravage by tornadoes and created the sky fire which have the ability to create fiery tornadoes.

He went to the debt of the sea and created a blue flame that doesn't produce heat and can exist underwater. It has the ability to purify water.

He went to the battle field of the Titan war where he saw many laws. He created the lighting flame by understanding the crater created by Zeus during his fight.

He created the hell flame by understanding a corpse that was killed by Hades.

He created the Wood flame by understanding the plants left by Demeter during her fight.

He created the flame of resentment by gathering the resentment in the battle field

He created the ghost flame by gathering the souls of mortals that died in the battlefield

It was also in that battlefield that he met Hestia who was using her flame of purification to clear the resentment in the battle field.

"It's YOU" said Hestia

"Excuse me, do I know you ?" Asked Hephaestus

"Your Hera's child, the new god of fire. I'm Hestia, your aunt the god of kindness. What's your name ?" said Hestia

[In this novel, god's name are given by the will of the world not their parents or family]

"Oh I'm vulcan, nice to meet you !" Said Hephaestus

"By the way, I really love the work that you've been doing. The volcanoes you created is a genius and ever since then the laws of fire have been growing really fast" said Hestia

"Yea, I've been creating different fires" said Hephaestus

"Different fires ? What that ?" Asked Hestia

"Oh their like your flame of purification and Helios's sun fire which are flames that have the attributes of other laws. I call them different fires since their different from the usual fire" said Hephaestus

"Wow how many different fires have you created ?" Asked Hestia

"I have created twenty six diffrent fire with each of them having diffrent laws" said Hephaestus

"Cool, by the way where do you live ? Maybe I can visit you sometime !" Said Hestia

"I'll tell you if you promise not to bring and tell anyone without my permision. I don't really want to be disturbed much currently..." said Hephaestus

"Okay I promise... by the way, whats with your hood ? Its blocking your face" said Hestia

"Oh this... I am wearing it to hide my face" said Hephaestus

"Why ?" Asked Hestia

"To hide myself.... anyway I lived on the island of limmos it's near the temple of tethys. If you want to meet me just talked to the sea nymphs near there, they will lead you to my island. BYE! " said Hephaestus

After Hephaestus escape from Hestia he continued his travel. Hephaestus continued creating many different fire during his journey. He also found many materials and weapon fragments that he can use to hone his skills.

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