Chapter 49: The Morning After
Chapter 49: The Morning After
The night had passed.
The dust had settled a bit.
September met with Junk in the kitchen. The Minotaur was sitting at the dining table. He had an entire chicken for himself on a silver plate. The large chicken was perfectly cooked and ready to be eaten. Junk hadn't eaten in a long, long time, but there was only one minor problem at hand… The Minotaur wasn't hungry at all.
"You are not eating?" September asked him as she slowly walked back into the kitchen. Joining him during breakfast.
"No," he turned his head to her. "How's April?" he asked.
"Better," the Autumn witch simply replied to him. She was walking much better than she was earlier during the night. She went to sit down on a chair next to Junk. She pulled her own chair.
"Then, is she going to be okay?" he asked her.
"She will. Whatever you did to her, the venom is rapidly being extracted out of her body," she explained to him.
"Really? In what way?" the Minotaur continued asking.
"Some venom is coming out of her mouth. Some of it is coming out of other orifices, such as her pussy and her pussy. I saw some coming out through her nipples as well," the witch explained. The room was silent for the most part. September didn't speak abundantly loud. She took her time. Slowly spoke. It wasn't the happiest of times. The both of them were so tired, they could go back to sleep and wake up the next day. But there was still so much to do.
"That is great. Can I see her?" the Minotaur asked her.
"She is still unconscious. But yes. You are going to be able to see her soon. Allow her some more time to rest, and then it should be okay. It's just that the spell I conjured on her is still processing the venom out of her. She still needs a bit more time. That's all," she said
"Right. I see," he briefly replied to her. Nodding.
"You are not eating? How come?" she asked him again.
"Not feeling it with April is such a bad space," he mentioned.
"You haven't eaten in days. Don't bug yourself down because of what happened. Don't stop yourself from eating and getting back your strengths because she is unconscious. She is getting better."
"Good. Because I really want to eat that chicken," he said.
"Well, go right ahead. Don't let it cool down," she smiled.
"But you just said that I need to get my strengths back. This chicken smells amazing, but it's not going to do much to give me back the energy that I lost. But I sure know what would," he said.
"Um… You are not wrong about that. I used my mana to conjure this spell on April and her body to process the venom out of her veins. But the good news is that more mana is flowing through my body as we speak. It's coming back. This means that more mana milk is also coming back to me," she said, confirming it. It was finally something positive for the Minotaur, who now looked paler than ever. A different and ghostly version of his former self.
"Really? Would I be able to have some soon?" he asked.
"Yes. In the next hour or so, I believe," she confirmed.
"Yes! Great! I can't wait!" the Minotaur shouted.
"But you'll have to be ready for when there is mana milk coming out of my nipples. You gotta eat first. Then, we'll speak about magical milk. You hear me?" the dark mistress explained to him.
"Absolutely! Let me take care of it!" These were the last words he said before turning back to his breakfast and finally brought back some more attention to the perfectly cooked and steamy chicken. It was finally time for the beast to eat. Exactly what September was hoping for him to do. She liked that much better. Especially when he began taking huge bites of the chicken. Beginning with one giant wing and taking humongous chunks in his mouth. Devouring everything he could. He was heard chomping on his delicious chicken. Making a carnival of noises. September then stood up and removed herself from the area where the table was in the kitchen. She silently and slowly moved away from him. She was so discreet that Junk never heard stand up and leave him. Well, not until she was pretty far from him in the room. The Minotaur eventually felt the absence of her presence and turned his head around. He looked at her going away. His mouth was completely full. Overfilled with food.
"Hey! Where are you going like that?" he asked her.
"I desperately need a bath," she briefly mentioned.
"Oh! Are you going to bathe outside?" he asked her.
"Outside? Like an animal or something? No, thanks."
"Then, where are you going to go?" he asked her.
"Inside the tower. Where do you want me to bathe?"
"We have a bath in the tower?" he was so innocent.
"Sweetheart. We have an entire floor dedicated to just that: Bathing. And showering," she stopped and informed him.
"An entire floor? Are you kidding?" he was left surprised.
"Yes. That's exactly right," then, she left him alone.
"Hey! Hold on! Can I come with you? Can I watch?"
"Finish eating breakfast first," she told him.
She was gone.
She closed the doors behind her.
"I have to finish first. Got to go fast," Junk said to himself right before brutally shoving the entire rest of his giant-sized chicken inside of his mouth. Shoving it down his throat. Then, in an instant, his breakfast was all done. There was nothing left. Junk stood up in the kitchen and ran after the Autumn witch. Even though she was long gone by now.
September stood in the middle of the bathing floor of the tower. She was alone. She took off her dirt and tore off her clothes. Removed everything. Threw everything on the floor. The Autumn witch was buck naked. Something she wasn't really that often. Ask Junk regarding this! The entire floor of this tower was a massively large hot spring. Warm steam was filling the space all around her. Her body could be seen, but not as well as someone would hope. It wasn't just the steam. There was something else on the floor. There was a ghostly vibe to this place. There were large and tall trees all around the sides of the giant-size pool of water of the hot spring. Trees with yellow, red, purple, and orange leaves. All the same colors that could be seen in the back of her witch robe. A wind could be heard and felt throughout the room. It was almost as if we were outside. But we weren't. Sort of like it was the case for the pumpkin patch room where the Minotaur had gone through this weird experience with one of the pumpkins during the beginning of his Autumn cultivating training. That was a hell of a wild ride, and Junk still didn't fully recover from this. Although, what followed soon right after wasn't exactly easy to deal with either… With the savage and hobgoblin and the demon lord invasion at the tower.
Finally, finding some peace, realizing she hadn't been able for so long, September first set foot in the soothingly hot pool of water of the hot spring and made her way in there. Her body was heating up. Being a secretly, deep horny woman, her body was always heated, but this clearly amplified as she was now knee-deep into the water and then crouched and sat down in the water. She was part of the hot spring now. She sighed in sheer relief. She sat down on the side of the hot spring and her arms rested on rocks behind her. This was it. This was life. Exactly what September had been hoping for ever since she came back to the Autumn tower. Sadly for her, ever since she came back, nothing ever stopped and there was a major problem after the other. But now, everything was over… For now at least… The battles were over, and she could rest in the hot spring of the tower which she not only considered her little, sacred place where she went to rest after a long, long day at work, but also the place where she strictly preferred to bathe. Yes, September didn't come with nothing. Well, she did. But as she kept her head up and her eyes shut and relaxed, she remembered the big and main reason as to why she came here in the first place. September suddenly opened her eyes. Snapped the fingers of her right hand. An orange spark of mana erupted from her fingers and a bar of orange swiftly appeared. It was summoned out of thin air and showed up in the palm of her right hand.
"Time to wash," she said to herself out loud. Then, the next moment, she began washing herself. Rubbing the bar of soap a little all over her body. Began by washing her big breasts. Squeezing and making the bar of soap slide between her majestic rack. Then, on the other side of the room, loud footsteps were heard. Echoing all over the hot springs floor. Someone pushed the gates of the room. It was Junk. He was finally there. He stopped at the entrance of the room. Panting. Out of breath.
"I'm all done eating, September!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. Then, he picked everything up. He ran again. This time, he made it up to the Autumn witch. He stood on the side of the pool of water. The water was almost completely filled with soap bubbles at this point during her bath.
"It took you more time than I originally thought."
"Did you teleport here?"
"I might have done something like that…"
"Well, that's not something I can do, so…"
"So, why did you want to come watch me take a bath, Junk?" she asked him.
"Does it even need to be elaborated upon? You are naked. I don't see you naked often. Not anywhere near enough."
"You don't need to see me naked all the time. You have April for that, if I can correctly remember," she told him.
"Yes. You're right. I still have her," he admitted to her.
"Okay. Why are you awkwardly standing there?" she asked him. The Minotaur was indeed strangely standing on the side of the pool of water on a bunch of rocks as she bathed. This time, September's back was facing the horned beast. He could see her big butt, her large hips, and her side-boobs, but not much else.
"Because I am waiting for you to turn around to see more."
"I see…" she slowly and seductively turned around. Faced him for the first time since his arrival on this floor. Directly showed her big witchy tits to him. If the beast was already hard. He was even harder now. His dick throbbed out of his armor through a hole built right into the armored crotch region of the magical armor set. He was also still carrying his battle ax in his back. Needless to say, he took the weapon off of his back and came out of the armor not too long after she had turned around. "Does this satisfy you?" she asked.
"Why take the armor off?" she asked him.
"I want to join you."
"But it's my hot spring."
"But I'm dirty."
"Well, we can agree on that…" she observed as she saw Junk completely naked for the first time in a while. The young man was covered in dirt and mud. He was disgusting. "Come on in."
"Thanks," he stepped into the water. Making a big splash. "You also need to feed me. I'm starving. I feel like I'm going to pass out again," he mentioned to her as he made his way up to her and towered over her in the warm and soothing water.
In reaction to him mentioning the fact that she was required to give him her milk, both of her nipples suddenly began lactating. Her breasts were finally producing fresh mana milk. Her nipples were dripping with the thick and creamy milk.
"I believe it's time," she said.
Junk moved closer to her and sloppily inserted one of her nipples inside of his mouth. He began sucking on it and enjoying her milk.