Harvesting The Witch Queen

Chapter 50: Fall

Chapter 50: Fall

"So, this is the place?" the former Witch Queen asked him.

"It's the place."

Deep into the night, Junk and September went back to the place where it all began: The small village where the cauldron prison was. The place where the Minotaur had been kept as a prisoner for so long. It was a peaceful night in the area surrounding the prison. It was calming. The sky was clear. Almost no black clouds in sight. 

"Then, we have no time to lose. Let's do it," she said. The witch then lifted her leafy scepter in the air. Closed her eyes. Murmured something. She was casting a spell. By the time the wooden end of the scepter hit back the ground, a mist began building up all around them. The thick mist was moving in the direction of the cauldron-shaped prison. Enveloping it. They were guards outside. They were soon surrounded by that mist. They reacted to it. They didn't say anything about it out loud, but they looked around. Didn't understand the fact that everything was normal and clear one second and that there was a blinding mist surrounding them the other. They set themselves on guard. Waiting for something to happen. Waiting for someone to come to them. But even though they were prepared for the most part as they readied their swords, they were not ready for what was about to come their way. The two human men who were the only guards outside were surprised with the arrival of a woman, running into the mist, running toward them. The woman was no other than the former Witch Queen herself, September, but they didn't know that. Yes, she was wearing the same clothes as usual. But this time, she had a mask over her face, covering her mouth and her nose. She ran as fast as she could in the mist. Her big tits were bouncing up and down as she made her way toward them. 

"Hey, who the hell is that?" one of the two men asked.

"I have no idea. She looks pretty cute," the other blushed.

"Whoever she is, she is not getting through," the two men were waiting for her. However, the closer she was getting toward them, the more that they were bewitched by her natural charms. The men became softer. By the moment she made it up to them, they were no longer interested in fighting her. She stopped not too far from them. Crossed her arms together and waited for them to come to her. 

"Hey, you, there, what are you doing here?" one guard asked.

"..." she didn't say anything back. But she stared at them.

"My buddy here asked you a question. Answer him." And at this specific moment, a dark and tall shape mystically appeared behind the two guards in the mist. It could only have been one person and one person only, Junk. The shape of his horns could be seen in the mist. He slowly moved behind the two guards, while the masked Autumn witch acted as a pure distraction. Junk suddenly grabbed them both at the same time and pulled them backward in his direction. He swallowed them in the mist and broke their necks. He did so at the exact time. One arm was more than sufficient to break them. Defeated them. Then, Junk pulled on their bodies and perfectly made them lie on the ground, so they would be fully hidden by the mist. 

"Good night," the dark mistress whispered afterwards. 

"They didn't do much to stop you," Junk told her.

"They…" she paused, took the time to remove the mask that she had over her face, and did so as sensually as she could. "... Didn't have the time to do anything. You did a great job," she congratulated him. The Minotaur was wearing his full set of armor and carried his bronze battle ax in his back. He was ready for a big battle. 

"So, do we go in now?" Junk asked his general. 

"We're good. We have their keys," she said after bending over and grabbing the keys from the body of one of the two guards. 

"Nice," the Minotaur smiled. This was going pretty well. 


Not too long after, the duo infiltrated the cauldron prison. No alarms had been heard. No other guards within the walls of the prison had heard or noticed anything just yet. This was quite surprising considering the fact that one of the two who was infiltrating himself was big and tall and huge. The thick mist which also infiltrated itself inside the prison surely helped for that. 

The heist continued. Junk and September successfully managed to make it in the wings of the prison, which had actual cells and cages. Prisoners, just like Junk once was. There were humans there and other monsters as well such as centaurs, goblins, orcs, ghouls, undead, and more… September tried unlocking some of these cells and cages with the keys that they stole from one of the guards, but none of them were working on them. 

"Can't we free any of them?" Junk asked the Autumn witch. 

"No. It doesn't work. The keys don't work," she replied.

"Well, use your magic instead," he wanted her to do.

"You are so funny. That's the first thing I tried. That doesn't work either. The lockets of the cells and cages are magic-proof. Which makes sense considering the fact that many of these creatures possess and use magic," she pointed out to the Minotaur.

"What are we going to do then?" Junk demanded her. 

"I think I might have an idea. But I won't be able to do anything with it without you. Do you remember where the warden of this prison operated?" September asked Junk as she moved away from the cell and cages. Walking away with the Minotaur.

"I believe I do. Why?" he asked her. 


"Can you believe it? We already went through half of Fall," the warden of the prison, a beautiful blonde woman with massively large tits, said while sitting behind her desk in her office. She was not alone. She was spending the night with her assistant, a man who wore similar armor as to what the guards were wearing outside earlier. 

"Tomorrow. Tomorrow will be the halfway point of Fall, ma'am."

"Or you mean in two minutes? It's almost midnight."

"Yes, that would be right, ma'am," he agreed with her. 

"Was the selection made for tonight?" she asked him. 

"Yes, ma'am. We will be sacrificing a total of twelve prisoners over the course of the night. Three men and nine monsters," he said.

"Great. It'll free us some spots, and then we'll be able to accept more new prisoners, which will give us more rewards from the Guild of Witches," she smiled as she analyzed a bunch of different statistics written on sheets of paper, scattered a little all over her desk. She did some paperwork with a glass of red wine. Enjoying her night shift. A lot of important work was going to be accomplished tonight. Important sacrifices at the half-way mark of Fall. 

But then, someone knocked at the doors of the warden's office. The knocking took the warden and his assistant by surprise at first. Then, more knocking was heard not too long after. 

"Who could it be?" the warden asked her assistant.

"It's strange. At this time of the night? We are not quite ready for the sacrifices. We won't stop in about an hour," the assistant mentioned to his boss. It wasn't often that guards were coming up to the warden's office to have a chat with her in the middle of the night. The both of them thought it was strange to say the least.

"Ha. It's probably fine. It could be some new employees we recently hired. I reckon that they had a couple of questions earlier about the human and monster sacrifices we are going to do tonight. Perhaps they have more questions," the warden said.

"Good point, ma'am," the assistant replied to her. "You can come inside," the assistant invited the one knocking to come in. Then, the doors slowly opened up. It was a witch. Not any witches. It was the Autumn witch herself, September. She made her way inside, carrying her leafy scepter and not wearing any mask. She swung her hips from side to side when she made it inside of the office and remotely and magically shut the doors behind her. 

"A witch?" the assistant murmured, the kind she was.

"Not any witch. What is she doing here?" the warden stood up behind her oak desk. "It's her. What is happening here?" she said.

"No. You're right. It's September Autumn," he realized. 

"Good night, warden. I believe we never met. My name is September, but feel free to call me the dark mistress of Halloween," she presented herself even though they already knew her name and that they had just mentioned her name out loud. She extended her right arm to the warden. Offered to shake her hand. The warden looked at her hand. Hesitated. She didn't know what to do exactly.

"September Autumn? The last time I heard your name, you were still a fugitive. Running away from the Guild. Did that ever change or get better for you?" the busty warden asked her. 

"Not really. But I hope that even though we never met, that you are still considering me as your Witch Queen," she told him.

"But you are no longer the Witch Queen. You are a criminal," the assistant stepped and shouted at her, ruining her night. 

"How horrible it is of you to say. It hurts my feelings."

"Um… I'm sorry…?" the assistant didn't expect that at all. 

"If I'm the criminal and the fugitive, why are you the ones who do human and monster sacrifices in secret for the Guild of Witches?" The Autumn witch brought up a drastically important point. She knew. She knew about the kind of things they were doing. 

"Ugh…" the warden bit her lower lip. She was frustrated, she knew. "You better leave our prison right now, September Autumn. Otherwise, I'll have no other choice but to call security and to alert the Guild of your presence here," the warden lost her temper on her.

"But you are going to call security and alert the Guild no matter what I do. So, how about I accomplish what I came here to do instead, and choose not to care about your threats?" September asked.

"And what do you want to accomplish, witch bitch?" the assistant fully stepped between his boss and her. Confronting her. 

"You are not annoying. I'll get rid of you first," she replied.

"And how are you going to do that?" the assistant asked.

"Like this," September closed her eyes, hit the floor with the end of her leafy scepter and then, a burst of energy exploded all around them. The burst of energy was silent. Making sure it wouldn't alert anyone. Then, when the smoke began vanishing, there he was, the next Minotaur knight. He stood in front of the assistant. 

"I'm back!" Junk said to him. The assistant fully opened his eyes, realized who it was, and remembered him. Then, the next moment, Junk swung his battle ax at the assistant and sliced his chest in half. Blood splattered a little everywhere on the wall of the office. The man died almost instantly. It was over.

"Ludwig!" the warden shouted, the name of her assistant. 

"Now. Much better. Thank you, Junk," she said.

"No problem, mommy," he said to his precious Queen.

"Please. Stop calling me that. I prefer Queen a lot better."

"What have you done to him? Why? Just why?" she asked.

"He was quite annoying. There. You know why now. I'll be brief with you, warden. We are going to make a deal. You will not be telling anything to the Guild of Witches about my return and my presence here. You are going to stop any sacrifices you are making here. Both human and monster sacrifice," the Autumn witch said to her.

"And why would I be doing something like that?" she asked.

"Because…" Junk moved his battle ax much closer to the warden. "... If you do what I request out of you, I will stop my Minotaur knight from cutting you in a million pieces. Deal?" 


"It's us working together. Do we have a deal or not?" 

"I don't think I have any choice here," the warden mentioned.

"Good. Good. Okay. She accepted the deal, Junk. You can have your way with her."

"What? This wasn't part of the deal?" 

"It is now," the Autumn witch confirmed to her.

"I hate to admit it, but this feels ridiculously amazing!" the warden shouted at the top of her lungs. 

September was gone. 

Junk found himself locked in with the blonde warden, the one that he had such a long history with.

The busty warden had known his entire time in prison. 

She mistreated him a lot in the past and now he was fucking her. 

While she was quite hesitant about getting into sex with her ex-prisoner, she learned pretty quickly that it was the way to go.

The blonde warden was seduced by the boy in the demon's armor. 

He kept his armor on the entire time he had sex with the warden.

Meanwhile, she kept her official warden's uniform on, which was a black and orange military outfit that left very little to be desired. 

Her huge breasts plunged out of the top of her uniform.

A hole had been split apart in the crotch region of her outfit. 

Large enough for him to fuck her pussy all he wished.

Pushing her for mistreating him and unfairly keeping him in the cauldron prison all this time. 

"Ahn! Your cock feels so good, Junk! You know… The more that I think about it, and… Would you be interested in leaving the witch and coming back here? Not as a prisoner, of course, ha-ha. You'd be back but as one of my officers. One of my private officers, if you know what I mean. Ahn!" she offered to him as he fucked the heck out of her. Nearly shoving his balls deep in her. 


"So, you want to join me?"

"... It's so interesting that you think that I'd ever join you!" he swiftly shut her down as…

"Ahn! Oh my God!" her ex-prisoner suddenly made her come.

After she orgasmed, Junk pulled out of her and ejaculated all over her gorgeous face!

"I came so hard…" the warden erotically murmured. 

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