Harvesting The Witch Queen

Chapter 48: The Venom Queen

Chapter 48: The Venom Queen

Mission accomplished! 

He found her!

She was hiding in a tree. Junk had to look up to discover her there. April was seen, hiding in a large cobweb. The tree she was upon was not burning, but all the other trees surrounding her were. 

"April!" he said her name in awe, so relieved to see her.

"Junk…" she said her name as well. Softer. Colder. 

"What happened to you? What are you doing up that tree?"

"You should not have come for me, Junk. It's over for me."

"What do you mean? What have they done to you? Did they bring you here? Everything is fine now. The demon is dead."

"It doesn't matter, Junk. They replaced him already."

"They replaced him? What is that supposed to mean?" 

"I just told you. I am their new master. I am their new demon lord now," she explained to him one more time, even colder.

"It doesn't make any sense, April. You are not even a demon. Why would they pick you to become their new demon lord?" Then, surprising him as she sensually moved her head around, so he could see her neck better, he made him see her vampire bite marks. The purple venom-dripping vampire bite marks, the painful wounds that sadly didn't heal since the last time the two saw each other. It was worse. A lot worse. The venom dripped down her neck and accidentally slid into her cleavage. At this point, April was only wearing one piece of clothing, and it was an organic dress made of a spider web. The dress was skimpy, and the Minotaur could easily see most of her voluptuous elvish shapes. Such a beauty. Yet, she had been ensnared by this controlling and paralyzing poison that was the venom. It was still April. But it wasn't at the same time. 

"I am now," she said to the horned beast as she showed him the worsening and dripping poisonous vampire bite marks. 

"You need help, April. That's why I came here to rescue you," the Minotaur mentioned to her. This was all he was hoping to do with her. Help her. Support her. Bring her back to the April she used to be before getting sick after that vile demon lord poisoned her.

"You've made a big mistake coming back here in those woods. This is your last chance to go back into the tower. The surviving followers of Araknar are still here. Lurking around. There are only a few of them now. Most of them are either dead, thanks to you, or fled, also thanks to you. But there are still more than enough of them to finish you, Junk. You might be strong, but even you, have your limits," this darker and colder version of April was doing everything she could to have Junk running away, running for his life, but the beast persisted. He didn't want to go. Junk proved once more that he was indeed a real Minotaur. The man-beast was stubborn as hell. A true bull. Nothing could come between him and what he was attempting to accomplish. He trampled the ground with one hoof. Stomped as a sign that he wasn't going to back off anytime soon.

"Well, if they are still around, bring them on. I'm ready to take all of them. Especially if it means that I can come back to the tower with you in my arms," the brave Minotaur replied.

"Junk?" This caused the darker and colder version of April to blush. She was shocked by his devotion to find and save her. 

"There is no time to waste, April. We have to get the hell out of here. The woods are burning. You won't survive on your own here if you decide to stay here upon this tree," he tried reasoning with her.

"That's exactly what I am hoping for," she answered him. 

"What? You don't mean by this that you…?"

"Yes, Junk. I want to die here with all the surviving followers of the demon lord. I wouldn't be able to keep living in this world knowing that I am now officially a demon. Go on. Leave. Save your own life. Leave me to perish. That's exactly what I wish," she said.

"You can't be serious now?" he couldn't believe what she was saying to him. He didn't want to lose her. He didn't care if she was a demon or not. To him, she was still April and no one or nothing else. He had a serious problem with the fact that she wanted to end her life. This simply didn't compute with Junk. Not now. Not ever. Uninterested in seeing her go like this, the Minotaur stepped closer to the tree she was upon. Then, as soon as he did that, he felt a dark presence all around him. He looked around. It was them! It was the surviving demonic spider followers she had been talking about all along. They were there. Waiting to strike. Forming a trap for Junk. 

"If you don't want to leave, Junk. I will have no other choice, to hurt you to make you understand that you have to go. I don't want to do this, but this is the way you are going to understand that this is over. For me. Continue living your life in my name and in my honor. However, if you need a battle between me and you to understand that. I have no problem making this happen," she told him. She was serious regarding this. She was talking about attempting to murder him in order to make him understand that he had to go. 

"April? I don't want to battle you. This is nuts," he told her.

"April?" she asked him. She then jumped off the tree that had just now started to burn just like all the rest of the trees in these woods. She beautifully landed on the ground not too far from the Minotaur. She gilded in sensual slow-motion on her way off the now burning tree. "April is long gone," she re-opened her eyes. Looked up at Junk, who she once considered a friend. She made eye contact with him. "I am The Venom Queen," she presented herself to him. 

"The Venom Queen?" he repeated after her, confused. 

"Are you prepared to die here in these burning woods, Junk?" she asked him as she gave him this menacing and cold stare.

"I don't know what kind of demon you transformed you into but I'm not leaving without you," hearing what the Minotaur had to say, the spider followers came out of the woodwork and crawled toward him. With the confirmation, straight from the source, that it wasn't leaving anytime soon, the demonic followers were more than prepared to strike. However, meanwhile, Junk was just as prepared to brutally murder all of them. One after the other with his new magical bronze battle ax he had been gifted by the ancient man-beast. The same battleax that he just took out and pulled out of his back and now carried with both of his strong and muscular arms. Junk was completely surrounded. But he wouldn't go out without a serious and intense fight. He was ready.

"That's it. Come to me, pack of vermin," he told them.

"Don't crawl any closer to him," the changed April, The Venom Queen, said, interrupting them and causing them to stop moving. "He is mine," she continued communicating with them. Hearing this, the spider followers crawled back from the man-beast and came back into the bushes of the woods and vanished for the time being. Their many, many spider eyes could be seen, shining in the darkness of the woods. They were still observing the situation unfolding, but they were gone and inactive for the time being. 

Then, The Venom Queen slowly and sensually walked toward Junk. She was intimating. She was confident and prepared. 

"April. I don't want to hurt you," he warned her, again.

"I will kill you and keep your head as my trophy," she said.

"Well, then… I guess it leaves me no other choice," he replied.

"Which is?" she asked him as she continued charging at him. 

"I'll have to fuck the devil out of you to get you back to your normal self. Literally," Junk announced to her as she charged at him and attempted to bite his neck, exactly just like the vampire demon lord did to her not too long ago. Which had the effect of turning her. However, as soon as she heard what the Minotaur had to say to her and announced to her that he was plotting on banging her in the middle of their confrontation, right before the fight truly began, she was taken back. It interrupted her. She paused. Stopped moving for a few seconds. She stopped right when she was about to successfully bite his neck. She blushed and cocked her head after pausing.

"Huh? Did I hear right? Or did you just say that you were going to fuck me instead of battling me?"  she asked him as she grew deeply confused and worried that it was truly what he had just said to her. She was prepared to battle a monster. Not be fucked by it. Almost as if she had forgotten what kind of horny beast Junk was before she was turned. The corruption caused by the venom made her forget a little too much, and it all came back to her to bite her in the ass. Meanwhile, during a short, but dreadful silence for her, Junk turned his head to her. Directly looked at her again and smirked. 

"No. You heard right," he grinned even more at her afterwards. Then, at this specific moment, April frowned. Shocked. 

"Uh… Ah! Uh! Um!" the elvish girl turned spider vampire demon was heard moaning and grunting all over the burning woods surrounding the Autumn tower. The evil April was lying down on her back on the ground. In the dirt. The Minotaur was coming in and out of her at what appeared to be the speed of light. Banging her missionary style. Giving her everything, she was required to get back to her normal self. The beast was literally fucking the venom out of her veins. Doing so at the same time as the woods were, unfortunately, succumbing to a disastrous fire. Some demonic spider followers remained hidden in the woods to watch the Minotaur banging her (the most perverted, along with them), but a big portion of the surviving followers had already felt by now. For starters, the new master they had to replace, Araknar, wasn't on the winning side at the moment. Second, they were all going to die if they stayed. The fire was getting worse and worse. The loyal and perverted stayed. That was it. 

Evil April's body was constantly shaking. Her big tits bouncing up and down as she was pinned down to the dirty ground. Her back and her large, soft butt were all digging into the muddy ground. She couldn't escape the Minotaur. She couldn't go anywhere. She was at his mercy. She tried fighting him and resisting him at first, but a few thrusts  in and her elvish body was already beginning to remember the cock of the horned beast. Even though she had mentally and spiritually changed because of the corruption of the venom, her body didn't do too much. At least, not yet. She still instinctively recognized his bull's penis. Her wet and young pussy did. 

"God damn you, Junk! I can't resist your big and fat cock!" she shouted and moaned for all the surviving and remaining spider followers to hear. Junk was hot and hard for her. He didn't have her in a while with all the events that had been happening. He eventually groped her big elvish tits and massaged them as he fucked her. Pulled on her ultra-sensitive nipples. Making her go absolutely crazy.

"I'm about to come! I'm coming, Junk! You made me remember that we are friends and that we shouldn't fight! Your cock made me realize everything! It's magical! I'm coming! This is it!" April shouted at him as she ultimately felt her powerful orgasm taking over her. The dress made of spider web that had been covering her body this entire time (save for her tits, which Junk had successfully been able to pull out earlier as he began banging her), started decomposing itself as the venom vanished from her veins.

Following her orgasm, Junk ejaculated inside of her. Filling her up. 

Meanwhile, the surviving and remaining spider followers had left. 

April slowly came back to her normal self. 

But the woods were burning.

Soon, Junk and April were entirely surrounded by the flames. 

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